Management of Xylazine-Induced Soft-Tissue Necrosis: A Review of 20 Cases.
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PURPOSE: The illicit injection of xylazine has recently been designated as an emerging public health threat. The use of this drug is associated with devastating soft-tissue necrosis that may lead to limb amputation. This study aimed to (1) report cases of soft-tissue injury from xylazine and (2) describe a staging and management algorithm for wounds related to xylazine use. METHODS: A retrospective review was conducted to identify patients treated for xylazine-related soft-tissue necrosis at a trauma center. Clinical cases, treatment strategy, and available outcomes were presented. In addition, a comprehensive literature search was conducted using the keywords "xylazine" and "soft tissue." RESULTS: The management of seven patients with xylazine-related upper extremity soft-tissue necrosis was included, in addition to summarizing findings of five studies reporting on 13 additional cases. These cases were managed with local wound care (2 patients), soft-tissue reconstruction (4 patient), osseous reconstruction (1 patient), and limb amputation (10 patients). DISCUSSION: Acute treatment of xylazine-related soft-tissue necrosis is ideal to minimize morbidity and prevent limb loss. Management strategies of these wounds should be based on the depth of tissue involvement. Superficial ulceration involving the skin and subcutaneous tissue (Stage 1) should be managed with local wound care. Deeper ulceration involving tendons and/or muscle (Stage 2) requires surgical débridement and soft-tissue reconstruction. Deeper ulceration involving bone (Stage 3) requires osseous débridement and reconstruction. Finally, when all tissues in the extremity are involved (Stage 4), amputation is often necessary.