Recognition, Psychology
Vocabulary Service
subject area of
A comparison of spatial frequency tuning for judgments of eye gaze and facial identity Journal Articles
A curved honulo improves your short-term and long-term memory. Journal Articles
A happy story: Developmental changes in children’s sensitivity to facial expressions of varying intensities Journal Articles
A paradox of apparent brainless behavior: The time-course of compound word recognition Conferences
A role for adult hippocampal neurogenesis at multiple time scales: A study of recent and remote memory in humans. Journal Articles
Age-of-acquisition ratings for 30,000 English words Journal Articles
Age-related changes in matching novel objects across viewpoints Journal Articles
Altered development of face recognition among infants born amid the COVID-19 pandemic Journal Articles
Are sex differences in navigation caused by sexually dimorphic strategies or by differences in the ability to use the strategies? Journal Articles
Asymmetrical interference between item and order information in short-term memory. Journal Articles
Automatic face identity encoding at the N170 Journal Articles
Bandwidths for the perception of head orientation decrease during childhood Journal Articles
Cognitive and Neural Effects of Semantic Encoding Strategy Training in Older Adults Journal Articles
Collective music listening: Movement energy is enhanced by groove and visual social cues Journal Articles
Competition between conceptual relations affects compound recognition: the role of entropy Journal Articles
Computational modeling and empirical studies of hippocampal neurogenesis-dependent memory: Effects of interference, stress and depression Journal Articles
Configural Face Processing Develops more Slowly than Featural Face Processing Journal Articles
Congruency effects on recognition memory: A context effect. Journal Articles
Contact and other‐race effects in configural and component processing of faces Journal Articles
Development of visual preference for own- versus other-race faces in infancy. Journal Articles
Developmental changes during childhood in single-letter acuity and its crowding by surrounding contours Journal Articles
Diet alters species recognition in juvenile toads Journal Articles
Different aspects of facial affect recognition impairment following traumatic brain injury: The role of perceptual and interpretative abilities Journal Articles
Different fusiform activity to stranger and personally familiar faces in shy and social adults Journal Articles
Different neural responses to stranger and personally familiar faces in shy and bold adults. Journal Articles
Discrimination of Facial Features by Adults, 10-Year-Olds, and Cataract-Reversal Patients Journal Articles
ERP indices of emotionality and semantic cohesiveness during recognition judgments Journal Articles
Early life stress exacerbates cognitive dysfunction induced by d-amphetamine: amelioration by valproic acid Journal Articles
Effect of adaptor duration on 8-year-olds’ facial identity aftereffects suggests adult-like plasticity of the face norm Journal Articles
Effect of auditory status on visual emotion recognition in adolescents Journal Articles
Effects of aging on face identification and holistic face processing Journal Articles
Effects of aging on identifying emotions conveyed by point-light walkers. Journal Articles
Effects of increased opportunity for physical exercise and learning experiences on recognition memory and brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels in brain and serum of rats Journal Articles
Elastic facial movement influences part-based but not holistic processing. Journal Articles
Electrophysiological evidence for the integral nature of tone in Mandarin spoken word recognition Journal Articles
Emotional expressions reinstate recognition of other-race faces in infants following perceptual narrowing. Journal Articles
Enhanced Salience and Emotion Recognition in Autism: A PET Study Journal Articles
Event-related potentials reveal the relations between feature representations at different levels of abstraction Journal Articles
Exploring children’s face-space: A multidimensional scaling analysis of the mental representation of facial identity Journal Articles
Eye tracking reveals a crucial role for facial motion in recognition of faces by infants. Journal Articles
Face memory deficits in patients deprived of early visual input by bilateral congenital cataracts Journal Articles
Facial emotion recognition of older adults with traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
Facial movements facilitate part-based, not holistic, processing in children, adolescents, and adults. Journal Articles
Females Scan More Than Males Journal Articles
Fitting the child's mind to the world: adaptive norm‐based coding of facial identity in 8‐year‐olds Journal Articles
Functional neural correlates of facial affect recognition impairment following TBI Journal Articles
How strongly do word reading times and lexical decision times correlate? Combining data from eye movement corpora and megastudies Journal Articles
Imprecise singing is widespread Journal Articles
Individual differences in phonological learning and verbal STM span Journal Articles
Individual variability in the semantic processing of English compound words. Journal Articles
Infants’ top-down perceptual modulation is specific to own-race faces Journal Articles
Influence of familiar features on diagnosis: Instantiated features in an applied setting. Journal Articles
Influence of intensity on children’s sensitivity to happy, sad, and fearful facial expressions Journal Articles
Inversion Leads to Quantitative, Not Qualitative, Changes in Face Processing Journal Articles
Is the author recognition test a useful metric for native and non-native English speakers? An item response theory analysis Journal Articles
It’s all in the delivery: Effects of context valence, arousal, and concreteness on visual word processing Journal Articles
Ketamine impairs recognition memory consolidation and prevents learning-induced increase in hippocampal brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels Journal Articles
Knowing by heart: Visceral feedback shapes recognition memory judgments. Journal Articles
Long-lasting recognition memory impairment and alterations in brain levels of cytokines and BDNF induced by maternal deprivation: effects of valproic acid and topiramate Journal Articles
Long-term conceptual implicit memory: A decade of evidence Journal Articles
Long‐Term Memory for Pitch in Six‐Month‐Old Infants Journal Articles
Maternal affect and quality of parenting experiences are related to amygdala response to infant faces Journal Articles
Measuring Change in Somatosensation Across the Lifespan Journal Articles
Melody recognition by two-month-old infants Journal Articles
Modafinil ameliorates cognitive deficits induced by maternal separation and sleep deprivation Journal Articles
Modes of cognitive control in recognition and source memory: Depth of retrieval Journal Articles
Motor and visual codes interact to facilitate visuospatial memory performance Journal Articles
Motor cortical processing is causally involved in object recognition Journal Articles
Name that Percussive Tune: Associative Memory and Amplitude Envelope Journal Articles
Neural temporal dynamics of contingency judgement Journal Articles
Object recognition memory and BDNF expression are reduced in young TgCRND8 mice Journal Articles
One spatial map or many? Spatial coding of connected environments. Journal Articles
Perceptual blurring and recognition memory: A desirable difficulty effect revealed Journal Articles
Perceptual narrowing during infancy: A comparison of language and faces Journal Articles
Personal familiarity enhances sensitivity to horizontal structure during processing of face identity Journal Articles
Phonological aspects of word recognition as revealed by high-resolution spatio-temporal brain mapping Journal Articles
Predictors of medication competence in schizophrenia patients Journal Articles
Probing the face-space of individuals with prosopagnosia Journal Articles
Processes Underlying the Cross-Race Effect: An Investigation of Holistic, Featural, and Relational Processing of Own-Race versus Other-Race Faces Journal Articles
Progressive N170 habituation to unattended repeated faces Journal Articles
Reassessing word frequency as a determinant of word recognition for skilled and unskilled readers. Journal Articles
Receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase sigma regulates synapse structure, function and plasticity Journal Articles
Recognition of Novel Faces after Single Exposure is Enhanced during Pregnancy Journal Articles
Recollection and familiarity for words and faces: a study comparing Remember–Know judgements and the Process Dissociation Procedure Journal Articles
Reduced Tissue Levels of Noradrenaline Are Associated with Behavioral Phenotypes of the TgCRND8 Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease Journal Articles
Reduced adaptability, but no fundamental disruption, of norm‐based face coding following early visual deprivation from congenital cataracts Journal Articles
Reflecting Upon Reflection in Diagnostic Reasoning Journal Articles
Relating brain signal variability to knowledge representation Journal Articles
Remembering ‘primed’ words: The effect of prime encoding demands. Journal Articles
Remembering “primed” words: A counter-intuitive effect of repetition on recognition memory. Journal Articles
Repetition costs in word identification: evaluating a stimulus–response integration account Journal Articles
Rigid facial motion influences featural, but not holistic, face processing Journal Articles
Selective attention and recognition: effects of congruency on episodic learning Journal Articles
Selective attention effects on recognition: the roles of list context and perceptual difficulty Journal Articles
Semantic Learning Modifies Perceptual Face Processing Journal Articles
Shy Children are Less Sensitive to Some Cues to Facial Recognition Journal Articles
Shyness and emotional face processing in schizophrenia: An ERP study Journal Articles
Similarity and difference in the processing of same- and other-race faces as revealed by eye tracking in 4- to 9-month-olds Journal Articles
Social memory and quantity discrimination: A cross cichlid species comparison. Journal Articles
Solving the chicken-and-egg problem of letter detection and fixation duration in reading Journal Articles
Source-constrained recall: Front-end and back-end control of retrieval quality. Journal Articles
Spatial frequency tuning of upright and inverted face identification Journal Articles
Stimulation over primary motor cortex during action observation impairs effector recognition Journal Articles
Superior Identification of Familiar Visual Patterns a Year After Learning Journal Articles
Suppression of neuronal AMPKβ2 isoform impairs recognition memory and synaptic plasticity. Journal Articles
Surviving blind decomposition: A distributional analysis of the time-course of complex word recognition. Journal Articles
Synchrony in the periphery: inter-subject correlation of physiological responses during live music concerts Journal Articles
The Composite-Face Effect Survives Asymmetric Face Distortions Journal Articles
The Interaction Between the Production Effect and Serial Position in Recognition and Recall. Journal Articles
The Lasting Impression of Chairman Mao: Hyperfidelity of Familiar-Face Memory Journal Articles
The effect of early visual deprivation on the development of face detection Journal Articles
The effects of age and divided attention on spontaneous recognition Journal Articles
The female advantage: sex as a possible protective factor against emotion recognition impairment following traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
The impact of team familiarity on surgical outcomes in gynaecological surgery Journal Articles
The relationship between discrimination and memory for spacing and feature changes in houses Journal Articles
The repetition decrement effect in recognition memory: The influence of prime-target spacing Journal Articles
The role of encoding strategies in contextual memory deficits in patients with bipolar disorder Journal Articles
The role of experience-based perceptual learning in the face inversion effect Journal Articles
The “Fat Face” illusion: A robust adaptation for processing pairs of faces Journal Articles
Use of event-related brain potentials (ERPs) to assess eyewitness accuracy and deception Journal Articles
Versatile perceptual learning of textures after variable exposures Journal Articles
Visual scanning and recognition of Chinese, Caucasian, and racially ambiguous faces: Contributions from bottom-up facial physiognomic information and top-down knowledge of racial categories Journal Articles
Visual similarity effects in immediate serial recall and (sometimes) in immediate serial recognition Journal Articles
What aspects of face processing are impaired in developmental prosopagnosia? Journal Articles
When experience meets language statistics: Individual variability in processing English compound words. Journal Articles
Why 8-year-olds cannot tell the difference between Steve Martin and Paul Newman:Factors contributing to the slow development of sensitivity to the spacing of facial features Journal Articles
Word frequency effects in immediate serial recall: Item familiarity and item co‐occurrence have the same effect Journal Articles
Word length, set size, and lexical factors: Re-examining what causes the word length effect. Journal Articles