Christopher L E Swartz
Professor, Chemical Engineering

Dr. Christopher Swartz is Professor and ArcelorMittal Dofasco Chair in Process Automation and Information Technology in the Department of Chemical Engineering at McMaster University. After completing a Ph.D. in chemical engineering degree at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, he joined Simulation Sciences Inc., and served thereafter as a faculty member at the University of Cape Town for 11 years before joining McMaster University in 2000. He was a Visiting Associate at the California Institute of Technology in 1992 and a Senior Visiting Fellow at Imperial College, London, in 1999. His research focus is on applied optimization in process operations and design, with research thrusts including design for dynamic performance, dynamic real-time optimization, and planning, scheduling and supply chain optimization. Most of his research projects enjoy industrial interaction through the McMaster Advanced Control Consortium of which he has been Director for the past 10 years.
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