Gail Krantzberg
Professor Emeritus, Walter G. Booth School of Engineering Practice and Technology

Dr. Krantzberg is Professor of Engineering and Public Policy in the Walter G Booth School of Engineering Practice and Technology at McMaster University offering Canada’s first Master’s Degree in Engineering and Public Policy. Gail completed her M.Sc. and Ph.D. at the University of Toronto in environmental science and freshwaters. She worked for the Ontario Ministry of Environment from 1988 to 2001, as Coordinator of Great Lakes Programs, and Senior Policy Advisor on Great Lakes. In her tenure there she was intensely engaged in binational Great Lakes science and policy venues, including direct interactions with the Great Lakes Commission, the Great Lakes Observing system, president of the International Association of Great Lakes Research, Board Member of the Canadian Water Foundation and Georgian Bay Forever, member of the International Joint Commission’s Water Quality Board, Sediment Priority Action Committee, Indicators Implementation Task Force, and Council of Great Lakes Research Managers. Dr. Krantzberg was the Director of the Great Lakes Regional Office of the International Joint Commission from 2001 to 2005. In 2007, she was appointed as an adjunct faculty member of the United Nations University Institute for Water and Environmental Health and participated in the twinning of the Laurentian and African Great Lakes (principally Lake Victoria). She has edited/co-authored 9 books and published appoximately 200 articles. When not on the job, Gail enjoys family, photography, gardening and peace in the woods.
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