subject area of
- An AP-1 Site in the Nerve Growth Factor Promoter Is Essential for 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3-Mediated Nerve Growth Factor Expression in Osteoblasts Journal Articles
- Anabolic Processes in Human Skeletal Muscle: Restoring the Identities of Growth Hormone and Testosterone Journal Articles
- Anabolic and anticatabolic agents used in burn care: What is known and what is yet to be learned Journal Articles
- Beneficial Effects of Extended Growth Hormone Treatment After Hospital Discharge in Pediatric Burn Patients Journal Articles
- Bolus Arginine Supplementation Affects neither Muscle Blood Flow nor Muscle Protein Synthesis in Young Men at Rest or After Resistance Exercise Journal Articles
- Burn-induced hypermetabolism and skeletal muscle dysfunction Journal Articles
- Combination of recombinant human growth hormone and propranolol decreases hypermetabolism and inflammation in severely burned children* Journal Articles
- Comments on Point:Counterpoint: IGF is/is not the major physiological regulator of muscle mass Journal Articles
- Conventional pituitary irradiation is effective in normalising plasma IGF-I in patients with acromegaly Journal Articles
- Cortisol Responses to the Insulin Hypoglycaemia Test in Children Journal Articles
- Delivery of Recombinant Gene Product to Canines with Nonautologous Microencapsulated Cells Journal Articles
- Delivery of Recombinant Gene Products to the Central Nervous System with Nonautologous Cells in Alginate Microcapsules Journal Articles
- Effects of growth hormone replacement therapy on levels of cortisol and cortisol-binding globulin in hypopituitary adults Journal Articles
- Encapsulation of various recombinant mammalian cell types in different alginate microcapsules Journal Articles
- Equivalent Hypertrophy and Strength Gains in β-Hydroxy-β-Methylbutyrate- or Leucine-supplemented Men Journal Articles
- Findings and theoretical considerations on the usefulness of the acid-labile subunit in the monitoring of acromegaly Journal Articles
- Growth Hormone Attenuates Tumor Necrosis Factor α in Burned Children Journal Articles
- Growth Hormone Attenuates the Acute-Phase Response to Thermal Injury Journal Articles
- Growth Hormone Research Society Workshop Summary: Consensus Guidelines for Recombinant Human Growth Hormone Therapy in Prader-Willi Syndrome Conferences
- Growth hormone and body composition in children younger than 2 years with Prader-Willi syndrome Journal Articles
- Growth hormone therapy before and after pediatric renal transplant Journal Articles
- HYPERTROPHY WITHOUT IGF-I???? Journal Articles
- Impact of Growth Hormone Supplementation on Adult Height in Turner Syndrome: Results of the Canadian Randomized Controlled Trial Journal Articles
- Increased Expression of Insulin-like Growth Factor-I in Serum and Liver after Recombinant Human Growth Hormone Administration in Thermally Injured Rats Journal Articles
- Kidney growth and renal functions under the growth hormone replacement therapy in children Journal Articles
- Leucine Metabolites Do Not Enhance Training-induced Performance or Muscle Thickness Journal Articles
- Modulation of the Hypermetabolic Response to Trauma: Temperature, Nutrition, and Drugs Journal Articles
- Monoclonal anti-acid-labile subunit oligopeptide antibodies and their use in a two-site immunoassay for ALS measurement in humans Journal Articles
- Nonautologous gene therapy with implantable devices Journal Articles
- Noradrenergic dysfunction in the prefrontal cortex in depression: an [15O] H2O PET study of the neuromodulatory effects of clonidine Journal Articles
- Normal Values of Insulin-Like Growth Factor I and Their Clinical Utility in Adults Conferences
- Predictive Markers for Postsurgical Medical Management of Acromegaly: A Systematic Review and Consensus Treatment Guideline Journal Articles
- Psychiatric aspects of endocrine disorders in women Journal Articles
- Randomized Controlled Trial to Determine the Efficacy of Long-Term Growth Hormone Treatment in Severely Burned Children Journal Articles
- Recombinant Human Growth Hormone Alters Acute Phase Reactant Proteins, Cytokine Expression, and Liver Morphology in Burned Rats Journal Articles
- Sample pre-treatment determines the clinical usefulness of acid-labile subunit immunoassays in the diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency and acromegaly Journal Articles
- Suppression of Immunological Response Against a Transgene Product Delivered from Microencapsulated Cells Journal Articles
- The Effect of Growth Hormone on Gut Mucosal Homeostasis and Cellular Mediators after Severe Trauma Journal Articles
- The effect of short-term growth hormone treatment on growth and energy expenditure in burned children Journal Articles
- The hormonal response to intravenous 5-hydroxytryptophan in bulimia nervosa Journal Articles