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A pilot study of device-assessed physical activity and ecological momentary assessment among adolescent and young adult survivors of childhood cancer. Journal Articles
A pilot study of device-assessed physical activity and ecological momentary assessment among adolescent and young adult survivors of childhood cancer. Journal Articles
Accelerometer techniques for capturing human movement validated against direct observation: a scoping review Journal Articles
Amount and Socio-Ecological Correlates of Exercise in Men and Women at Cardiac Rehabilitation Completion Journal Articles
Arm Activity During Daily Life in Individuals With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Journal Articles
Association analyses of the autosomal genome and mitochondrial DNA with accelerometry-derived sleep parameters in depressed UK biobank subjects Journal Articles
Association between childcare movement behaviour compositions with health and development among preschoolers: Finding the optimal combinations of physical activities and sedentary time Journal Articles
Association of Pain and Steps Per Day in Persons With Mild‐to‐Moderate, Symptomatic Knee Osteoarthritis: A Mixed‐Effects Models Analysis of Multiple Measurements Over Three Years Journal Articles
Associations between meeting the Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for the Early Years and behavioral and emotional problems among 3-year-olds Journal Articles
Associations between objectively measured nighttime sleep duration, sleep timing, and sleep quality and body composition in toddlers in the Guelph Family Health Study. Journal Articles
Associations of pain sensitivity and conditioned pain modulation with physical activity: findings from the Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study (MOST) Journal Articles
Classifying running speed conditions using a single wearable sensor: Optimal segmentation and feature extraction methods Journal Articles
Comparing the Actical and ActiGraph Approach to Measuring Young Children’s Physical Activity Levels and Sedentary Time Journal Articles
Compliance with the 24-hour movement behavior guidelines and the impact of sleep methods among toddler, preschool, and school-aged children enrolled in the Guelph Family Health Study Journal Articles
Detecting Asymmetry of Upper Limb Activity with Accelerometry in Infants at Risk for Unilateral Spastic Cerebral Palsy Journal Articles
Detection of body postures and movements in ambulatory adults with cerebral palsy: a novel and valid measure of physical behaviour Journal Articles
Determining activity count cut-points for measurement of physical activity using the Actiwatch2 accelerometer Journal Articles
Developmental Coordination Disorder and Early Childhood Trajectories of Physical Activity. Journal Articles
Effects of Covertly Measured Home Exercise Adherence on Patient Outcomes Among Older Adults With Chronic Knee Pain Journal Articles
Evaluation of age-related differences in the stride-to-stride fluctuations, regularity and symmetry of gait using a waist-mounted tri-axial accelerometer Journal Articles
Exploring Preschoolers’ Physical Activity and Sedentary Time During Outdoor Play at Childcare: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Supporting Physical Activity in the Childcare Environment Study Journal Articles
Exploring the relationship between resting-state intra-network connectivity and accelerometer-measured physical activity in pediatric concussion: a cohort study Journal Articles
Fatigue and its relationship with physical activity, age, and body composition in adults with cerebral palsy Journal Articles
GT3X+ accelerometer placement affects the reliability of step-counts measured during running and pedal-revolution counts measured during bicycling Journal Articles
Goal conflict and the physical activity intention-behavior relationship: Insights from a study of People's daily experiences. Journal Articles
Health-related Fitness in Preschool Children with and without Motor Delays Journal Articles
Identifying changes in gait waveforms following a strengthening intervention for women with knee osteoarthritis using principal components analysis Journal Articles
Impact of the Childcare Physical Activity (PLAY) Policy on Young Children’s Physical Activity and Sedentary Time: A Pilot Clustered Randomized Controlled Trial Journal Articles
Impact of the Supporting Physical Activity in the Childcare Environment (SPACE) intervention on preschoolers’ physical activity levels and sedentary time: a single-blind cluster randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Inactive Lifestyles Among Young Children With Innocent Murmurs or Congenital Heart Disease, Regardless of Disease Severity or Treatment Journal Articles
Influence of Neighborhood Characteristics and Weather on Movement Behaviors at Age 3 and 5 Years in a Longitudinal Birth Cohort Journal Articles
Longitudinal examination of objectively-measured physical activity and sedentary time among children with and without significant movement impairments Journal Articles
Longitudinal trajectories of physical activity and walking performance by gross motor function classification system level for children with cerebral palsy Journal Articles
Monitoring mobility in older adults using a Global Positioning System (GPS) smartwatch and accelerometer: A validation study Journal Articles
New Insights Into Accelerometer-Measured Habitual Physical Activity and Sedentary Time During Early Recovery in Pediatric Concussion Journal Articles
Objectively Measured Sedentary Time in Youth With Cerebral Palsy Compared With Age-, Sex-, and Season-Matched Youth Who Are Developing Typically: An Explorative Study Journal Articles
Objectively measured physical activity levels of young children with congenital heart disease Journal Articles
Operationalization, measurement, and health indicators of sedentary behavior in individuals with cerebral palsy: a scoping review Journal Articles
Parent’s Physical Activity Associated With Preschooler Activity in Underserved Populations Journal Articles
Physical Activity Trajectories in Early Childhood: Investigating Personal, Environmental, and Participation Factors Journal Articles
Physical Activity and Trajectories of Cardiovascular Health Indicators During Early Childhood Journal Articles
Physical Activity, Physical Fitness, and Body Composition of Canadian Shift Workers Journal Articles
Physical activity in young children at risk for developmental coordination disorder Journal Articles
Predictive Walking-Age Health Analyzer Journal Articles
Preschool to School-Age Physical Activity Trajectories and School-Age Physical Literacy: A Longitudinal Analysis Journal Articles
Resting costs too: the relative importance of active and resting energy expenditure in a sub-arctic seabird Journal Articles
Running patterns for male and female competitive and recreational runners based on accelerometer data Journal Articles
Sedentary Time and Screen-Based Sedentary Behaviors of Children With a Chronic Disease Journal Articles
Self-reported Home Exercise Adherence: A Validity and Reliability Study Using Concealed Accelerometers Journal Articles
Strategies for Dealing with Missing Accelerometer Data Journal Articles
Supporting Physical Activity in the Childcare Environment (SPACE): rationale and study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
The Coordination and Activity Tracking in CHildren (CATCH) study: rationale and design Journal Articles
The Impact of Shorter, More Frequent Outdoor Play Periods on Preschoolers’ Physical Activity during Childcare: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial Journal Articles
The Validity of Gait Variability and Fractal Dynamics Obtained From a Single, Body-Fixed Triaxial Accelerometer Journal Articles
The keys to healthy family child care homes intervention: Study design and rationale Journal Articles
The temporal and bi-directional relationship between physical activity and sleep in ambulatory children with cerebral palsy Journal Articles
Time-energy budgets outperform dynamic body acceleration in predicting daily energy expenditure in kittiwakes, and estimate a very low cost of gliding flight relative to flapping flight. Journal Articles
Understanding physical activity and motivations for children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: An investigation using the Theory of Planned Behavior Journal Articles
Unsupervised classification of Blanding’s turtle (Emydoidea blandingii) behavioural states from multi-sensor biologger data Journal Articles
Validation of Accelerometer Prediction Equations in Children with Chronic Disease Journal Articles
Validation of parent-reported physical activity and sedentary time by accelerometry in young children Journal Articles
Validation of physical activity levels from shank-placed Axivity AX6 accelerometers in older adults Journal Articles
Walking-Age Analyzer for Healthcare Applications Journal Articles