subject area of
- A quantitative study of the time course of the reduction in merkel cell number within denervated rat touch domes Journal Articles
- Activation of the CRF 2 receptor modulates skeletal muscle mass under physiological and pathological conditions Journal Articles
- Antigen-induced Lung Solute Clearance in Rats Is Dependent on Capsaicin-sensitive Nerves Journal Articles
- Chemoreflex drive of ventilation in the awake miniature pig Journal Articles
- Cholinergic expression by a neural stem cell line grafted to the adult medial septum/diagonal band complex Journal Articles
- Contractile activity in intestinal muscle evokes action potential discharge in guinea‐pig myenteric neurons Journal Articles
- Contribution of the Distal Nerve Sheath to Nerve and Muscle Preservation Following Denervation and Sensory Protection Journal Articles
- Dopamine antagonist binding increases in two behaviorally distinct striatal denervation syndromes Journal Articles
- Endogenous NGF and nerve impulses regulate the collateral sprouting of sensory axons in the skin of the adult rat Journal Articles
- Endoscopic vidian neurectomy: a prospective case series Journal Articles
- Enhancement of Dopamine-Stimulated Adenylate Cyclase Activity in Rat Caudate after Lesions in Substantia Nigra: Evidence for Denervation Supersensitivity Journal Articles
- Evidence that axoplasmic transport of trophic factors is involved in the regulation of peripheral nerve fields in salamanders Journal Articles
- Expression of NGF receptor and GAP‐43 mRNA in DRG neurons during collateral sprouting and regeneration of dorsal cutaneous nerves Journal Articles
- Failure of intact cutaneous mechanosensory axons to sprout functional collaterals in skin of adult rabbits Journal Articles
- Functional Independence of Layer IV Barrels in Rodent Somatosensory Cortex Journal Articles
- Impulse Activity Evokes Precocious Sprouting of Nociceptive Nerves into Denervated Skin Journal Articles
- Increased NGF mRNA expression in denervated rat skin Journal Articles
- Innervation of intestinal arteries by axons with immunoreactivity for the vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) Journal Articles
- Intense peripheral electrical stimulation evokes brief and persistent inhibition of the nociceptive tail withdrawal reflex in the rat Journal Articles
- Intrathecal administration of substance P in the rat: Spinal transection or morphine blocks the behavioural responses but not the facilitation of the tail flick reflex Journal Articles
- Lack of effect of adrenal denervation on analgesia elicited by continous and intermittent cold water swim in the rat Journal Articles
- Levels of cyclic GMP and cyclic AMP in regenerating forelimbs of adult newts following denervation Journal Articles
- Nerve Dependency in Scarless Fetal Wound Healing Journal Articles
- Nervous Control of Distension-Induced Relaxation of the Porcine Lower Oesophageal Sphincter Journal Articles
- Proceedings: Control of collateral sprouting in mechanosensory nerves of salamander skin. Journal Articles
- Recovery of sensory function in skin deprived of its innervation by lesion of the peripheral nerve Journal Articles
- Reinnervation of the rat touch dome restores the Merkel cell population reduced after denervation Journal Articles
- Relation of Substance P to Pain Transmission: Neurophysiological Evidence Journal Articles
- Role of antral intramural neural pathways in control of gastric emptying in the pig. Journal Articles
- Safety and Efficacy of Renal Denervation in Patients Taking Antihypertensive Medications Journal Articles
- Sensory Denervation Reduces Visceral Hypersensitivity in Adult Rats Exposed to Chronic Unpredictable Stress: Evidences of Neurogenic Inflammation Journal Articles
- Surgical Method for Unilateral, Removal of the Inferior Dental Nerve in the Rat Journal Articles
- Temporal and spatial constraints on the collateral sprouting of low‐threshold mechanosensory nerves in the skin of rats Journal Articles
- The Effect of Surgical Denervation on Dentin Formation in the Incisor of the Rat Journal Articles
- The effects of nerve section and of colchicine treatment on the density of mechanosensory nerve endings in salamander skin. Journal Articles
- The neural dependency of Merkel cell development in the rat: The touch domes and foot pads contrasted Journal Articles
- Trophic Regulation of Nerve Sprouting Journal Articles
- Utilization of the Rat Tibial Nerve Transection Model to Evaluate Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms Underpinning Denervation-Mediated Muscle Injury Journal Articles
- Ventricular arrhythmias in long term survivors of orthotopic and heterotopic cardiac transplantation. Journal Articles
- [Sinus mechanoreceptors showing phasic activity in the rabbit. Comparative actions of noradrenaline and isopropylnoradrenaline]. Journal Articles