subject area of
- A comparison of the Miller laryngoscope versus the prototype neonatal offset-blade laryngoscope in a manikin Journal Articles
- Avoiding Clinical Errors With Bedside Echocardiography: A Randomized Clinical Study Journal Articles
- Brief communication: A software solution for reducing startle eyeblink responses Journal Articles
- Cardiac examination and the effect of dual-processing instruction in a cardiopulmonary simulator Journal Articles
- Complex procedural skills are retained for a minimum of 1 yr after a single high-fidelity simulation training session Journal Articles
- Compression force on the upper jaw during neonatal intubation: Mannequin study Journal Articles
- Design and validation of an assessment tool for open surgical procedures Journal Articles
- Development of a finite element/multi-body model of a newborn infant for restraint analysis and design Journal Articles
- Effect of posture on forces and moments measured in a Hybrid III ATD lower leg Journal Articles
- Evaluating the impact of high- and low-fidelity instruction in the development of auscultation skills Journal Articles
- Evaluating the test re-test reliability and inter-subject variability of health care provider manual fluid resuscitation performance Journal Articles
- Evaluation of the Biofidelity of the HIII and MIL-Lx Lower Leg Surrogates Under Axial Impact Loading Journal Articles
- High-Fidelity Simulation Demonstrates the Influence of Anesthesiologists' Age and Years from Residency on Emergency Cricothyroidotomy Skills Journal Articles
- Learning on a simulator does transfer to clinical practice Journal Articles
- Nasal High-Frequency Oscillation for Lung Carbon Dioxide Clearance in the Newborn Journal Articles
- Neonatal nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation efficacy and lung pressure transmission Journal Articles
- Nursing Student Perceptions of Intraprofessional Team Education Using High-Fidelity Simulation Journal Articles
- Rapid paediatric fluid resuscitation: a randomised controlled trial comparing the efficiency of two provider-endorsed manual paediatric fluid resuscitation techniques in a simulated setting Journal Articles
- Simulation Journal Articles
- Simulator Training for Recognition of Murmurs Journal Articles
- Synthetic Torso for Training in and Evaluation of Urologic Laparoscopic Skills Journal Articles