Indians, North American
Vocabulary Service
subject area of
Helicobacter pyloriin First Nations and Recent Immigrant Populations in Canada Journal Articles
A molecular analysis of dietary diversity for three archaic Native Americans Journal Articles
A preliminary analysis of the DNA and diet of the extinct Beothuk: A systematic approach to ancient human DNA Journal Articles
A spatial analysis of the determinants of pneumonia and influenza hospitalizations in Ontario (1992–2001) Journal Articles
Aboriginal Mental Health—Moving Forward Journal Articles
Aboriginal Physician Use in Canada: Location, Orientation and Identity Journal Articles
Aboriginal health. Journal Articles
Actinic prurigo: Clinical features and prognosis Journal Articles
Acute myocardial infarction quality of care: the Strong Heart Study. Journal Articles
Addressing the realties of health care in northern aboriginal communities through participatory action research Journal Articles
Amebiasis: a ten-year review of clinical and epidemiological progress in the Saskatchewan endemic area. Journal Articles
An Approach to Improve Dementia Health Literacy in Indigenous Communities Journal Articles
An examination of traditional foods and cigarette smoking as cadmium sources among the nine First Nations of Eeyou Istchee, northern Quebec, Canada Journal Articles
Applying Aristotle's doctrine of causation to Aboriginal and biomedical understanding of diabetes. Journal Articles
Association between the FTO rs9939609 polymorphism and the metabolic syndrome in a non-Caucasian multi-ethnic sample Journal Articles
Associations of the FTO rs9939609 variant with discrete body fat depots and dietary intake in a multi-ethnic cohort Journal Articles
Barriers to accessing the culturally sensitive healthcare that could decrease the disabling effects of arthritis in a rural Mayan community: a qualitative inquiry Journal Articles
Blood and hair mercury concentrations among Cree First Nations ofEeyou Istchee(Quebec, Canada): time trends, prenatal exposure and links to local fish consumption Journal Articles
C-Reactive Protein as a Screening Test for Cardiovascular Risk in a Multiethnic Population Journal Articles
Canada's residential school system: measuring the intergenerational impact of familial attendance on health and mental health outcomes Journal Articles
Canada’s evacuation policy for pregnant First Nations women: Resignation, resilience, and resistance Journal Articles
Canadian Alliance for Healthy Hearts and Minds: First Nations Cohort Study Rationale and Design Journal Articles
Cancer incidence and survival of Saskatchewan northerners and registered Indians, 1967-1986 Journal Articles
Carotid Atherosclerosis and a Reduced Likelihood for Lowered Cognitive Performance in a Canadian First Nations Population Journal Articles
Challenge of home care in remote communities Journal Articles
Child and youth accidents in northern native communities Journal Articles
Comment on “DNA from Pre-Clovis Human Coprolites in Oregon, North America” Journal Articles
Community- and individual-level factors associated with smoking and heavy drinking among Aboriginal people in Canada Journal Articles
Community-Based, Culturally Sensitive HIV/AIDS Education for Aboriginal Adolescents: Implications for Nursing Practice Journal Articles
Contextual determinants of health behaviours in an aboriginal community in Canada: pilot project Journal Articles
Crusading for the Forgotten: Dr. Peter Bryce, Public Health, and Prairie Native Residential Schools Journal Articles
Decolonizing Scoping Review Methodologies for Literature With, for, and by Indigenous Peoples and the African Diaspora: Dialoguing With the Tensions Journal Articles
Dementia Care Knowledge Sharing within a First Nations Community Journal Articles
Dentine-Lead Levels and Dental Caries in First Nation Children from the Western James Bay Region of Northern Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Describing the process of ethical conduct of research in an Ontario-wide First Nations diabetes research project Journal Articles
Determinants of socioemotional and behavioral well-being among First Nations children living off-reserve in Canada: A cross-sectional study. Journal Articles
Determining Tissue-Lead Levels in Large Game Mammals Harvested with Lead Bullets: Human Health Concerns Journal Articles
Developing Management Information from an Administrative Database of Dental Services: Identifying Factors that Influence Costs Journal Articles
Diabetes prevalence, incidence and mortality in First Nations and other people in Ontario, 1995–2014: a population-based study using linked administrative data Journal Articles
Dietary exposure of PBDEs resulting from a subsistence diet in three First Nation communities in the James Bay Region of Canada Journal Articles
Dissolution of Lead Pellets in Saliva: A Source of Lead Exposure in Children Journal Articles
Dorset Pre-Inuit and Beothuk foodways in Newfoundland, ca. AD 500-1829 Journal Articles
Early Childhood Caries in Indigenous Communities Journal Articles
Elevated Dentine Lead Levels in Adult Teeth of First Nation People from an Isolated Region of Northern Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Elevated Levels of PCBs in First Nation Communities of the Western James Bay Region of Northern Ontario, Canada: The Use of Correspondence Analysis to Identify Source of Exposure Journal Articles
Elevated dentine-lead levels in deciduous teeth collected from remote First Nation communities located in the western James Bay region of northern Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Ethnic Variation in Adiponectin and Leptin Levels and Their Association With Adiposity and Insulin Resistance Journal Articles
Ethnic differences in the relationships between obesity and glucose-metabolic abnormalities: a cross-sectional population-based study Journal Articles
Expanding the Circle of Knowledge: Reconceptualizing Successful Aging Among North American Older Indigenous Peoples: Table 1. Journal Articles
Explaining the variability in cardiovascular risk factors among First Nations communities in Canada: a population-based study Journal Articles
Exposure of a Cree Population Living near Mine Tailings in Northern Quebec (Canada) to Metals and Metalloids Journal Articles
First Nation paths to well-being: lessons from the Poverty Action Research Project Journal Articles
First Nations women’s mental health: results from an Ontario survey Journal Articles
Genetic Discontinuity between the Maritime Archaic and Beothuk Populations in Newfoundland, Canada Journal Articles
Giant hydatid lung cysts in the Canadian northwest: Outcome of conservative treatment in three children Conferences
Grannies, Elders, and Friends: Aging Aboriginal Women in Toronto Journal Articles
HIV Testing and Care in Canadian Aboriginal Youth: A community based mixed methods study Journal Articles
HIV testing experiences of Aboriginal youth in Canada: service implications Journal Articles
HLA typing in actinic prurigo Journal Articles
Impact on blood Pb levels of maternal and early infant feeding practices of First Nation Cree in the Mushkegowuk Territory of northern Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Increased mortality among Indigenous persons in a multisite cohort of people living with HIV in Canada Journal Articles
Indigenous mothers' experiences of using acute care health services for their infants Journal Articles
Indigenous mothers’ experiences of using primary care in Hamilton, Ontario, for their infants Journal Articles
Inferior survival among Aboriginal children with cancer in Ontario Journal Articles
Informal Dementia Caregiving Among Indigenous Communities in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Interrelation of saturated fat, trans fat, alcohol intake, and subclinical atherosclerosis Journal Articles
Investigating a theatre-based intervention for Indigenous youth with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder Journal Articles
Iodine status of Eeyou Istchee community members of northern Quebec, Canada, and potential sources Journal Articles
Is Regular Visiting Associated with Lower Costs? Analyzing Service Utilization Patterns in the First Nations Population in Canada Conferences
Isolation of
Candida dubliniensis
in an Aboriginal Community in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Joint initiative on health science programs for Native students Journal Articles
Late Pleistocene Human Skeleton and mtDNA Link Paleoamericans and Modern Native Americans Journal Articles
Le logement en tant que déterminant socio-économique de la santé: Résultats d’une évaluation des besoins, des lacunes et des possibilités (EBLP) de recherche à l’échelle nationale Journal Articles
Lead shot contribution to blood lead of First Nations people: The use of lead isotopes to identify the source of exposure Journal Articles
Low-birth-weight symposium: summary of proceedings. Journal Articles
Lung, breast and cervical cancer incidence and survival in Saskatchewan northerners and registered Indians (1967-86). Journal Articles
Menstrual cycle perturbation by organohalogens and elements in the Cree of James Bay, Canada Journal Articles
Mental health indicators among pregnant Aboriginal women in Canada: results from the Maternity Experiences Survey Journal Articles
Metabolic outcomes after bariatric surgery for Indigenous patients in Ontario Journal Articles
Methylmercury and the health of autochthons in northwest Quebec. Journal Articles
Obesity and Lowered Cognitive Performance in a Canadian First Nations Population Journal Articles
Our strength for tomorrow: valuing our children - Part 7: Aboriginal children Journal Articles
Our strength for tomorrow: valuing our children. Part 7: Aboriginal children. Report of the CFPC's Task Force on Child Health. Journal Articles
Plasma concentrations of persistent organic pollutants in the Cree of northern Quebec, Canada: Results from the multi-community environment-and-health study Journal Articles
Predictors of Research Use Among Staff in Aboriginal Addiction Treatment Programs Serving Women Journal Articles
Prevalence and predictors of subclinical atherosclerosis among asymptomatic “low risk” individuals in a multiethnic population Journal Articles
Prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance and the components of metabolic syndrome in Canadian Tsimshian Nation youth. Journal Articles
Prevalence of overweight and obesity among indigenous populations in Canada: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Primary care intervention to address cardiovascular disease medication health literacy among Indigenous peoples: Canadian results of a pre-post-design study Journal Articles
Problems in search of solutions: health and Canadian aboriginals. Journal Articles
Promoting social health in Northern Saskatchewan Journal Articles
Quality of diet is associated with insulin resistance in the Cree (Eeyouch) indigenous population of northern Québec Journal Articles
RESEARCH BASIC TO MEDICAL EDUCATION: Comparison of Aboriginal and Nonaboriginal Applicants for Admissions on the Multiple Mini-Interview Using Aboriginal and Nonaboriginal Interviewers Journal Articles
Reconstructing Aboriginal Identity and the Meaning of the Body in Blood Donation Decisions Journal Articles
Relationship of Metabolic Syndrome and Fibrinolytic Dysfunction to Cardiovascular Disease Journal Articles
Risk factors, atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular disease among Aboriginal people in Canada: the Study of Health Assessment and Risk Evaluation in Aboriginal Peoples (SHARE-AP) Journal Articles
Selection and Use of Health Services for Infants’ Needs by Indigenous Mothers in Canada: Integrative Literature Review Journal Articles
Serum uric acid does not predict incident metabolic syndrome in a population with high prevalence of obesity Journal Articles
Social disadvantage and cardiovascular disease: development of an index and analysis of age, sex, and ethnicity effects Journal Articles
Source identification of human exposure to lead in nine Cree Nations from Quebec, Canada (Eeyou Istchee territory) Journal Articles
Stigmatization as a Social Control Mechanism for Persons Living with HIV and AIDS Journal Articles
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis: First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Youth Mental Health Journal Articles
The Emergence of Dementia as a Health Concern Among First Nations Populations in Alberta, Canada Journal Articles
The Experience of HIV Diagnosis Among Aboriginal People Living With HIV/AIDS and Depression Journal Articles
The effects of nursing turnover on continuity of care in isolated First Nation communities. Journal Articles
The health of Canada’s Aboriginal children: results from the First Nations and Inuit Regional Health Survey Journal Articles
The historical roots of high rates of infant death in Aboriginal communities in Canada in the early twentieth century: the case of Fisher River, Manitoba Journal Articles
The intradermal reaction in amebiasis. Journal Articles
The overrepresentation of First Nations children and families involved with child welfare: Findings from the Ontario incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect 2013 Journal Articles
The political ecology of health: perceptions of environment, economy, health and well-being among ‘Namgis First Nation Journal Articles
The rise and fall of dental therapy in Canada: a policy analysis and assessment of equity of access to oral health care for Inuit and First Nations communities Journal Articles
Type-specific prevalence of human papillomavirus in women screened for cervical cancer in Labrador, Canada Journal Articles
Understanding and countering racism with first nations children in out-of-home care. Journal Articles
What Is “Elder Abuse”? Voices From the Margin: The Views of Underrepresented Canadian Older Adults Journal Articles
‘Women are supposed to be the leaders’: intersections of gender, race and colonisation in HIV prevention with Indigenous young people Journal Articles
“Below Their Notice”: Exploring Women's Subjective Experiences of Cancer System Exclusion Journal Articles
“This policy sucks and it’s stupid:” Mapping maternity care for First Nations women on reserves in Manitoba, Canada Journal Articles