subject area of
- A 10-Year Review of Necrotizing Fasciitis in the Pediatric Population: Delays to Diagnosis and Management Journal Articles
- A Case Report of Pneumococcal Septic Arthritis Following a Respiratory and Gastrointestinal Prodrome with Accompanying Literature Review Journal Articles
- A comparison of Biobrane™ and cadaveric allograft for temporizing the acute burn wound: Cost and procedural time Journal Articles
- A prospective, double-blind, randomized, controlled clinical trial comparing standard wound care with adjunctive hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) to standard wound care only for the treatment of chronic, non-healing ulcers of the lower limb in patients with diabetes mellitus: a study protocol Journal Articles
- Airway management using the pediatric GlideScope® in a child with Goldenhar syndrome and atypical plasma cholinesterase Journal Articles
- Case-Based Review of Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (ONJ) and Application of the International Recommendations for Management From the International Task Force on ONJ Journal Articles
- Charcot Arthropathy of the Foot and Ankle Associated With Rheumatoid Arthritis Journal Articles
- Charcot Arthropathy of the Foot and Ankle in Patients With Idiopathic Neuropathy Journal Articles
- Cochrane in CORR ®: Surgery for Rotator Cuff Disease (Review) Journal Articles
- Debridement, internal fixation and staged autogenous bone graft for the management of infected femoral non-union Journal Articles
- Delayed local leg flaps. Journal Articles
- Diabetes: foot ulcers and amputations. Journal Articles
- Diabetes: foot ulcers and amputations. Journal Articles
- Effect of Lid Debridement-Scaling in Sjögren Syndrome Dry Eye Journal Articles
- Efficacy of Hip Arthroscopy for the Management of Septic Arthritis: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
- Fluid Lavage of Open Wounds (FLOW): design and rationale for a large, multicenter collaborative 2 × 3 factorial trial of irrigating pressures and solutions in patients with open fractures Journal Articles
- Gangrena de Fournier en asociación con el uso de anti-inflamatorios no esteroideos: Reporte de un caso pediátrico Journal Articles
- Giant-Cell Tumor of the Appendicular Skeleton Journal Articles
- Gross Instability After Hip Arthroscopy: An Analysis of Case Reports Evaluating Surgical and Patient Factors Journal Articles
- High Pressure Pulsatile Lavage of Contaminated Human Tibiae: An In Vitro Study Journal Articles
- High and Low Pressure Pulsatile Lavage of Contaminated Tibial Fractures: An In Vitro Study of Bacterial Adherence and Bone Damage Journal Articles
- Hip Arthroscopy in Patients Age 40 or Older: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
- Indikation und klinische Ergebnisse der Hautpfropfung zur Behandlung problematischer Wunden Journal Articles
- Infection in Burns Journal Articles
- Insufficient evidence about the benefits of using systemic azithromycin as an adjunct to open-flap debridement in patients with peri-implantitis Journal Articles
- Ligamentum Teres Injuries of the Hip: A Systematic Review Examining Surgical Indications, Treatment Options, and Outcomes Journal Articles
- Management of Xylazine-Induced Soft-Tissue Necrosis: A Review of 20 Cases. Journal Articles
- Management of infected extremity endoprostheses: a systematic review Journal Articles
- Measuring the microbiome of chronic wounds with use of a topical antimicrobial dressing – A feasibility study Journal Articles
- Medical Management of Diabetic Foot Infections Journal Articles
- New perspectives on femoroacetabular impingement syndrome Journal Articles
- Partial debridement is the most commonly reported treatment option for mucoid degeneration of the anterior cruciate ligament: a systematic review Journal Articles
- Periocular Necrotizing Fasciitis Journal Articles
- Strain- and Species-Level Variation in the Microbiome of Diabetic Wounds Is Associated with Clinical Outcomes and Therapeutic Efficacy Journal Articles
- TIME heals all wounds Journal Articles
- The Efficacy of Low-Pressure Lavage with Different Irrigating Solutions to Remove Adherent Bacteria from Bone Journal Articles
- The effect of 22.5 kHz low‐frequency contact ultrasound debridement (LFCUD) on lower extremity wound healing for a vascular surgery population: A randomised controlled trial Journal Articles
- The effect of time to irrigation and debridement on the rate of reoperation in open fractures Journal Articles
- The neurotized groin flap: A refreshing approach to a reconstructive workhorse Journal Articles
- There may be no benefits from using photodynamic therapy and minocycline as adjuncts to mechanical debridement or from receiving treatment from a hygienist in patients undergoing supportive periodontal therapy Journal Articles
- Time to surgical closure of complex infectious wounds: a single-center retrospective cohort study. Journal Articles
- Timing of Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Debridement for Pediatric Empyema Journal Articles
- Transepithelial versus Epithelium-off Corneal Collagen Cross-linking for Corneal Ectasia Conferences
- Treatment of second degree facial burns with allografts—preliminary results Journal Articles
- Using a topical anaesthetic cream to reduce pain during sharp debridement of chronic leg ulcers Journal Articles
- Voice Outcomes Following Repeated Surgical Resection of Laryngeal Papillomata in Children Journal Articles
- What is slough? Defining the proteomic and microbial composition of slough and its implications for wound healing Journal Articles
- Wound bed preparation and a brief history of TIME Journal Articles
- Wound bed preparation: a systematic approach to wound management Journal Articles
- [Descending necrotising mediastinitis: report of two cases]. Journal Articles