selected scholarly activity
- Plastic Pollution 2023
- The regeneration imperative: Revitalization of built and natural assets 2015
- Responsible Care: A Case study 2013
- Preface 2013
- Great lakes: Lessons in participatory governance 2012
- Preface 2012
- Sediment bioassay research and development 1990
- Advances in Water Quality Control
- Transboundary Lake Basin Management: Laurentian and African Great Lakes
- Nature-Based Solutions to Address the Plastics Problem Biomimicry. 149-160. 2023
- Plastics Nature-Based Solutions and Effective Governance. 1-7. 2023
- Regulating the Export of Plastic Waste in Canada. 144-148. 2023
- The Correlation Between Plastic and Climate Change. 27-45. 2023
- Using Mobile Phones for Environmental Protection in Africa: The Equatorial Africa Deposition Network Case Study. 179-199. 2022
- Great Lakes Revitalization and Renewal. 423-439. 2022
- Section Introduction: Societal Values and Other Human Dimensions in the Science and Management of Inland Waters: For Whom? By Whom?. 417-422. 2022
- Krantzberg, G. 2020. The Great Lakes Remedial Action Plan Program: A Historical and Contemporary Description and Analysis. 2020
- The Collingwood Harbour Story. 2019
- Transboundary Governance in North America More than 100 years of Development, Operation, and Evolution of the International Joint Commission. 158-172. 2018
- Transboundary Lake Governance. 1-8. 2018
- Great Lakes Water Governance: A Transboundary Inter-Regime Analysis. 315-332. 2016
- Practicing Regeneration. 61-88. 2015
- The Neighborhood’s Role in Realizing the Regeneration Imperative. 31-60. 2015
- The Regeneration Imperative in a Changing World. 1-30. 2015
- The Regeneration Imperative in a Changing World. 1-28. 2015
- Collaborative Problem Solving. 103-114. 2015
- Monitoring and Measuring Urban Regeneration. 139-159. 2015
- Practicing Regeneration. 75-102. 2015
- Remedial Action Plans for Great Lakes Regeneration. 115-128. 2015
- Sustainable Brownfi elds Redevelopment: Case Study,. 129-138. 2015
- The Neighborhood’s Role in Realizing the Regeneration Imperative. 45-74. 2015
- The Regeneration Imperative in a Changing World. 15-44. 2015
- Valuation and Job Outlook after Regeneration. 160-180. 2015
- Responsible Care in global supply chains: A case study. 23-46. 2013
- Responsible care workshop: Exploring the effectiveness of responsible care – workshop overview and toolkit. 65-76. 2013
- Responsible care: History and development. 1-22. 2013
- Responsible care’s effectiveness in promoting sustainable industrial performance: A case study in sustainable chemical production and distribution. 47-64. 2013
- Co-Management. 9-21. 2013
- Co-Management. 1-15. 2013
- Governance Reform to Secure Resilience in the Nearshore Waters of the Great Lakes Basin. 135-146. 2013
- Water Co-Management. 1-15. 2013
- Water Co-Management Preface. V-VI. 2013
- The remedial action plan program, historical and contemporary overview. 245-256. 2012
- Effects of Acidic Precipitation on the Biota of Freshwater Lakes. 273-304. 1989
- Governance Reform to Secure Resilience in the Nearshore Waters of the Great Lakes Basin. 135-146.
- Institutional Features of U.S.-Canadian Transboundary Fisheries Governance: Organizations and Networks, Formal and Informal. 156-179.
- Restrictions on dredging as an impaired beneficial use under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management. 117-124. 2007
- Canada/US cooperative efforts for source water protection in the Great Lakes. 2005 Water Quality Technology Conference Proceedings, WQTC 2005. 2005
- Using the burden of evidence approach for sediment management; Case study: Collingwood Harbour. LAKE HURON ECOSYSTEM: ECOLOGY, FISHERIES AND MANAGEMENT. 365-395. 1995
- Spatial variation in sediment toxicity and potential methods of in situ treatment. Verhandlungen der Internationalen Vereinigung fur Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie. International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology. 2036-2042. 1994
- The biological significance of contaminants in sediment from hamilton harbour, Lake Ontario. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 1527-1540. 1992
- Metal accumulation by chironomid larvae: the effects of age and body weight on metal body burdens. Hydrobiologia. 497-506. 1989
- Governance Reform for a Sustainable Great Lakes Future. Proceedings of The 1st World Sustainability Forum. 559-559.
journal articles
- Enhancing Climate Resiliency Through Improving Ecosystem Services in Shoreline Municipalities - Lessons from Canada. Coastal Management. 52:291-314. 2024
- Global centre for climate change impacts on transboundary waters. Open Access Government. 43:362-363. 2024
- Environmental outcomes of climate migration and local governance: an empirical study of Ontario. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management. 15:371-390. 2023
- Guest Editorial. International Journal of Engineering Education. 39:500-501. 2023
- Preface. Plastic Pollution: Nature Based Solutions and Effective Governance. v. 2023
- Preface to the Series. Plastic Pollution: Nature Based Solutions and Effective Governance. iii. 2023
- Reflections on social and organizational dimensions of Great Lakes remediation, restoration, and revitalization. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 48:1517-1519. 2022
- Twenty-First Century Science Calls for Twenty-First Century Groundwater Use Law: A Retrospective Analysis of Transboundary Governance Weaknesses and Future Implications in the Laurentian Great Lakes Basin. Water (Switzerland). 13:1768-1768. 2021
- Evolving Institutional Arrangements for Use of an Ecosystem Approach in Restoring Great Lakes Areas of Concern. Sustainability. 13:1532-1532. 2021
- Early Lessons of COVID-19 for Governance of the North American Great Lakes and the Baltic Sea. WORLD (Oakland, Calif. : 1993). 1:318-329. 2020
- Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: Rapid degradation of the world’s large lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 46:686-702. 2020
- Examining governance principles that enable RAP implementation and sustainable outcomes. Ecovision World Monograph Series. 2020. 2020
- Thirty-five years of restoring Great Lakes Areas of Concern: Gradual progress, hopeful future. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 46:429-442. 2020
- Plastic Pollution in the Aquatic Environment, Why it matters and what we can do about it.. Water Canada. May-June 2020. 2020
- Identifying the groundwater sustainability implications of water policy in high-use situations in the Laurentian Great Lakes Basin. Canadian Water Resources Journal. 44:337-349. 2019
- The destruction of endocrine disruptors in wastewater. 2019
- A comparative analysis of practitioners' experience in sediment remediation projects to highlight best practices. Water Quality Research Journal of Canada. 54:10-33. 2019
- Achievements and lessons learned from the 32-year old Canada-U.S. effort to restore Impaired Beneficial Uses in Great Lakes Areas of Concern. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management. 21:506-520. 2018
- Life after delisting: The Collingwood Harbour story. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management. 21:378-386. 2018
- Remedies for improving Great Lakes Remedial Action Plans: A Policy Delphi study. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management. 21:493-505. 2018
- Revisiting governance principles for effective Remedial Action Plan implementation and capacity building. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management. 21:470-477. 2018
- Feasible policy development and implementation for the destruction of endocrine disruptors in wastewater. Science of the Total Environment. 631-632:246-251. 2018
- Assessing transboundary scientific collaboration in the Great Lakes of North America. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 42:156-161. 2016
- Adaptive Capacity for eutrophication governance of the Laurentian Great Lakes. Electronic Green Journal. 39:1-37. 2016
- Assessing Adaptive Transboundary Governance Capacity in the Great Lakes Basin: The Role of Institutions and Networks. International Journal of Water Governance. 4. 2016
- Building transboundary water governance capacity for non-point pollution: A comparison of Australia and North America. International Journal of Water Governance. 1:111-132. 2016
- The Toledo Drinking Water Advisory: Suggested Application of the Water Safety Planning Approach. Sustainability. 7:9787-9808. 2015
- Transboundary water management: lessons learnt from North America. Water International. 40:183-198. 2015
- Community engagement is critical to achieve a “thriving and prosperous” future for the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence River basin. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 41:188-191. 2015
- Critical forces defining alternative futures for the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence River basin. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 41:131-138. 2015
- Energy as a driver of change in the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence River Basin. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 41:59-68. 2015
- Governance and geopolitics as drivers of change in the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence basin. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 41:108-118. 2015
- Living on the Edge: How we converted challenges into profitable opportunities. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 41:150-160. 2015
- Out of control: How we failed to adapt and suffered the consequences. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 41:20-29. 2015
- Scenario analysis: An integrative and effective method for bridging disciplines and achieving a thriving Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River basin. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 41:12-19. 2015
- The Great Lakes Futures Project: Principles and policy recommendations for making the lakes great. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 41:171-179. 2015
- The Great Lakes Water Quality Protocol 2012: A Focus on the Effectiveness of the International Joint Commission. International Journal of Sustainability in Economic, Social and Cultural Context, The. 11:1-11. 2015
- Thriving and prosperous: How we rallied to confront collective challenges. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 41:161-170. 2015
- Trying hard to adapt to a chaotic world: How complex challenges overwhelmed best intentions. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 41:139-149. 2015
- A review: Building the resilience of Great Lakes beneficial uses to climate change. Sustainability of Water Quality and Ecology. 3-4:3-13. 2014
- Commentary: Climate change adaptive management in the Great Lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 40:578-580. 2014
- Donning our thinking hats for the development of the Great Lakes nearshore governance framework. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 40:463-465. 2014
- A swot analysis of the great lakes water quality protocol 2012: The good, the bad and the opportunity. Electronic Green Journal. 1. 2014
- Policy analysis of China inland nuclear power plants’ plan changes: from suspension to expansion. Environmental Systems Research. 3:10-10. 2014
- The great lakes water quality protocol 2012: A focus on the effectiveness of the international joint commission. International Journal of Sustainability in Economic, Social and Cultural Context, The. 11. 2014
- Great lakes water governance: A transboundary inter-regime analysis. Water Governance as Connective Capacity. 315-332. 2013
- First off the list: the Collingwood Harbour story. Great Lakes: Lessons in Participatory Governance. 257-267. 2012
- Light Rail Transit in Hamilton: Health, Environmental and Economic Impact Analysis. Social Indicators Research. 108:329-350. 2012
- Renegotiation of the 1987 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement: From Confusion to Promise. Sustainability. 4:1239-1255. 2012
- An appraisal of management pathologies in the Great Lakes. Science of the Total Environment. 416:40-47. 2012
- An appraisal of policy implementation deficits in the Great Lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 37:390-396. 2011
- The Lorax Can Win: Using Scenario Building to Create A New Vision and Invigorate An "Activist" Agenda for the Great Lakes St. Electronic Green Journal. 1. 2011
- The lorax can win: Using scenario building to create a new vision and Invigorate An "Activist" Agenda for the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Basin. Electronic Green Journal. 2011
- Renovation and Innovation: It’s Time for the Great Lakes Regime to Respond. Water Resources Management. 24:4273-4285. 2010
- Science-Seeking Behaviour of Conservation Authorities in Ontario. Environmental Management. 45:912-921. 2010
- Book Recommendation: Advances in Water Quality Control. Journal of Water Resource and Protection. 02:995-996. 2010
- Renegotiating the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement: The Process for a Sustainable Outcome. Sustainability. 1:254-267. 2009
- The Great Lake’s future at a cross road. Environment Systems & Decisions. 28:301-305. 2008
- A valuation of ecological services in the laurentian great lakes basin with an emphasis on Canada (vol 100, pg 100, 2008). Journal of the American Water Works Association. 100:131-131. 2008
- A valuation of ecological services in the Laurentian Great Lakes Basin with an emphasis on Canada. Journal of the American Water Works Association. 100:100-111. 2008
- The Great Lakes, a 35th year anniversary: Time to look forward. Electronic Green Journal. 1. 2008
- The Great Lakes, a 35th year anniversary: Time to look forward. Electronic Green Journal. 2008
- The Ongoing Review of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 33:699-699. 2007
- Contribution of the International Joint Commission to Great Lakes renewal. Great Lakes Geographer. 13:26-38. 2006
- Sustaining the Gains Made in Ecological Restoration: Case Study Collingwood Harbour, Ontario. Environment, Development and Sustainability. 8:413-424. 2006
- Toward a “Better Understanding” of the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 32:197-199. 2006
- Science Must Inform Great Lakes Policy. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 30:573-574. 2004
- Keeping Remedial Action Plans On Target: Lessons Learned from Collingwood Harbour. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 29:641-651. 2003
- Ecological Benefits of Contaminated Sediment Remediation. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 174:1-18. 2002
- Restoring Active Participation. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 28:491-492. 2002
- Contaminated Sediment Remediation in the Laurentian Great Lakes: an Overview. Water Quality Research Journal of Canada. 36:351-365. 2001
- Sediment Management: Ecological and Ecotoxicological Effects Must Direct Actions. Water Quality Research Journal of Canada. 36:367-376. 2001
- SEDS: setting environmental decisions for sediment, a decision making tool for sediment management. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management. 3:387-396. 2000
- Identification of cleanup options for contaminated sediment requires a solid mix of pragmatism and sound science.. Environmental Science and Technology. 34:23A-27A. 2000
- Peer Reviewed: Sediment Management: Deciding When to Intervene. Environmental Science and Technology. 34:22A-27A. 2000
- SEDS: setting environmental decisions for sediment, a decision making tool for sediment management. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management. 3:387-396. 2000
- Sediment management: Deciding when to intervene. Environmental Science and Technology. 34. 2000
- Contaminated Sediment Management in the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 25:412-422. 1999
- International Association for Great Lakes Research Five Year Plan: 1999–2004: Work Plan to Achieve the Five Year Plan Objectives. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 25:423-427. 1999
- After More Than Ten Years of Effort, Are Remedial Action Plans Making a Difference?. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 24:485-486. 1998
- International Association for Great Lakes Research Position Statement on Remedial Action Plans. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 23:221-223. 1997
- Research Priorities for Great Lakes Rehabilitation. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 23:239-240. 1997
- The Remedial Action Plan That Led to the Cleanup and Delisting of Collingwood Harbour as an Area of Concern. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 22:469-483. 1996
- Severn Sound Sediment Chemistry and Bioassessment, 1988–1990. Water Quality Research Journal of Canada. 30:635-672. 1995
- Capacity-building for restoring degraded areas in the Great Lakes. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology. 2:1-10. 1995
- Spatial and temporal variability in metal bioavailability and toxicity of sediment from hamilton harbour, lake ontario. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 13:1685-1698. 1994
- Rapporteur's report of work group: Indicators at community or systems level. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 15:283-284. 1990
- Metal concentrations and tissues distribution in larvae ofChironomus with reference to x-ray microprobe analysis. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 19:84-93. 1990
- Accumulation of Essential and Nonessential Metals by Chironomid Larvae in Relation to Physical and Chemical Properties of the Elements. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 46:1755-1761. 1989
- Metal Regulation, Tolerance, and Body Burdens in the Larvae of the Genus Chironomus. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 46:389-398. 1989
- Metal accumulation by chironomid larvae: the effects of age and body weight on metal body burdens. Environmental bioassay techniques and their application. Proc. conference Lancaster, 1988. 497-506. 1989
- The importance of surface adsorption and pH in metal accumulation by chironomids. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 7:653-670. 1988
- The influence of bioturbation on physical, chemical and biological parameters in aquatic environments: a review. Deep Sea Research Part B. Oceanographic Literature Review. 33:257-257. 1986
- Benthic Macroinvertebrates Modify Copper and Zinc Partitioning in Freshwater–Sediment Microcosms. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 42:1465-1473. 1985
- The influence of bioturbation on physical, chemical and biological parameters in aquatic environments: A review. Environmental Pollution Series A: Ecological and Biological. 39:99-122. 1985
- Influence of colour-banding on the conspecific preferences of zebra finches. Animal Behaviour. 30:444-455. 1982
- The Influence of Benthic Biota on Copper Speciation and Distribution in Freshwater-Sediment Systems. Water Quality Research Journal of Canada. 16:45-58. 1981
- 2. Krantzberg, G. 2020. Examining governance principles that enable RAP implementation and sustainable outcomes. Ecovision World Monograph Series (EWMS) (in press)
- A traditional ecological knowledge summit. Open Access Government. 44:382-383.
- Alien Invasive Species Impacts on Large Lake Ecosystems and Their Economic Value. Earth & Environmental Science Research & Reviews. 2.
- Climate change, water change and the critical role of community resilience. Open Access Government. 45:382-383.
- DECIDING WHEN TO INTERVENE Data Interpretation Tools for Making Sediment Management Decisions Beyond Source Control
- Governance and The Great Lakes Guardians’ Council: Who are we and what should we be doing?. Jounal of aquatic pollution and toxicology. 1:1-8.
- Governance reform for sustainable Great Lakes future. Proceedings of The 1st World Sustainability Forum. 1:1-30.
- How Can a Person’s Digital Identity be Managed and Protected?
- How our energy future affects our water future. Journal of Policy Engagement.
- Identifying Local Realities and Anticipating Challenges in Building Capacity of Ontario Municipal Wastewater Systems in Tracking for SARS-CoV-2. International Journal of World Policy and Development Studies. 7-20.
- Plastic Pollution in the Great Lakes and Marine Waters: Sources, Effects and Policy Responses
- Revitalization Plans and Implementation, Collingwood Harbour, Georgian Bay,Ontario. The Bangladesh journal of scientific research.
- Stormwater As An Asset: Perspectives On Climate Change Resilience And Infrastructure Innovations.
- The Great Lakes Need Adaptation Experiments. Water Canada.
- Would Implementing Responsible Care® Principles Improve the Safety of the Fracking Industry?. International journal of sciences. 3:55-62.
- stormwaterAssetRenewCanada
- Sediment remediation can improve Great Lakes water quality. Water Environment and Technology. 12-13. 1999