selected scholarly activity
- Galaxy-galaxy lensing with the CFHT legacy survey. AT THE EDGE OF THE UNIVERSE: LATEST RESULTS FROM THE DEEPEST ASTRONOMICAL SURVEYS. 529-532. 2007
journal articles
- Satellite quenching and morphological transformation of galaxies in groups and clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 529:3651-3665. 2024
- VERTICO. VII. Environmental Quenching Caused by the Suppression of Molecular Gas Content and Star Formation Efficiency in Virgo Cluster Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ). 956:37-37. 2023
- VERTICO: VI: Cold-gas asymmetries in Virgo cluster galaxies. Astronomy and Astrophysics (A & A). 675:a78-a78. 2023
- VERTICO. Astronomy and Astrophysics (A & A). 671:A3-A3. 2023
- Erratum: “VERTICO II: How H i-identified Environmental Mechanisms Affect the Molecular Gas in Cluster Galaxies” (2022, ApJ, 933, 10). The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ). 942:56-56. 2023
- VERTICO V: The environmentally driven evolution of the inner cold gas discs of Virgo cluster galaxies. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia. 40. 2023
- Correction to: The cold gas and dust properties of red star-forming galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 518:4536-4536. 2022
- VERTICO. IV. Environmental Effects on the Gas Distribution and Star Formation Efficiency of Virgo Cluster Spirals. The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ). 940:176-176. 2022
- The cold gas and dust properties of red star-forming galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 516:84-99. 2022
- VERTICO II: How H i-identified Environmental Mechanisms Affect the Molecular Gas in Cluster Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ). 933:10-10. 2022
- VERTICO: The Virgo Environment Traced in CO Survey. Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. 257:21-21. 2021
- Ram pressure candidates in UNIONS. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 509:1342-1357. 2021
- From blue cloud to red sequence: evidence of morphological transition prior to star formation quenching. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 509:567-585. 2021
- A new estimator of resolved molecular gas in nearby galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 500:1261-1278. 2020
- The GOGREEN and GCLASS surveys: first data release. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 500:358-387. 2020
- Ram pressure stripping candidates in the coma cluster: evidence for enhanced star formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 495:554-569. 2020
- ‘Observing’ unrelaxed clusters in dark matter simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 490:773-783. 2019
- Smaller stellar disc scale lengths in rich environments. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 489:2216-2226. 2019
- Linking bar- and interaction-driven molecular gas concentration with centrally enhanced star formation in EDGE–CALIFA galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 484:5192-5211. 2019
- The Detailed Science Case for the Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer, 2019 edition 2019
- Quenching Low-mass Satellite Galaxies: Evidence for a Threshold ICM Density. The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ). 873:42-42. 2019
- The trajectories of galaxies in groups: mass-loss and preprocessing. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 483:235-248. 2019
- Red Misfits in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: properties of star-forming red galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 476:5284-5302. 2018
- Connecting optical and X-ray tracers of galaxy cluster relaxation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 475:4704-4716. 2018
- Gemini Observations of Galaxies in Rich Early Environments (GOGREEN) I: survey description. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 470:4168-4185. 2017
- Preprocessing, mass-loss and mass segregation of galaxies in dark matter simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 468:4625-4634. 2017
- Evidence of pre-processing and a dependence on dynamical state for low-mass satellite galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 467:3268-3278. 2017
- Uncovering mass segregation with galaxy analogues in dark-matter simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 462:761-777. 2016
- Evidence for a change in the dominant satellite galaxy quenching mechanism atz = 1. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 456:4364-4376. 2016
- Comparing galaxy morphology and star formation properties in X-ray bright and faint groups and clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 455:3628-3639. 2016
- Mass-segregation trends in SDSS galaxy groups. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters. 448:L1-L5. 2015
- The GEEC2 spectroscopic survey of Galaxy groups at 0.8 < z < 1. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 443:2679-2694. 2014
- The pre-processing of subhaloes in SDSS groups and clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 442:406-418. 2014
- Star formation and environmental quenching of GEEC2 group galaxies at z ∼ 1. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 438:3070-3085. 2014
- Do group dynamics play a role in the evolution of member galaxies?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 435:1715-1726. 2013
- Efficient satellite quenching at z∼1 from the GEEC2 spectroscopic survey of galaxy groups. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 431:1090-1106. 2013
- EXPLORING THE DIVERSITY OF GROUPS AT 0.1 <z< 0.8 WITH X-RAY AND OPTICALLY SELECTED SAMPLES. The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ). 756:139-139. 2012
- Substructure in the most massive GEEC groups: field-like populations in dynamically active groups. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 421:3594-3611. 2012
- THE NATURE OF STAR FORMATION AT 24 μm IN THE GROUP ENVIRONMENT AT 0.3 ≲z≲ 0.55. The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ). 738:56-56. 2011
- The Dawn of the Red: star formation histories of group galaxies over the past 5 billion years. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 413:996-1012. 2011
- Direct observational evidence for a large transient galaxy population in groups at 0.85 < z < 1. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 412:2303-2317. 2011
- The colour of galaxies in distant groups. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 398:754-768. 2009
- STATISTICAL TOOLS FOR CLASSIFYING GALAXY GROUP DYNAMICS. The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ). 702:1199-1210. 2009
- The Masses and Shapes of Dark Matter Halos from Galaxy‐Galaxy Lensing in the CFHT Legacy Survey. The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ). 669:21-31. 2007
- First Cosmic Shear Results from the Canada‐France‐Hawaii Telescope Wide Synoptic Legacy Survey. The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ). 647:116-127. 2006
- Cosmic shear analysis with CFHTLS deep data. Astronomy and Astrophysics (A & A). 452:51-61. 2006
- Mass‐to‐Light Ratios of Galaxy Groups from Weak Lensing. The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ). 634:806-812. 2005
- Short exposure astronomical techniques for occultation detection. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. 98:120-127. 2004
- The size of meteoroid constituent grains: Implications for interstellar meteoroids. COSPAR Colloquia Series. 15:23-26. 2002
- Sound from a fireball — distinguishing between the hypersonic shock front and the terminal burst. Planetary and Space Science. 48:921-923. 2000
- No Evidence of Asymmetrically Enhanced Star Formation in Infalling Galaxies in UNIONS. The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ).
- No Evidence of Asymmetrically Enhanced Star Formation in Infalling Galaxies in UNIONS. The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ). Submitted.
- No Evidence of Asymmetrically Enhanced Star Formation in Infalling Galaxies in UNIONS 2024
- Measuring the Effect of Ram Pressure on Star Formation in Infalling Galaxies 2024
- Satellite quenching and morphological transformation of galaxies in groups and clusters 2024
- The Properties of Optical-UV-Selected Rejuvenating Galaxies 2024
- The evolution of galaxy star formation and morphology in groups and clusters with IllustrisTNG 2024
- Satellite quenching and morphological transformation of galaxies in groups and clusters 2024
- VERTICO VII: Environmental quenching caused by suppression of molecular gas content and star formation efficiency in Virgo Cluster galaxies 2023
- VERTICO VI: Cold-gas asymmetries in Virgo cluster galaxies 2023
- VERTICO V: The environmentally driven evolution of the inner cold gas discs of Virgo cluster galaxies 2023
- VERTICO III: The Kennicutt-Schmidt relation in Virgo cluster galaxies 2022
- VERTICO IV: Environmental Effects on the Gas Distribution and Star Formation Efficiency of Virgo Cluster Spirals 2022
- The cold gas and dust properties of red star-forming galaxies 2022
- VERTICO II: effects of HI-identified environmental mechanisms on molecular gas 2022
- VERTICO: The Virgo Environment Traced In CO Survey 2021
- Ram Pressure Candidates in UNIONS 2021
- From Blue Cloud to Red Sequence: Evidence of Morphological Transition Prior to Star Formation Quenching 2021
- The GOGREEN and GCLASS Surveys: First Data Release 2020
- A new estimator of resolved molecular gas in nearby galaxies 2020
- Ram pressure stripping candidates in the Coma Cluster: Evidence for enhanced star formation 2020
- "Observing" Unrelaxed Clusters in Dark Matter Simulations 2019
- Smaller stellar disc scale lengths in rich environments 2019
- Quenching low-mass satellite galaxies: evidence for a threshold ICM density 2019
- The trajectories of galaxies in groups: mass loss and preprocessing 2018
- Linking bar- and interaction-driven molecular gas concentration with centrally-enhanced star formation in EDGE-CALIFA galaxies 2018
- Red Misfits in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Properties of Star-forming Red Galaxies 2018
- Connecting optical and X-ray tracers of galaxy cluster relaxation 2018
- Gemini Observations of Galaxies in Rich Early Environments (GOGREEN) I: Survey Description 2017
- Preprocessing, mass loss and mass segregation of galaxies in DM simulations 2017
- Evidence of pre-processing and a dependence on dynamical state for low-mass satellite galaxies 2017
- Uncovering Mass Segregation with Galaxy Analogues in Dark Matter Simulations 2016
- Evidence for a change in the dominant satellite galaxy quenching mechanism at z=1 2015
- Comparing galaxy disk and star-formation properties in X-ray bright and faint groups and clusters 2015
- Mass segregation trends in SDSS galaxy groups 2014
The GEEC2 spectroscopic survey of Galaxy Groups at $0.8
2014 - The pre-processing of subhaloes in SDSS groups and clusters 2014
- Star Formation and Environmental Quenching of GEEC2 Group Galaxies at z~1 2013
- Do group dynamics play a role in the evolution of member galaxies? 2013
- Efficient satellite quenching at z~1 from the GEEC2 spectroscopic survey of galaxy groups 2013
Exploring the Diversity of Groups at 0.1
2012 - Substructure in the Most Massive GEEC Groups: Field-like Populations in Dynamically Active Groups 2012
- The Nature of Star Formation at 24 microns in the Group Environment at 0.3 < z < 0.55 2011
- The Dawn of the Red: Star formation histories of group galaxies over the past 5 billion years 2010
Direct observational evidence for a large transient galaxy population in groups at 0.85
2010 - The roadmap for unification in galaxy group selection:. I. A search for extended X-ray emission in the CNOC2 survey 2009
- Statistical Tools for Classifying Galaxy Group Dynamics 2009
- The colour of galaxies in distant groups 2009
- The Masses and Shapes of Dark Matter Halos from Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing in the CFHTLS 2007
- Cosmic Shear Analysis with CFHTLS Deep data 2005
- First cosmic shear results from the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Wide Synoptic Legacy Survey 2005
- Mass-to-Light Ratios of Galaxy Groups from Weak Lensing 2005