Genitalia, Female
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A time-sequence functional analysis of mating behaviour and genital coupling in Drosophila: role of cryptic female choice and male sex-drive in the evolution of male genitalia Journal Articles
Curcumin Can Decrease Tissue Inflammation and the Severity of HSV-2 Infection in the Female Reproductive Mucosa Journal Articles
Effect of radiation and other cytotoxic agents on the growth of cells cultured from normal and tumor tissues from the female genital tract Journal Articles
Evidence for a common mucosal immunologic system. II. Influence of the estrous cycle on B immunoblast migration into genital and intestinal tissues. Journal Articles
Fetal Sex Assignment by Sonographic Evaluation of the Pelvic Organs in the Second and Third Trimesters of Pregnancy Journal Articles
HIV-1 gp120 Induces TLR2- and TLR4-Mediated Innate Immune Activation in Human Female Genital Epithelium Journal Articles
HIV‐1 Infection in the Female Reproductive Tract: Role of Interactions between HIV‐1 and Genital Epithelial Cells Journal Articles
HSV-2 vaccine: Current state and insights into development of a vaccine that targets genital mucosal protection Journal Articles
Hormonal Contraception and HIV-1 Acquisition: Biological Mechanisms Journal Articles
Hormonal influence on HIV‐1 transmission in the female genital tract: New insights from systems biology Journal Articles
Increased prevalence of sexually transmitted viral infections in women: the role of female sex hormones in regulating susceptibility and immune responses Journal Articles
Induction of Innate Immune Responses in the Female Genital Tract: Friend or Foe of HIV‐1 Infection? Journal Articles
Influence of Common Mucosal Co‐Factors on HIV Infection in the Female Genital Tract Journal Articles
Innate and adaptive immunity against herpes simplex virus type 2 in the genital mucosa Journal Articles
Interferon-β induced in female genital epithelium by HIV-1 glycoprotein 120 via Toll-like-receptor 2 pathway acts to protect the mucosal barrier Journal Articles
Isolation of pathogenic strains of Haemophilus somnus from the female bovine reproductive tract. Journal Articles
Letter to the Editor: Comment on Sinnott CJ, et al. Female Genital Cosmetic Surgery Requires a New Rigorously Developed Patient Reported Outcome Measure (Ann Plast Surg. 2020;85(S1)) Journal Articles
Local Delivery of CpG Oligodeoxynucleotides Induces Rapid Changes in the Genital Mucosa and Inhibits Replication, but Not Entry, of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Journal Articles
Low threshold mechanical stimulation of the vagina depresses dorsal horn unit activity in the spinal cat Journal Articles
MR imaging of the female pelvis: current perspectives and review of genital tract congenital anomalies, and benign and malignant diseases. Journal Articles
MUC1/episialin: a critical barrier in the female reproductive tract Journal Articles
Mechanisms of mucosal immunity at the female reproductive tract involved in defense against HIV infection Journal Articles
Medroxyprogesterone acetate‐treated human, primary endometrial epithelial cells reveal unique gene expression signature linked to innate immunity and HIV‐1 susceptibility Journal Articles
NET-EN treatment leads to delayed HSV-2 infection, enhanced mucin and T cell functions in the female genital tract when compared to DMPA in a preclinical mouse model. Journal Articles
Newborn With Persistent Cloaca Presenting With Accessory Phallic Urethra and Ambiguous Genitalia Journal Articles
Novel Role for Interleukin-17 in Enhancing Type 1 Helper T Cell Immunity in the Female Genital Tract following Mucosal Herpes Simplex Virus 2 Vaccination Journal Articles
Onset of sexual maturation in female mice as measured in behavior and fertility: Interactions of exposure to males, phytoestrogen content of diet, and ano-genital distance Journal Articles
Polymeric Immunoglobulin a Receptor in the Rodent Female Reproductive Tract: Influence of Estradiol in the Vagina and Differential Expression of Messenger Ribonucleic Acid during Estrous Cycle1 Journal Articles
Prenatal perfluoroalkyl substances and newborn anogenital distance in a Canadian cohort Journal Articles
Proinflammatory Cytokines and Chemokines - But not Interferon-β - Produced in Response to HSV-2 in Primary Human Genital Epithelial Cells are Associated with Viral Replication and the Presence of the Virion Host Shutoff Protein Journal Articles
Prostaglandin I2 (prostacyclin). Journal Articles
Protective Effect of Probiotic Bacteria and Estrogen in Preventing HIV-1-Mediated Impairment of Epithelial Barrier Integrity in Female Genital Tract Journal Articles
REVIEW ARTICLE: HIV Infection in the Female Genital Tract: Discrete Influence of the Local Mucosal Microenvironment Journal Articles
Role of sex hormones and the vaginal microbiome in susceptibility and mucosal immunity to HIV-1 in the female genital tract Journal Articles
Specific Binding to Differentially Expressed Human Carcinoembryonic Antigen-Related Cell Adhesion Molecules Determines the Outcome of Neisseria gonorrhoeae Infections along the Female Reproductive Tract Journal Articles
The Presence of a Third Party During Breast and Pelvic Examinations Journal Articles
The Role of IL-17 During Infections in the Female Reproductive Tract Journal Articles
The association of crustacean cardioactive peptide with the spermatheca of the African migratory locust, Locusta migratoria Journal Articles
The onset of puberty in female mice as reflected in urinary steroids and uterine/ovarian mass: interactions of exposure to males, phyto-oestrogen content of diet, and ano-genital distance Journal Articles
The reproductive cycle is a pathogenic determinant during gonococcal pelvic inflammatory disease in mice Journal Articles
The role of the local microenvironment in regulating susceptibility and immune responses to sexually transmitted viruses in the female genital tract Conferences