subject area of
- A Cost-Effectiveness Model Comparing Endovascular Repair to Open Surgical Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms in Canada Journal Articles
- A Model for Assessing the Cost-Effectiveness of Atorvastatin and Simvastatin in Achieving Canadian Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Targets Journal Articles
- A Review of Methods Used in Long-Term Cost-Effectiveness Models of Diabetes Mellitus Treatment Journal Articles
- A Study on Indirect and Intangible Costs for Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis in Singapore Journal Articles
- A Systematic Review of Economic Evaluations in Vascular Surgery Journal Articles
- A comparison between integrating clinical practice setting and randomized controlled trial setting into economic evaluation models of therapeutics Journal Articles
- A multi-echelon supply chain model for municipal solid waste management system Journal Articles
- A probabilistic cost-effectiveness analysis of enoxaparin versus unfractionated heparin for the prophylaxis of deep-vein thrombosis following major trauma. Journal Articles
- A probabilistic cost-effectiveness analysis of enoxaparin versus unfractionated heparin for the prophylaxis of deep-vein thrombosis following major trauma. Journal Articles
- Active Surveillance, Radiofrequency Ablation, or Cryoablation for the Nonsurgical Management of a Small Renal Mass: A Cost-Utility Analysis Journal Articles
- Acute and chronic impact of cardiovascular events on health state utilities Journal Articles
- Adjusting for Baseline Covariates in Net Benefit Regression: How You Adjust Matters Journal Articles
- Alberta Provincial Pediatric EnTeric Infection TEam (APPETITE): epidemiology, emerging organisms, and economics Journal Articles
- An Economic Assessment Model of Rural and Remote Satellite Hemodialysis Units Journal Articles
- Applied pharmacoeconomics: considerations to drive the choice of a prophylactic antithrombotic regimen Journal Articles
- Approaches for Economic Evaluations of Health Care Technologies Journal Articles
- Approches économiques du tabagisme Journal Articles
- Assessing the Impact of Censoring of Costs and Effects on Health-Care Decision-Making: an Example Using the Atrial Fibrillation Follow-up Investigation of Rhythm Management (AFFIRM) Study Journal Articles
- Blended capitation and incentives: Fee codes inside and outside the capitated basket Journal Articles
- Canadian cost- utility analysis of intravenous immunoglobulin for acute childhood idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. Journal Articles
- Challenges for Model-Based Economic Evaluations of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis Interventions Journal Articles
- Changing costs and the impact on RSV prophylaxis Journal Articles
- Clinical decision analysis and model‐based economic evaluation studies in perinatology: A systematic review Journal Articles
- Community or patient preferences for cost-effectiveness of cardiac rehabilitation: does it matter? Journal Articles
- Comparison of health state utility estimates from instrument-based and vignette-based methods: a case study in kidney disease Journal Articles
- Confidence intervals for cost-effectiveness ratios: An application of Fieller's theorem Journal Articles
- Cost effectiveness of a systematic guidelines-based approach to the prevention and management of vascular disease in a primary care setting Journal Articles
- Cost effectiveness of outpatient treatment for febrile neutropaenia in adult cancer patients Journal Articles
- Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Motion-Preserving Operations for Wrist Arthritis. Journal Articles
- Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of a Randomized Trial Comparing Care Models for Chronic Kidney Disease Journal Articles
- Cost-Effectiveness of Pharmaceutical Management for Osteoarthritis Pain Journal Articles
- Cost-Effectiveness of Pharmacomechanical Catheter-Directed Thrombolysis Versus Standard Anticoagulation in Patients With Proximal Deep Vein Thrombosis Journal Articles
- Cost-Effectiveness of the Aerobika® Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure Device in the Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Exacerbations in Canada Journal Articles
- Cost-Utility Analysis of Low-Dose Pioglitazone in a Population With Prediabetes and a History of Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack. Journal Articles
- Cost-effectiveness modeling in rheumatology: toward principles of good practice. Journal Articles
- Cost-effectiveness modelling of recombinant FSH versus urinary FSH in assisted reproduction techniques in the UK Journal Articles
- Cost-effectiveness of 64-slice CT angiography compared to conventional coronary angiography based on a coverage with evidence development study in Ontario Journal Articles
- Cost-effectiveness of Genome and Exome Sequencing in Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder Conferences
- Cost-effectiveness of a shared computerized decision support system for diabetes linked to electronic medical records Journal Articles
- Cost-effectiveness of gemcitabine in stage IV non-small cell lung cancer: an estimate using the Population Health Model lung cancer module. Conferences
- Cost-effectiveness of the Edwards SAPIEN transcatheter heart valve compared with standard management and surgical aortic valve replacement in patients with severe symptomatic aortic stenosis: A Canadian perspective Journal Articles
- Costs Associated with Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agent Administration to Hemodialysis Patients Journal Articles
- Dabigatran versus rivaroxaban for the prevention of stroke and systemic embolism in atrial fibrillation in Canada Journal Articles
- Dental insurance, income and the use of dental care in Canada. Journal Articles
- Determining optimal sample sizes for multistage adaptive randomized clinical trials from an industry perspective using value of information methods Journal Articles
- Direct and indirect costs incurred by Australian living kidney donors Journal Articles
- Do different decision-analytic modeling approaches produce different results? A systematic review of cross-validation studies Journal Articles
- Earlier Initialization of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy Is Associated With Long-Term Survival and Is Cost-Effective Journal Articles
- Economic Evaluation of Bevacizumab for the First-Line Treatment of Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Multiforme Journal Articles
- Economic analysis of continuous antibiotic prophylaxis for prevention of urinary tract infections in infants with high-grade hydronephrosis Journal Articles
- Economic evaluation of allogeneic bone marrow transplantation: a rudimentary model to generate estimates for the timely formulation of clinical policy. Journal Articles
- Economic evaluation of the prophylaxis for thromboembolism in critical care trial (E-PROTECT): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
- Economics and the evaluation of health care programmes: generalisability of methods and implications for generalisability of results Journal Articles
- Eltrombopag for the treatment of chronic idiopathic (immune) thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) Journal Articles
- Enhanced fee-for-service model and physician productivity: Evidence from Family Health Groups in Ontario Journal Articles
- Ensuring sustainable antiretroviral provision during economic crises Journal Articles
- Estimating Health-State Utility for Economic Models in Clinical Studies: An ISPOR Good Research Practices Task Force Report Journal Articles
- Estimating the cost of lung cancer diagnosis and treatment in Canada: the POHEM model. Journal Articles
- Evaluating the Economic Burden of Acute Myeloid Leukemia in Canada Conferences
- Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of anterior uveitis investigation by Canadian ophthalmologists Journal Articles
- Expected Value of Sample Information with Imperfect Implementation Journal Articles
- Financial Incentives of Experience Rating in Workers' Compensation Journal Articles
- Funding Oncology Clinical Trials: Are Cooperative Group Trials Sustainable? Journal Articles
- General population versus disease-specific event rate and cost estimates: potential bias for economic appraisals Journal Articles
- Globally optimal trial design for local decision making Journal Articles
- Harmonization of reimbursement and regulatory approval processes: a systematic review of international experiences Journal Articles
- Health economic evaluation of rivaroxaban in the treatment of patients with chronic coronary artery disease or peripheral artery disease Journal Articles
- High dose rate versus low dose rate brachytherapy for squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix: an economic analysis Journal Articles
Impact of stent diameter and length on in‐stent restenosis after
DES vsBMS implantation in patients needing large coronary stents—A clinical and health‐economic evaluation Journal Articles - Incorporating considerations of resources use into grading recommendations Journal Articles
- Incorporation of uncertainty in health economic modelling studies Journal Articles
- Internal validation of models with several interventions Journal Articles
- Lifetime costs of colon and rectal cancer management in Canada. Journal Articles
- Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound for treatment of tibial fractures Journal Articles
- Minimizing costs for treating deep vein thrombosis: the role for fondaparinux Journal Articles
- Modelling the Cost Effectiveness of Antidepressant Treatment in Primary Care Journal Articles
- Money matters: what to look for in an economic analysis Journal Articles
- Municipal solid waste management planning considering greenhouse gas emission trading under fuzzy environment Journal Articles
- Network vs. Pairwise Meta-Analyses: A Case Study of the Impact of an Evidence-Synthesis Paradigm on Value of Information Outcomes Journal Articles
- On Measuring the Inequity of Financing Health Care in the United States and the Redistribution of Income Through Health Care Financing in Canada Journal Articles
- Optimal sample size determinations from an industry perspective based on the expected value of information Journal Articles
- Optimization of regional economic and environmental systems under fuzzy and random uncertainties Journal Articles
- Oseltamivir for Treatment of Influenza in Healthy Adults: Pooled Trial Evidence and Cost-Effectiveness Model for Canada Journal Articles
- Population-Based Study to Determine the Health System Costs of Using the 21-Gene Assay Journal Articles
- Preferences for outcomes in economic evaluation: An economic approach to addressing economic problems Journal Articles
- Results of a model analysis to estimate cost utility and value of information for intravenous immunoglobulin in canadian adults with chronic immune thrombocytopenic purpura Journal Articles
- Risk selection and cost shifting in a prospective physician payment system: Evidence from Ontario Journal Articles
- Solving the public health care sustainability puzzle. Journal Articles
- Systematic narrative review of decision frameworks to select the appropriate modelling approaches for health economic evaluations Journal Articles
- Temporal Stability of a Cigarette Purchase Task Journal Articles
- The Analysis of Multinational Cost-Effectiveness Data for Reimbursement Decisions Journal Articles
- The Dynamics of Spatial Labor Mobility in the Netherlands Journal Articles
- The Economics of Eradicating Helicobacter pylori Infection in Duodenal Ulcer Disease Conferences
- The Relevance of NEG (the New Economic Geography) in the Context of Migration Presentations
- The Value of Value of Information Journal Articles
- The cost implications of an early versus delayed invasive strategy in acute coronary syndromes: the TIMACS study Journal Articles
- The cost of laparoscopic myotomy versus pneumatic dilatation for esophageal achalasia Journal Articles
- The health impact of delaying direct‐acting antiviral treatment for chronic hepatitis C: A decision‐analytic approach Journal Articles
- The levonorgestrel intrauterine system for prevention of endometrial cancer in women with obesity: A cost-effectiveness study Journal Articles
- Toward more specific and transparent research and development costs: The case of seasonal influenza vaccines Journal Articles
- Transferability of Indirect Cost of Chronic Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
- Understanding naltrexone mechanism of action and pharmacogenetics in Asian Americans via behavioral economics: A preliminary study. Journal Articles
- Universal or Targeted Screening for Fetal Alcohol Exposure: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Journal Articles
- Using inverse-weighting in cost-effectiveness analysis with censored data Journal Articles
- Validity of a demand curve measure of nicotine reinforcement with adolescent smokers Journal Articles
- Value of information methods for assessing a new diagnostic test Journal Articles
- Waste management under multiple complexities: Inexact piecewise-linearization-based fuzzy flexible programming Journal Articles
- When are Pharmaceuticals Priced Fairly? An Alternative Risk-Sharing Model for Pharmaceutical Pricing Journal Articles
- When should an effective treatment be used? Journal Articles
- Would scan, but which scan? A cost-utility analysis to optimize preoperative imaging for primary hyperparathyroidism Journal Articles
- ‘Our healthier nation’? Journal Articles