Diabetes, Gestational
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1998 clinical practice guidelines for the management of diabetes in Canada Journal Articles
1998 clinical practice guidelines for the management of diabetes in Canada. Canadian Diabetes Association. Journal Articles
A Social-Ecological Model Exploring Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Screening Practices Among Antenatal Health Care Providers Journal Articles
A culturally tailored personaliseD nutrition intErvention in South ASIan women at risk of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (DESI-GDM): a randomised controlled trial protocol Journal Articles
A framework for understanding how midwives perceive and provide care management for pregnancies complicated by gestational diabetes or hypertensive disorders of pregnancy Journal Articles
A meta-analysis of pregnancy outcomes in women with polycystic ovary syndrome Journal Articles
A randomised placebo-controlled trial of the effectiveness of early metformin in addition to usual care in the reduction of gestational diabetes mellitus effects (EMERGE): study protocol Journal Articles
Altered diastolic function in infants of mothers with gestational diabetes: No relation to macrosomia Journal Articles
Association of the Cerebro‐Placental Ratio With Adverse Outcomes in Pregnancies Affected by Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Journal Articles
Barriers to, and Facilitators of, Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Gestational Diabetes: An Interpretive Description of South Asian Women and Health-Care Providers Living and Working in Southern Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Canadian stroke best practice consensus statement: Secondary stroke prevention during pregnancy Journal Articles
Congenital anomalies of the kidney and the urinary tract: A murmansk county birth registry study Journal Articles
Developing twin‐specific 75‐g oral glucose tolerance test diagnostic thresholds for gestational diabetes based on the risk of future maternal diabetes: a population‐based cohort study Journal Articles
Diabetes during pregnancy and perinatal outcomes among First Nations women in Ontario, 2002/03–2014/15: a population-based cohort study Journal Articles
Diabetes mellitus during pregnancy and increased risk of schizophrenia in offspring: a review of the evidence and putative mechanisms. Journal Articles
Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy across Canada Journal Articles
Diagnosis and management of patients with significantly abnormal glycaemic profiles during pregnancy after bariatric surgery: PRESAGE (Pregnancy with significantly abnormal glycaemic exposure — bariatric patients) Journal Articles
Diagnostic criteria and classification of hyperglycaemia first detected in pregnancy: A World Health Organization Guideline Journal Articles
Do psychiatric medications, especially antidepressants, adversely impact maternal metabolic outcomes? Journal Articles
Dysglycemia and a History of Reproductive Risk Factors Journal Articles
Early Metformin in Gestational Diabetes Conferences
Effectiveness of gestational diabetes treatment: A systematic review with quality of evidence assessment Journal Articles
Effectiveness of metformin to pregnant women with PCOS to reduce spontaneous abortion and gestational diabetes mellitus: a protocol for an overview of reviews Journal Articles
Exploring patients' perspectives of gestational diabetes mellitus screening and counselling in Ontario: A grounded theory study Journal Articles
Fine-tuning of Genome-Wide Polygenic Risk Scores and Prediction of Gestational Diabetes in South Asian Women Journal Articles
Gestational diabetes and pregnancy outcomes - a systematic review of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Association of Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Groups (IADPSG) diagnostic criteria Journal Articles
Gestational diabetes mellitus is associated with adverse outcomes in twin pregnancies Journal Articles
Getting a “SMART START” to gestational diabetes mellitus education: a mixed-methods pilot evaluation of a knowledge translation tool in primary care Journal Articles
Glucose Intolerance in Pregnancy and Offspring Obesity in Late Adolescence Journal Articles
Glucose intolerance in pregnancy and risk of early-onset type 2 diabetes: a population-based cohort study Journal Articles
Group-based activities with on-site childcare and online support improve glucose tolerance in women within 5 years of gestational diabetes pregnancy Journal Articles
How should clinicians interpret results reflecting the effect of an intervention on composite endpoints: Should I dump this lump? Journal Articles
Impact de la chirurgie bariatrique sur le pronostic obstétrical Journal Articles
Impact of Antenatal Care Modifications on Gestational Diabetes Outcomes During the COVID-19 Pandemic Journal Articles
Impact of Noise Exposure on Risk of Developing Stress-Related Obstetric Health Effects: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal Articles
Impact of Prenatal Glucose Screening on the Diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes and on Pregnancy Outcomes Journal Articles
Impact of gestational diabetes mellitus screening strategies on perinatal outcomes: A simulation study Journal Articles
Impact of intrauterine exposure to maternal diabetes on preterm birth: fetal DNA methylation alteration is an important mediator Journal Articles
Impact of previous gestational diabetes management on perinatal outcomes in subsequent pregnancies affected by gestational diabetes mellitus Journal Articles
Impact of the International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups criteria for gestational diabetes Journal Articles
Incidence and risk factors for gestational diabetes mellitus in twin versus singleton pregnancies Journal Articles
Induction of labor before 40 weeks is associated with lower rate of cesarean delivery in women with gestational diabetes mellitus Journal Articles
Lying in the Bed We’ve Made: Reflection on some Unintended Consequences of Clinical Practice Guidelines in the Courts Journal Articles
Management of diabetes by obstetrician-gynecologists. Journal Articles
Maternal Hyperglycemia in Pregnancy and Offspring Internalizing and Externalizing Behaviors Journal Articles
Maternal Metabolic Complications in Pregnancy and Offspring Behavior Problems at 2 Years of Age Journal Articles
Maternal body mass index and pregnancy outcomes: a systematic review and metaanalysis Journal Articles
Maternal weight gain and pregnancy outcomes in twin gestations Journal Articles
Missed follow-up opportunities using a two-step screening approach for gestational diabetes Journal Articles
Optimal timing of labour induction in contemporary clinical practice Journal Articles
Oral Glucose Tolerance Test Results in Pregnancy Can Be Used to Individualize the Risk of Future Maternal Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Women With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Journal Articles
Outcomes in the offspring of mothers with pre-diabetes during pregnancy: a protocol for a systematic review Journal Articles
Periodic health examination, 1992 update: 1. Screening for gestational diabetes mellitus. Canadian Task Force on the Periodic Health Examination. Journal Articles
Pregnancy outcomes in women taking probiotics or prebiotics: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Rationale, design and recruitment characteristics of a large, simple international trial of diabetes prevention: the DREAM trial Journal Articles
Reactive Oxygen Species, Diabetes and Toxicity in the Placenta – A Workshop Report Journal Articles
Relaxin-2 during pregnancy according to glycemia, continence status, and pelvic floor muscle function Journal Articles
Reversal of diabetic-induced myopathy by swimming exercise in pregnant rats: a translational intervention study Journal Articles
Rosiglitazone improves pancreatic mitochondrial function in an animal model of dysglycemia: role of the insulin-like growth factor axis Journal Articles
Screening Accuracy of the 50 g-Glucose Challenge Test in Twin Compared With Singleton Pregnancies Journal Articles
Self-management education among women with pre-existing diabetes in pregnancy: A scoping review Journal Articles
Serum metabolomic signatures of gestational diabetes in South Asian and white European women Journal Articles
Strategies for implementing the WHO diagnostic criteria and classification of hyperglycaemia first detected in pregnancy Journal Articles
Strategies to Optimize Participation in Diabetes Prevention Programs following Gestational Diabetes: A Focus Group Study Journal Articles
Studies to Improve Perinatal Health through Diet and Lifestyle among South Asian Women Living in Canada: A Brief History and Future Research Directions Journal Articles
Study protocol to investigate biomolecular muscle profile as predictors of long-term urinary incontinence in women with gestational diabetes mellitus Journal Articles
The association of red and processed meat with gestational diabetes mellitus: Results from 2 Canadian birth cohort studies Journal Articles
The combined effects of maternal depression and excess weight on neonatal outcomes Journal Articles
The effectiveness of implementing a reminder system into routine clinical practice: does it increase postpartum screening in women with gestational diabetes? Journal Articles
The effects of various diets on glycemic outcomes during pregnancy: A systematic review and network meta-analysis Journal Articles
The genetic risk of gestational diabetes in South Asian women Journal Articles
The prognostic value of the oral glucose tolerance test for future type-2 diabetes in nulliparous pregnant women testing negative for gestational diabetes. Journal Articles
The relationship between maternal body mass index and pregnancy outcomes in twin compared with singleton pregnancies Conferences
Treatment of Two Infants with Cooley's Anemia with Sodium Phenylbutyrate Journal Articles
What accounts for ethnic differences in newborn skinfold thickness comparing South Asians and White Caucasians? Findings from the START and FAMILY Birth Cohorts Journal Articles
[Infertility: A key time to follow a medical nutritional management. Our experience on 78 patients] Journal Articles