selected scholarly activity
- CPS-Based Approach to Improve Management of Heavy Construction Projects. 89-105. 2020
- Human-in-the-Loop Cyber-Physical Systems for Construction Safety. 161-173. 2020
- R&D Investment and Impact in the Global Construction Industry. 60-80. 2014
- Tool Condition Monitoring in Machining. Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing. 55-82. 2006
- Variable Speed Limits Control for Smart Work Zone with Connected Vehicles. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (IAARC). 1120-1127. 2024
- Advancing Travel Time Prediction in Intelligent Transportation Systems Through Leaning-Based Uncertainty Quantification. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Smart Mobility, SM 2024. 165-170. 2024
- Learning Assisted Simulation-Optimization Framework for Resilient Freight Transport Corridors. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Smart Mobility, SM 2024. 159-164. 2024
- Assessment of the Impact of Network Infrastructure Failure on Infrastructure-supported vs. Infrastructure-Less V2X Systems. 2023 IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC). 2030-2037. 2023
- Using Deep Learning for Assessment of Workers' Stress and Overload. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (IAARC). 872-877. 2020
- Freeway work zone traffic state estimation with fault diagnosis. Computing in Construction. 40-47. 2019
- Fault-tolerant variable speed limit control for freeway work zone. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2019
- Modeling and Simulation of an Autonomous-capable Electrified Vehicle: A Review. 2018 IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC). 1-7. 2018
- Evaluating reinforcement learning state representations for adaptive traffic signal control. Procedia Computer Science. 26-33. 2018
- Evaluating the Generalization of Actor–Critic Traffic Signal Control 2018
- Optimal Variable Speed Limit Control under Connected Work Zone and Connected Vehicle Environment. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (IAARC). 997-1004. 2017
- A Comprehensive Spatio-Temporal Network-Based Model for Dynamic Risk Analysis on Struck-by-Equipment Hazard. Computing in Civil Engineering 2017. 384-391. 2017
- Smart Tracking of Highway Construction Projects. Computing in Civil Engineering 2017. 187-195. 2017
- Time-Cuboid Model with Reduced False Alarms for Construction Safety. Construction Research Congress 2016. 2995-3004. 2016
- Employing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) to Enhance building Roof Inspection Practices: A Case Study. Proceedings, Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering. 296-305. 2016
- Battery characterization and state-of-charge prediction for different journey conditions with the help of the "journey mapping" concept. IECON 2015 - 41ST ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS SOCIETY. 3683-3688. 2015
- “Journey Mapping” - a new approach for defining automotive drive cycles. 2015 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC). 2015
- Scheduling optimization of linear projects considering spatio-temporal constraints 2015
- Spatio-Temporal Progress Estimation for Highway Construction. COMPUTING IN CIVIL ENGINEERING. 541-548. 2013
- Gis-based resource integrated progress tracking for construction projects using spatio-temporal data. Proceedings, Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering. 387-396. 2013
- Microsimulation-based impact assessment of the Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) system for work zone safety. Proceedings, Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering. 3034-3043. 2013
- Construction work zone Traffic Management using Connected Vehicle Systems. Proceedings, Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering. 1787-1796. 2012
- Retrofit of structural steel columns using FRP-concrete composite systems. Proceedings, Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering. 3067-3076. 2012
- Go/No-Go decisions for BOT projects. Proceedings, Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering. 2359-2368. 2011
- Using reference RFID tags for calibrating the estimated locations of construction materials. Automation in Construction. 677-685. 2011
- Belief Function Based Algorithm for Material Detection and Tracking in Construction. BELIEF 2010 : Workshop on the Theory of Belief Functions. CDROM-6 pages. 2010
- Multisensor data fusion: Antecedents and directions. 2009 3rd International Conference on Signals, Circuits and Systems (SCS). 1-6. 2009
- A Data Fusion Model for Location Estimation in Construction. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (IAARC). 429-436. 2009
- Multisensor Data Fusion: Antecedents and Directions. 2009 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SIGNALS, CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS (SCS 2009). 46-51. 2009
- Real world implementation of belief function theory to detect dislocation of materials in construction. Fusion Journal. 748-755. 2009
- Field trial of automated material tracking in construction. Canadian Society for Civil Engineering - Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering 2008 - "Partnership for Innovation". 1503-1511. 2008
- Models For Locating RFID Nodes 2006
- 3D Finite Element Analysis for the High Speed Machining of Hardened Steel. Manufacturing. 201-209. 2002
- Qualitative traffic analysis using image processing and time-delayed neural network. Proceedings. The IEEE 5th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 55-60. 2002
- Smartphone Construction Safety Awareness System: A Cyber-Physical System Approach
- Traffic-Flow Characteristics of Cooperative vs. Autonomous Automated Vehicles
journal articles
- A Network-Based, Data-Driven Methodology for Identifying and Ranking Freight Bottlenecks. Data Science for Transportation. 6:20. 2024
- Cycle Maximum Queue Length Estimation: An Integrated Deep Learning and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System Framework. IEEE Access. 12:166564-166587. 2024
- Edge Video Analytics: A Survey on Applications, Systems and Enabling Techniques. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. 25:2951-2982. 2023
- Adoption patterns of autonomous technologies in Logistics: evidence for Niagara Region. Transportation Letters. 14:685-696. 2022
- Fault-Tolerant Control of Variable Speed Limits for Freeway Work Zone With Recurrent Sensor Faults. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 23:10815-10826. 2022
- Perceived barriers to the movement of goods in Canada: A grounded theory investigation. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 162:27-45. 2022
- Transportation data visualization with a focus on freight: a literature review. Transportation Planning and Technology. 45:358-401. 2022
- Applications of machine learning methods in port operations – A systematic literature review. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 161:102722-102722. 2022
- Factors Affecting Driving Cessation of Older Adults and Their Satisfaction with Mobility Options. Transportation Research Record. 2676:315-324. 2022
- System Optimization of Shared Mobility in Suburban Contexts. Sustainability. 14:876-876. 2022
- Older adults and their willingness to use semi and fully autonomous vehicles: A structural equation analysis. Journal of Transport Geography. 95:103133-103133. 2021
- Exploring the determinants of older adults’ susceptibility to pedestrians’ incidents. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 155:106100-106100. 2021
- A systematic assessment of the use of opponent variables, data subsetting and hierarchical specification in two-party crash severity analysis. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 144:105666-105666. 2020
- Fault-tolerant control of variable speed limits for freeway work zone using likelihood estimation. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 45:101133-101133. 2020
- Policy Analysis of Adaptive Traffic Signal Control Using Reinforcement Learning. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering. 34. 2020
- Network-Based Safety Leading Indicators for Safety Risk Analysis in Construction. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. 63:1787-1791. 2019
- An Open-Source Framework for Adaptive Traffic Signal Control. arXiv:1909.00395 [cs, eess]. 2019
- An Open-Source Framework for Adaptive Traffic Signal Control. arXiv:1909.00395 [cs, eess]. 2019
- Asynchronous n-step Q-learning adaptive traffic signal control. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. 23:319-331. 2019
- Evaluating Reinforcement Learning State Representations for Adaptive Traffic Signal Control. International Journal of Traffic and Transportation Management. 01. 2019
- A Review of Social, Physiological, and Cognitive Factors Affecting Construction Safety. ISARC Proceedings. 317-323. 2019
- A Cognitive Advanced Driver Assistance Systems Architecture for Autonomous-Capable Electrified Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification. 5:48-58. 2019
- Variable Speed Limit for Freeway Work Zone with Capacity Drop Using Discrete-Time Sliding Mode Control. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering. 33. 2019
- Integrated and Automated Systems for Safe Construction Sites. Professional safety. 64:41-45. 2019
- A review of autonomous vehicle technology landscape. International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles. 11:320-320. 2019
- Artificial neural network based adaptive control for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles. 11:127-127. 2019
- Artificial neural network based adaptive control for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles. 11:127-127. 2019
- Factors That Influence Older Canadians’ Preferences for using Autonomous Vehicle Technology: A Structural Equation Analysis. Transportation Research Record. 2673:469-480. 2019
- Traffic capacity implications of automated vehicles mixed with regular vehicles. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. 22:244-262. 2018
- Spatiotemporal Network-Based Model for Dynamic Risk Analysis on Struck-by-Equipment Hazard. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering. 32. 2018
- Optimizing the number and locations of freeway roadside equipment units for travel time estimation in a connected vehicle environment. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. 21:296-309. 2017
- Study on the dynamic safety risk of struck-by-equipment hazard: risk analysis, prediction and safety performance evaluation. 6th CSCE-CRC International Construction Specialty Conference 2017 - Held as Part of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Annual Conference and General Meeting 2017. 2:1345-1354. 2017
- Uncertainty-Aware Linear Schedule Optimization: A Space-Time Constraint-Satisfaction Approach. Journal of construction engineering and management. 143. 2017
- Mapping the Vulnerability of Asthmatic Allergy Prevalence Based on Environmental Characteristics through Fuzzy Spatial Association Rule Mining. Journal of Environmental Informatics. 28:1-10-10-1-10-10. 2017
- 'Journey Mapping', re-defined drive cycle: an accurate vehicle performance prediction tool. International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles. 9:169-169. 2017
- 'Journey Mapping', re-defined drive cycle: an accurate vehicle performance prediction tool. International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles. 9:169-169. 2017
- Journey Mapping—A New Approach for Defining Automotive Drive Cycles. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. 52:5121-5129. 2016
- Two 4D Models Effective in Reducing False Alarms for Struck-by-Equipment Hazard Prevention. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering. 30. 2016
- Using a Deep Reinforcement Learning Agent for Traffic Signal Control. arXiv:1611.01142 [cs]. 2016
- Erratum. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. 20:485-485. 2016
- An Integrated INS-GPS-Raspberry Pi System Using the Time-Sphere Model for Real-Time Identification of Struck-by-Equipment Hazard. ISARC Proceedings. 1032-1040. 2016
- Assessing the Potential Impacts of Connected Vehicles: Mobility, Environmental, and Safety Perspectives. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. 20:229-243. 2016
- Impact of Connected Vehicle on Work Zone Network Safety through Dynamic Route Guidance. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering. 30. 2016
- Low False Alarm Rate Model for Unsafe-Proximity Detection in Construction. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering. 30. 2016
- A GIS-Based Integer Programming Approach for the Location of Solid Waste Collection Depots. Journal of Environmental Informatics. 28:39-44. 2016
- Evaluation of connected vehicle impact on mobility and mode choice. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition). 2:301-312. 2015
- FRP-Confined Concrete Composite Retrofit System for Structural Steel Columns. Journal of Composites for Construction. 19. 2015
- Retrofitting Suburban Homes for Resiliency: Design Principles. Journal of the Urban Planning and Development Division, ASCE. 141. 2015
- An integrated framework to prevent unsafe proximity hazards in construction by optimizing spatio-temporal constraints 2015
- Location-Aware Scheduling and Control of Linear Projects: Introducing Space-Time Float Prisms. Journal of construction engineering and management. 141. 2015
- Options to Bring Design and Construction Experience into the Classroom. Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction. 19:36-40. 2014
- Corrigendum to ‘Multisensor data fusion: A review of the state-of-the-art’ [Information Fusion 14 (1) (2013) 28–44]. Information Fusion. 14:562-562. 2013
- Interval Binary Programming Model for Noise Control Within an Urban Environment. Journal of Environmental Informatics. 21:93-101. 2013
- 3. Minimizing Vehicular Travel Distances to Schools in Communities with Declining Enrolments Using Integer Programming. Integer Programming-Based Approaches for. 46-46. 2013
- Multisensor data fusion: A review of the state-of-the-art. Information Fusion. 14:28-44. 2013
- GPS-less indoor construction location sensing. Automation in Construction. 28:128-136. 2012
- Location-aware resource-driven scheduling. Proceedings, Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering. 1:791-800. 2012
- Dislocation detection in field environments: A belief functions contribution. Expert Systems With Applications. 39:8505-8513. 2012
- RFID deployment protocols for indoor construction. Construction Innovation. 12:239-258. 2012
- Reliability-Based Hybrid Data Fusion Method for Adaptive Location Estimation in Construction. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering. 26:1-10. 2012
- Indoor construction location sensing using low cost passive RFID tags. Proceedings, Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering. 3:2369-2378. 2011
- Data-Fusion Approaches and Applications for Construction Engineering. Journal of construction engineering and management. 137:863-869. 2011
- Multisensor data fusion for on-site materials tracking in construction. Automation in Construction. 19:1037-1046. 2010
- Erratum: An implementation model for automated construction materials tracking and locating. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering. 37:929-929. 2010
- Automated Materials Tracking and Locating: Impact Modeling and Estimation. Construction Research Congress 2010. 41-50. 2010
- An implementation model for automated construction materials tracking and locating. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering. 37:588-599. 2010
- Locating sensor nodes on construction projects. Autonomous Robots. 22:255-263. 2007
- Decarbonization through modal shift using a synchromodal platform: A case study in the Great Lakes. Journal of Supply Chain Management Science. 4:97-113.
- (PDF) Microsimulation based Impact Assessment of the Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) System for Work Zone Safety
- Battery characterization and state-of-charge prediction for different journey conditions with the help of the "journey mapping" concept - IEEE Conference Publication
- Qualitative traffic analysis using image processing and time-delayed neural network - IEEE Conference Publication
- Spatio-Temporal Progress Estimation for Highway Construction \textbar Computing in Civil Engineering (2013)