subject area of
- A multicenter observational survey of management strategies in 442 pregnancies with suspected placenta accreta spectrum Journal Articles
- Association of peripartum management and high maternal blood loss at cesarean delivery for placenta accreta spectrum (PAS): A multinational database study Journal Articles
- BPH update: medical versus interventional management. Journal Articles
- Canadian spontaneous coronary artery dissection cohort study: in-hospital and 30-day outcomes Journal Articles
- Clinical course of untreated cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 under active surveillance: systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal Articles
- Cochrane in CORR®: Conservative Management Following Closed Reduction of Traumatic Anterior Dislocation of the Shoulder Journal Articles
- Cochrane in CORR®: Conservative Management Following Closed Reduction of Traumatic Anterior Dislocation of the Shoulder. Journal Articles
- Comparison of the Short-Term and Long-Term Effects of Surgery and Nonsurgical Intervention in Treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
- Conservative management of neonatal cerebral sinovenous thrombosis with coexisting thrombophilia Journal Articles
- Conservative management of type 1A endoleaks at completion angiogram in endovascular repair of infra-renal abdominal aortic aneurysms with current generation stent grafts Journal Articles
- Conservative therapy for chalazia: is it really effective? Journal Articles
- Conservative versus liberal fluid resuscitation for septic patients at risk for fluid overload: A systematic review with meta-analysis. Journal Articles
- Cost Effectiveness and Economic Impact of the KineSpring® Knee Implant System in the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis in Spain Journal Articles
- Efficacy of low-level laser therapy associated to orthoses for patients with carpal tunnel syndrome: A randomized single-blinded controlled trial Journal Articles
- Evidence-based guidelines for the management of abnormally invasive placenta: recommendations from the International Society for Abnormally Invasive Placenta Journal Articles
- Is Nonoperative Management the Best First-line Option for High-grade Renal trauma? A Systematic Review Journal Articles
- Knee arthroscopy versus conservative management in patients with degenerative knee disease: a systematic review Journal Articles
- Letter to the Editor Concerning the Article: The Determination of the Efficacy of Neural Therapy in Conservative Treatment-resistant Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain. Journal Articles
- Mortality and morbidity in acutely ill adults treated with liberal versus conservative oxygen therapy (IOTA): a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
- No. 397 – Conservative Care of Urinary Incontinence in Women Journal Articles
- OARSI guidelines for the non-surgical management of knee, hip, and polyarticular osteoarthritis Journal Articles
- Obstetrical brachial plexus injury (OBPI): Canada's national clinical practice guideline Journal Articles
- Patient With Scald Burn of the Esophagus Journal Articles
- Phosphate is associated with frailty in older patients with chronic kidney disease not on dialysis Journal Articles
- Quantitative Ultrasound Texture Feature Changes With Conservative Treatment of the Trapezius Muscle in Female Patients With Myofascial Pain Syndrome Journal Articles
- Return to Play After Symptomatic Lumbar Disc Herniation in Elite Athletes: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Operative Versus Nonoperative Treatment Journal Articles
- Selective nonoperative management of penetrating abdominal trauma at a level 1 Canadian trauma centre: a quest for perfection Journal Articles
- Self-Management for Men With Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal Articles
- Spontaneous coronary artery dissection managed with a conservative or revascularization approach: a meta-analysis Journal Articles
- Use of Decision Analysis and Economic Evaluation in Upper Extremity Surgery: A Systematic Review. Journal Articles
- Wound Coverage Technologies in Burn Care Journal Articles