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subject area of
50bp deletion in the promoter for superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) reduces SOD1 expression in vitro and may correlate with increased age of onset of sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Journal Articles
A MultiCenter Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of Remote Ischemic Preconditioning in Major Vascular Surgery Journal Articles
A Test Battery Approach for the Ecotoxicological Evaluation of Estuarine Sediments Journal Articles
A comparative analysis of the Irish post-graduate geriatric medicine training scheme with the European post-graduate curriculum in geriatric medicine Journal Articles
A genome-wide association study of sporadic ALS in a homogenous Irish population Journal Articles
A geostatistical investigation of agricultural and infrastructural risk factors associated with primary verotoxigenicE. coli(VTEC) infection in the Republic of Ireland, 2008–2013 Journal Articles
A mixed‐methods evaluation of the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland Uganda Fellowship Scheme Journal Articles
A novel candidate region for ALS on chromosome 14q11.2 Journal Articles
A simple test for spatial pattern in regional health data Journal Articles
Advance preferences regarding thrombolysis in patients at risk for stroke: a cross-sectional study: Table 1 Journal Articles
Advancing research and practice in HIV and rehabilitation: a framework of research priorities in HIV, disability and rehabilitation Journal Articles
An assessment of the pollutant status of surficial sediment in Cork Harbour in the South East of Ireland with particular reference to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Journal Articles
An ecological study of the spatiotemporal dynamics and drivers of domestically acquired campylobacteriosis in Ireland, 2011–2018 Journal Articles
Angiogenin Levels and ANG Genotypes: Dysregulation in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Journal Articles
Assessing antimicrobial and metal resistance genes in Escherichia coli from domestic groundwater supplies in rural Ireland Journal Articles
Assessing the sensibility and utility of a short-form version of the HIV Disability Questionnaire in clinical practice settings in Canada, Ireland and the USA: a mixed methods study Journal Articles
Assessment of two behavioural models (HBM and RANAS) for predicting health behaviours in response to environmental threats: Surface water flooding as a source of groundwater contamination and subsequent waterborne infection in the Republic of Ireland Journal Articles
Association of the H63D polymorphism in the hemochromatosis gene with sporadic ALS Journal Articles
Attitudes to outcomes measured in clinical trials of cardiovascular prevention Journal Articles
Behavioral pathways to private well risk mitigation: A structural equation modeling approach Journal Articles
Borderline personality disorder: resource utilisation costs in Ireland Journal Articles
Breakpoint modelling of temporal associations between non-pharmaceutical interventions and symptomatic COVID-19 incidence in the Republic of Ireland Journal Articles
Characterization of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli presence, serogroups and risk factors from private groundwater sources in western Ireland Journal Articles
Comparisons of disease cluster patterns, prevalence and health factors in the USA, Canada, England and Ireland Journal Articles
Conceptualising the episodic nature of disability among adults living with Long COVID: a qualitative study Journal Articles
Cool aid? Health, wellbeing and place in the work of Bono and U2 Journal Articles
Cross-cultural applicability of the episodic disability framework with adults living with HIV in Ireland: a qualitative study Journal Articles
Cross-institutional progress testing: feasibility and value to a new medical school Journal Articles
Deliberate Self‐Poisoning, Unemployment, and Public Health Journal Articles
Dementia in older people admitted to hospital: a regional multi-hospital observational study of prevalence, associations and case recognition Journal Articles
Developing a short-form version of the HIV Disability Questionnaire (SF-HDQ) for use in clinical practice: a Rasch analysis Journal Articles
Development of a hierarchical model for predicting microbiological contamination of private groundwater supplies in a geologically heterogeneous region Journal Articles
Doctors' and nurses' attitudes towards neonatal ethical decision making in Ireland Journal Articles
Duel energy CT imaging of tophaceous gout. Journal Articles
Economic (gross cost) analysis of systematically implementing a programme of advance care planning in three Irish nursing homes Journal Articles
Effectiveness of a smartphone application to promote physical activity in primary care: the SMART MOVE randomised controlled trial Journal Articles
Effects of contaminated sediment from Cork Harbour, Ireland on the cytochrome P450 system of turbot Journal Articles
Elevated G2 chromosomal radiosensitivity in Irish breast cancer patients: a comparison with other studies Journal Articles
Employee Mental Health During COVID-19 Adaptation: Observations of Occupational Safety and Health/Human Resource Professionals in Ireland Journal Articles
Episodic disability framework in the context of Long COVID: Findings from a community-engaged international qualitative study. Journal Articles
Episodic disability questionnaire (EDQ) measurement properties among adults living with HIV in Canada, Ireland, United Kingdom, and United States Journal Articles
Evaluating the GHG emissions, land use, and water use associated with contemporary dietary patterns in the Republic of Ireland. Journal Articles
Evaluating the systematic implementation of the ‘Let Me Decide’ advance care planning programme in long term care through focus groups: staff perspectives Journal Articles
Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for prostate cancer: the need for a unified approach Journal Articles
Findings from a pragmatic cluster randomised controlled feasibility trial of a music and dance programme for community dwelling older adults Journal Articles
Gender-Related Differences in Flood Risk Perception and Behaviours among Private Groundwater Users in the Republic of Ireland Journal Articles
Genotoxicity of field‐collected inter‐tidal sediments from Cork Harbor, Ireland, to juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.) as measured by the Comet assay Journal Articles
Geocoding cryptosporidiosis cases in Ireland (2008–2017)—development of a reliable, reproducible, multiphase geocoding methodology Journal Articles
Global Emergency Medicine Journal Club: A Social Media Discussion About the Age-Adjusted D-Dimer Cutoff Levels to Rule Out Pulmonary Embolism Trial Journal Articles
Groundwater source contamination mechanisms: Physicochemical profile clustering, risk factor analysis and multivariate modelling Journal Articles
Heterogeneity of presentation and outcome in the Irish rapid‐onset dystonia–Parkinsonism kindred Journal Articles
How Do Paediatricians Manage Comfort with Uncertainty in Clinical Decision-Making. Journal Articles
How does integrated knowledge translation (IKT) compare to other collaborative research approaches to generating and translating knowledge? Learning from experts in the field Journal Articles
INSPIRE (INvestigating Social and PractIcal suppoRts at the End of life): Pilot randomised trial of a community social and practical support intervention for adults with life-limiting illness Journal Articles
Identifying Novel Data-Driven Dietary Patterns via Dimensionality Reduction and Associations with Socioeconomic Profile and Health Outcomes in Ireland Journal Articles
Implementation of an Advance Care Planning Intervention in Nursing Homes: An International Multiple Case Study Journal Articles
Implications of seasonal priming and reproductive activity on the interpretation of Comet assay data derived from the clam, Tapes semidecussatus Reeves 1864, exposed to contaminated sediments Journal Articles
Intensity-modulated fractionated radiotherapy versus stereotactic body radiotherapy for prostate cancer (PACE-B): acute toxicity findings from an international, randomised, open-label, phase 3, non-inferiority trial Journal Articles
Investigation of water consumption patterns among Irish adults for waterborne quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) Journal Articles
Maternal body mass index and spontaneous contractility of human myometrium in pregnancy Journal Articles
Mild chronic kidney disease and functional impairment in community-dwelling older adults Journal Articles
Modelling COVID-19 severity in the Republic of Ireland using patient co-morbidities, socioeconomic profile and geographic location, February to November 2020 Journal Articles
Pacing in geriatric patients--clinical experience and cost considerations. Journal Articles
Paraoxonase promoter and intronic variants modify risk of sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Journal Articles
Planning for the health impacts of climate change: Flooding, private groundwater contamination and waterborne infection – A cross-sectional study of risk perception, experience and behaviours in the Republic of Ireland Journal Articles
Preconditioning Shields Against Vascular Events in Surgery (SAVES), a multicentre feasibility trial of preconditioning against adverse events in major vascular surgery: study protocol for a randomised control trial Journal Articles
Private groundwater contamination and extreme weather events: The role of demographics, experience and cognitive factors on risk perceptions of Irish private well users Journal Articles
Private groundwater contamination and risk management: A comparative scoping review of similarities, drivers and challenges across two socio-economically developed regions Journal Articles
Private groundwater management and risk awareness: A cross-sectional analysis of two age-related subsets in the Republic of Ireland Journal Articles
Re: “Completed Weeks of Gestation and Risk of Respiratory Syncytial Virus in Late Preterm Infants” Journal Articles
Relationships between Adaptive Behaviours, Personal Factors, and Participation of Young Children Journal Articles
Reliability and validity of a new HIV-specific questionnaire with adults living with HIV in Canada and Ireland: the HIV Disability Questionnaire (HDQ) Journal Articles
Respiratory Syncytial Virus Preterm (32–36 Completed Weeks of Gestation) Risk Estimation Measure for RSV Hospitalization in Ireland Journal Articles
Screening of hypoxia-inducible genes in sporadic ALS Journal Articles
Selecting a Bedside Cognitive Vital Sign to Monitor Cognition in Hospital: Feasibility, Reliability, and Responsiveness of Logical Memory Journal Articles
Sexual counselling for patients with cardiovascular disease: protocol for a pilot study of the CHARMS sexual counselling intervention Journal Articles
Sleep Disturbance in Older Patients in the Emergency Department: Prevalence, Predictors and Associated Outcomes Journal Articles
Sleep to lower elevated blood pressure: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Spatio-temporal evolution of COVID-19 in the Republic of Ireland and the Greater Dublin Area (March to November 2020): A space-time cluster frequency approach Journal Articles
Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Sporadic Shiga Toxin–Producing Escherichia coli Enteritis, Ireland, 2013–2017 Journal Articles
Spatiotemporal dynamics of Escherichia coli presence and magnitude across a national groundwater monitoring network, Republic of Ireland, 2011–2020 Journal Articles
Spatiotemporal epidemiology of cryptosporidiosis in the Republic of Ireland, 2008–2017: development of a space–time “cluster recurrence” index Journal Articles
Subjective well-being amongst community-dwelling elders: what determines satisfaction with life? Findings from the Dublin Healthy Aging Study Journal Articles
Supporting the improvement and management of prescribing for urinary tract infections (SIMPle): protocol for a cluster randomized trial Journal Articles
The antimicrobial resistance profiles of Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from private groundwater wells in the Republic of Ireland Journal Articles
The current status of embolization in renal cell carcinoma — A survey of local and national practice Journal Articles
The effect of renal sympathetic denervation on nocturnal dipping in patients with resistant hypertension; observational data from a tertiary referral centre in the Republic of Ireland Journal Articles
The endocrine disrupting effect of municipal effluent on the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) Journal Articles
Three-year prognosis of depression in the community-dwelling elderly Journal Articles
Unregulated private wells in the Republic of Ireland: Consumer awareness, source susceptibility and protective actions Journal Articles
Vascular Risk Factors, Cardiovascular Disease and Functional Impairment in Community-Dwelling Adults Journal Articles
West of Ireland facial injury study. Part 1 Journal Articles
West of Ireland facial injury study. Part 2 Journal Articles
Women’s contributions to radiobiology in Ireland; from small beginnings…. Journal Articles
Workshop on Comparative Radiobiology and Protection of the EnvironmentDublin, 21-24 October 2000 Journal Articles