selected scholarly activity
- Corrosion of Extruded Mg Alloys: Effect of Major Alloying Elements. 561-565. 2025
- Dry and Wet Air Oxidation Study of Next Generation Chromia-Forming Heat Resistant Alloy. 509-511. 2025
- Corrosion Susceptibility of a Mg Alloy ZAME1100 Thin-Wall Extruded Hollow-Beam Profile. 367-370. 2023
- Corrosion of Mg Alloy AM60B Micro-Alloyed with As. 231-236. 2023
- Effect of Zn Content on the Mechanical Properties of Nemalloy–Al-Fe(Zn, Mg) Alloys for Automotive Applications. 371-377. 2023
- Localized Corrosion of Secondary AlSi10MnMg-T7 Near Net-Shaped Castings Produced by Vacuum-Assisted HPDC. 361-365. 2023
- Corrosion Behaviour of Friction Stir Welded AZ31 Joints for Automotive Applications. Magnesium Technology. 357–362-357–362. 2014
- Effect of Surface Condition on the Localized Corrosion Behavior of Magnesium Alloy AZ31B. Magnesium Technology. 335–340-335–340. 2014
- Corrosion Behaviour of Friction Stir Welded AZ31 Joints for Automotive Applications. 357-362. 2014
- Effect of Surface Condition on the Localized Corrosion Behavior of Magnesium Alloy AZ31B. 335-340. 2014
- Effect of Corrosion on the Tensile Properties of Friction‐Stir Welded AZ31B Sheet. 403-408. 2012
- Effect of Corrosion on the Tensile Properties of Friction-Stir Welded AZ31B Sheet. 403-408. 2012
- Effect of some Microstructural Parameters on the Corrosion Resistance of Magnesium Alloys. 271-276. 2012
- An Evaluation of the SCC Susceptibility of Chromized Type 409 Stainless Steel with Relevance to Materials Selection for Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Biomass. Tappi PEERS Conference 2022 and International Bioenergy and Bioproducts Conference, IBBC 2022. 2022
- Effect of Surface Modification on Corrosion Control of Type 409SS on U-bend Testing in Simulated Hydrothermal Liquefaction Processing Environments. Tappi PEERS Conference 2022 and International Bioenergy and Bioproducts Conference, IBBC 2022. 2022
- Cut-back edge cathodic disbondment susceptibility of exposed bare field joints in offshore pipelines. NACE - International Corrosion Conference Series. 2020
- Comparative Corrosion Evaluation of Ferritic Stainless Steels Utilized in Automotive Exhaust Applications. SAE Technical Papers. 2018
- Effect of Zn content on the corrosion properties of hot dip zinc galvanized coatings on press hardened steels. EUROCORR 2017 - The Annual Congress of the European Federation of Corrosion, 20th International Corrosion Congress and Process Safety Congress 2017. 2017
- Literature review of cladding for corrosion protection of structural alloys in Molten fluoride salts. 37th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 41st Annual CNS/CNA Student Conference. 2017
- Constructing a Grain Boundary Sensitization-Embrittlement Map for Type 310S Stainless Steel Fuel Cladding in the Canadian SCWR Concept. 36th Annual CNS Conference and 40th CNS-CNA Student Conference - Nuclear in the 21st Century: Global Directions and Canada's Role. 2016
- Measuring Mechanical Properties of Fillet Arc T-Welded Aluminum Alloy AA7xxx Extrusions Using Digital Image Correlation. ASTM Special Technical Publication. 3-12. 2015
- Comparative Corrosion Assessment of Coated Alloys for Multi-Material Lightweight Vehicle Architectures. SAE Technical Papers. 2015
- Corrosion behaviour of friction stir welded Mg alloy joints for automotive applications. Materials Science and Technology Conference and Exhibition 2013, MS and T 2013. 1466-1468. 2013
- Global and Localized Corrosion Behaviour of a Coated AM60B Magnesium Alloy. Materials Science and Technology Conference and Exhibition 2013, MS and T 2013. 1591-1599. 2013
- Corrosion Behavior of AZ31B Friction Stir Welds. ECS Meeting Abstracts. 1816-1816. 2013
- ECS Transactions: Preface. ECS Transactions. 2012
- On the Self-Passivation Tendency of Mg-Al-Zn (AZ) Alloys in Aqueous Solutions. ECS Transactions. 167-176. 2012
- Effect of Corrosion on the Strength of Fillet Arc Welded Cu‐Lean AA7xxx Joints. TMS 2012 141ST ANNUAL MEETING & EXHIBITION - SUPPLEMENTAL PROCEEDINGS, VOL 2: MATERIALS PROPERTIES, CHARACTERIZATION, AND MODELING. 437-444. 2012
- Effect of Corrosion on the Tensile Properties of Friction-Stir Welded AZ31B Sheet. Magnesium Technology. 403-408. 2012
- Effect of some Microstructural Parameters on the Corrosion Resistance of Magnesium Alloys. Magnesium Technology. 271-276. 2012
- Prediction and measurement of corrosion rates of stainless steel in concentrated sulfuric acid. NACE - International Corrosion Conference Series. 2011
- Corrosion of thermowells in a coastal fluidized bed biomass power boiler. NACE - International Corrosion Conference Series. 2010
- Corrosion of welds between composite tube alloys in simulated recovery boiler environments. International Chemical Recovery Conference. 390-396. 2010
- Corrosion resistance of next generation composite tube alloys for recovery boilers. NACE - International Corrosion Conference Series. 2009
- Experimental study of dioxin formation and emissions from power boilers burning salt-laden wood waste. TAPPI Press - Engineering, Pulping and Environmental Conference 2008. 400-440. 2008
- Corrosion of stainless steel in sulphamic acid cleaning solutions. NACE - International Corrosion Conference Series. 072051-0720511. 2007
- Cracking of pin-studded carbon steel waterwall recovery boiler tubes. Engineering, Pulping and Environmental Conference 2007, TAPPI. 1599-1621. 2007
- Failure analyses of water-cooled smelt spouts. Annual Meeting - Technical Section, Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, Preprints. 2007
Biogenie H
2 so4 corrosion of concrete in pure oxygen activated sludge bioreactors. 2006 TAPPI Engineering, Pulping and Environmental Conference Proceedings. 2006 - Investigations into the variability and control of dioxin formation and emissions from coastal power boilers. 2005 TAPPI Engineering, Pulping, Environmental Conference - Conference Proceedings. 2006
- Cracking and corrosion performance of composite tubes and air port designs in a kraft recovery boiler. PULP & PAPER-CANADA. 30-35. 2005
- Near-drum tube thinning in coastal power boilers. PULP & PAPER-CANADA. 53-57. 2005
- A 10-day mill trial of near-neutral sulphite deinking. Part III: Mill assessment. Research Forum on Recycling, Proceedings. 221-228. 2004
- Current understanding of cracking of recovery boiler primary air port composite tubes. 2004 TAPPI Paper Summit - Spring Technical and International Environmental Conference. 611-620. 2004
- Causes and solutions for recovery boiler primary air port composite tube cracking. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Corrosion in the Pulp and Paper Industry. 107-122. 2004
- Cracking and Performance of Composite Tubes and Air Port Designs in A Kraft Recovery Boiler. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Corrosion in the Pulp and Paper Industry. 135-154. 2004
- Causes and solutions for recovery boiler primary air port composite tube cracking. 2004 International Chemical Recovery Conference. 527-542. 2004
- Cracking and performance of composite tubes and air port designs in a kraft recovery boiler. 2004 International Chemical Recovery Conference. 555-574. 2004
- Current understanding of cracking of recovery boiler primary air port composite tubes. TAPPI Fall Technical Conference. 255-272. 2003
- A device to measure corrosion of composite boiler tubes. TAPPI Fall technical Conference and Trade Fair. 539-554. 2002
- Relationship of recovery boiler parameters and primary air port cracking. TAPPI Fall technical Conference and Trade Fair. 555-574. 2002
- Recent observations of recovery boiler primary air port cracking and characterization of environmental conditions. Tappi Engineering/Finishing and Converting Conference and Trade Fair. 923-935. 2001
- Comparison of cracking in recovery boiler composite floor and primary air port tubes. 2001 INTERNATIONAL CHEMICAL RECOVERY CONFERENCE. 21-26. 2001
- Passivity of Silicon-Containing Austenitic Stainless Steel in Concentrated Sulphuric Acid. Materials Science Forum. 887-896. 1995
- Corrosion Films On Single Crystal Magnesium
journal articles
- Corrosion Ferritic Stainless Steel in a Simulated Hydrothermal Liquefaction Bioconversion Aqueous Solution: Effect of Surface Cr Content. Corrosion. 81:58-71. 2025
- SCC susceptibility of chromized type 409 stainless steel in alkaline chloride solutions at ambient temperature and pressure. Tappi Journal. 22:541-550. 2023
- Localized Corrosion of 7xx.x Al Alloy Castings Grain-Refined with Al-5Ti-1B Master Alloy. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 170:071505-071505. 2023
- Effect of the End-of-Life (EOL) Content in High-Pressure Vacuum-Assisted Die Cast (HPVADC) Aural2 (AlSi10Mg) on Corrosion Behaviour. ECS Meeting Abstracts. MA2022-02:722-722. 2022
- Corrosion of Secondary Hpdc A365 (AlSi10MnMg(Fe)) Alloys for Automotive Applications. ECS Meeting Abstracts. MA2022-01:2420-2420. 2022
- Effect of Accelerated Cooling on Linepipe Steel Mill Scale and Resulting Localized Corrosion Susceptibility. Corrosion. 78:168-180. 2022
- Li2CO3 Surface Pre-Treatment for Improved Corrosion Control of Mg Alloy Sheet Metal. ECS Meeting Abstracts. MA2021-02:569-569. 2021
- EFFECT of surface treatment on corrosion control of P91 hydrothermal aqueous solutions. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly. 60:306-319. 2021
- Corrosion Inhibition of Mg Alloy ZEK100 Sheet Metal by Dissolved Lithium Carbonate. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 168:081507-081507. 2021
- Inhibiting Corrosion of Mg Alloy AZ31B-H24 Sheet Metal with Lithium Carbonate. Corrosion. 77:192-203. 2021
- Local Electrochemical Behavior of Friction Stir Welded Mg-Al-Mn Alloy Joints. Corrosion. 77:183-191. 2021
- Magnesium Corrosion Research Special Issue. Corrosion. 77:114-114. 2021
- Toward a Physical Description of the Role of Germanium in Moderating Cathodic Activation of Magnesium. Corrosion. 77:134-147. 2021
- Environment Effects on Chromia (Cr2O3) Scale Stability Formed on Type 310S Stainless Steel During Wet Oxidation. Corrosion. 76:678-689. 2020
- Lithium Carbonate as a Corrosion Inhibitor for Mg Alloy Sheet Metal Product. ECS Meeting Abstracts. MA2020-01:2944-2944. 2020
- Corrosion Evaluation of Ferritic Stainless Steels for Automotive Exhaust Applications. Corrosion. 75:1276-1280. 2019
- Magnesium Alloy Effects on Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation Electro-Ceramic and Electro-Coat Formation and Corrosion Resistance. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 166:C492-C508. 2019
- Silicon effects on the wet oxidation of type 310 stainless steel. Corrosion Science. 143:376-389. 2018
- Stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of thermally-aged Type 310S stainless steels in supercritical water. Corrosion Science. 135:1-11. 2018
- Effect of Thermal Aging on the Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking Susceptibility of Type 310S Stainless Steel. Corrosion. 74:430-443. 2018
- Effect of water vapour partial pressure on the chromia (Cr2O3)-based scale stability. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly. 57:89-98. 2018
- Correction to: Corrosion Performance of Friction Stir Linear Lap Welded AM60B Joints. JOM. 69:2857-2857. 2017
- Technical Note:Screening of Salt Fog Environments for Mg Alloy Stress Corrosion Cracking Susceptibility. Corrosion. 73:1300-1305. 2017
- Corrosion Performance of Friction Stir Linear Lap Welded AM60B Joints. JOM. 69:2335-2344. 2017
- Non-destructive investigation of aluminum alloy hemmed joints using neutron radiography and X-ray computed tomography. NDT and E International. 91:32-35. 2017
- An Svet Study of the Localised Corrosion of ZE20 Mg Alloy in Chloride Containing Electrolyte. ECS Meeting Abstracts. MA2017-02:722-722. 2017
- Effect of surface preparation on the corrosion resistance of friction stir linear lap welded AZ31B-H24. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly. 56:308-321. 2017
- Characterization of Localized Filament Corrosion Products at the Anodic Head on a Model Mg-Zn-Zr Alloy Surface. Corrosion. 73:518-525. 2017
- Current Trends in Magnesium Corrosion Research. Corrosion. 73:451-451. 2017
- Corrosion of New-Generation Steel in Outer Oil Pipeline Environments. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 26:214-220. 2017
- Interactions of Different Redox States of Phenyl-Capped Aniline Tetramers with Iron Oxide Surfaces and Consequences for Corrosion Inhibition. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 164:C1013-C1026. 2017
- Stability of Chromia (Cr2O3)-Based Scales Formed During Corrosion of Austenitic Fe-Cr-Ni Alloys in Flowing Oxygenated Supercritical Water. Corrosion. 72:1170-1180. 2016
- Microstructure Instability of Candidate Fuel Cladding Alloys: Corrosion and Stress Corrosion Cracking Implications. JOM. 68:485-489. 2016
- Effect of Thermal Pretreatment on the Corrosion of Stainless Steel in Flowing Supercritical Water. Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science. 2. 2016
- On the Evolution of Cathodic Activity during Corrosion of Magnesium Alloy AZ31B in a Dilute NaCl Solution. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 163:C62-C68. 2016
- Corrosion of engineering materials in a supercritical water cooled reactor: Characterization of oxide scales on Alloy 800H and stainless steel 316. Corrosion Science. 100:222-230. 2015
- Effect of thermal treatment on the corrosion resistance of Type 316L stainless steel exposed in supercritical water. Journal of Nuclear Materials. 464:356-364. 2015
- Technical Note: Corrosion Resistance of Alloy 33 (Fe-33Cr-32Ni) in Supercritical Water. Corrosion. 71:1064-1070. 2015
- On the Oxidation Resistance of Alloy 800HT Exposed in Supercritical Water (SCW). Corrosion. 71:992-1002. 2015
- Corrosion Behavior of Friction Stir Welded Hpdc AM60B Lap Joints. ECS Meeting Abstracts. MA2015-02:664-664. 2015
- On Stress-Corrosion Cracking Initiation: Pitting Susceptibility and Cathodic Activity Near Nonmetallic Steel Inclusions. ECS Meeting Abstracts. MA2015-02:701-701. 2015
- Towards Unravelling the Source of Cathode-Activated Corrosion Filaments Formed on Corroding Mg Alloy Surfaces. ECS Meeting Abstracts. MA2015-02:658-658. 2015
- Exfoliation corrosion of an extruded low-Cu-containing AA7003-T6 profile with a partially recrystallised grain structure. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly. 54:349-358. 2015
- Localized Corrosion Susceptibility of Extruded Cu-Lean AA7xxx Gas Metal Arc Welding Lap Joints. Corrosion. 71:895-907. 2015
- Voltammetric Analysis on the Formation of Fe(OH)2 and FeCO3, and on the Reactivity of Passivation of Steel in Carbonate Solutions. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 24:2473-2480. 2015
- Physical Characterization of Cathodically-Activated Corrosion Filaments on Magnesium Alloy AZ31B. Corrosion. 71:146-159. 2015
- Cathodic Activity of Corrosion Filaments Formed on Mg Alloy AM30. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 162:C732-C740. 2015
- Localized Corrosion Behavior of AZ31B Magnesium Alloy with an Electrodeposited Poly(3,4-Ethylenedioxythiophene) Coating. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 162:C536-C544. 2015
- Exfoliation corrosion of artificially aged AA7003 extrusions. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly. 53:455-459. 2014
- Effect of Grain Size on the Corrosion Resistance of Friction Stir Welded Mg Alloy AZ31B Joints. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 161:C405-C411. 2014
- TEM Examination of the Film Formed on Corroding Mg Prior to Breakdown. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 161:C89-C94. 2014
- Towards a Physical Description for the Origin of Enhanced Catalytic Activity of Corroding Magnesium Surfaces. Electrochimica Acta. 116:396-403. 2014
- Selection of a suitable environment to study the stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of Mg alloy for automotive applications. Materials Science and Technology Conference and Exhibition 2013, MS and T 2013. 3:1611-1615. 2013
- Studying magnesium alloys using scanning electrochemical microscopy. Materials Science and Technology Conference and Exhibition 2013, MS and T 2013. 2:1472-1473. 2013
- Multiple-interface tracking of degradation process in organic photovoltaics. AIP Advances. 3. 2013
- Nature of Surface Film on Matrix Phase of Mg Alloy AZ80 Formed in Water. Corrosion. 69:813-820. 2013
- Prediction and Measurement of Corrosion Rates of Stainless Steel in Concentrated Sulfuric Acid. Corrosion. 69:543-550. 2013
- Charge transfer and stability of implantable electrodes on flexible substrate. Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical. 178:132-139. 2013
- Corrosion of Nickel-Containing Stainless-Steel in Concentrated Sulfuric Acid: Potential Oscillations Predicted by Combination of Kinetic Phenomena. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 160:C326-C335. 2013
- Nature of Surface Film Formed on Mg Exposed to 1 M NaOH. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 160:C36-C41. 2013
- Influence of Edge Effects on Local Corrosion Rate of Magnesium Alloy/Mild Steel Galvanic Couple. Analytical Chemistry. 84:9899-9906. 2012
- Technical Note:Examination of Focused Ion Beam-Sectioned Surface Films Formed on AM60B Mg Alloy in an Aqueous Saline Solution. Corrosion. 68:468-474. 2012
- Analysis of the surface film formed on Mg by exposure to water using a FIB cross-section and STEM–EDS. Corrosion Science. 59:222-228. 2012
- Effect of Some Microstructural Parameters on the Corrosion Resistance of Magnesium Alloys. Magnesium Technology. 271-276. 2012
- A thermodynamic rationalisation for the oxidising behaviour of concentrated H2SO4. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 89:1311-1319. 2011
- Recovery boiler superheater corrosion field study. NACE - International Corrosion Conference Series. 2010
- Corrosion potential oscillations of nickel-containing stainless steel in concentrated sulphuric acid: II Mechanism and kinetic modelling. Corrosion Science. 52:250-254. 2010
- Corrosion Control of Type 316L Stainless Steel in Sulfamic Acid Cleaning Solutions. Corrosion. 65:491-500. 2009
- Dewpoint corrosion of a coastal biomass power boiler air heater. TAPPI Press - Engineering, Pulping and Environmental Conference 2008. 4:2691-2709. 2008
- Some aspects of materials selection for condensing economizers. NACE - International Corrosion Conference Series. 081931-0819311. 2008
- Sulphidation resistance of composite boiler tube materials. Materials at High Temperatures. 25:67-79. 2008
- Corrosion of High-Alloy Superheater Tubes in a Coastal Biomass Power Boiler. Corrosion. 64:356-366. 2008
- Sulphidation resistance of composite boiler tube materials. Materials at High Temperatures. 25:67-79. 2008
- Studies Of Degraded Smelt Spout Opening Tubes. NACE - International Corrosion Conference Series. 072111-0721113. 2007
- Corrosion of UNS n06625 nozzles in a Biomass fluidized bed boiler. MATERIALS PERFORMANCE. 46:74-78. 2007
- Biogenic H2SO4 corrosion of concrete in oxygen activated sludge bioreactors. Tappi Journal. 6:3-8. 2007
- Examination of cracked primary air ports fabricated from modified Alloy 825-based composite tubes. Tappi Journal. 6:28-32. 2007
- Corrosion of Bed Nozzle Alloys in a Wood-Waste Fluidized Bed Power Boiler. Corrosion. 63:197-204. 2007
- Assessment of Molten Na2S xH2O/NaOH Solutions as a Cause of Composite Tube Corrosion in Kraft Recovery Boilers. NACE - International Corrosion Conference Series. 062361-0623617. 2006
- Corrosion of Alloys in a Simulated Wood-Waste Fluidizing Bed Power Boiler Environment. Corrosion. 62:1132-1138. 2006
- Diagnosis of high temperature cycling associated with primary air port cracking in kraft recovery boilers. 2005 TAPPI Engineering, Pulping, Environmental Conference - Conference Proceedings. 2006. 2006
- Investigation of a superheater tube cracking problem. 2005 TAPPI Engineering, Pulping, Environmental Conference - Conference Proceedings. 2006. 2006
- Reducing primary air port composite tube cracking in a kraft recovery boiler through changes in operation. 2005 TAPPI Engineering, Pulping, Environmental Conference - Conference Proceedings. 2006. 2006
- Fouling and corrosion of bed nozzles in a bubbling fluidized-bed power boiler. Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention. 6:65-72. 2006
- Cracking Susceptibility of Alternative Composite Tube Alloys in a Molten Sodium Sulfide Hydrate-Sodium Hydroxide Salt Mixture. Corrosion. 62:624-634. 2006
- A 10-day mill trial of near-neutral sulphite deinking Part III: Overall mill assessment. PULP & PAPER-CANADA. 107:39-43. 2006
- Corrosion of cathodes in anodic protection systems in hot concentrated sulfuric acid - Part 1: Conventional cathodes. MATERIALS PERFORMANCE. 44:20-23. 2005
- Corrosion of cathodes in anodic protection systems in hot concentrated sulfuric acid - Part 2: Alternative cathode alloys. MATERIALS PERFORMANCE. 44:22-25. 2005
- North American experience with composite tubes in kraft recovery boilers. PULP & PAPER-CANADA. 106:34-40. 2005
- Corrosion Mechanism of Nickel-Containing Stainless Steels in Concentrated Aqueous Solutions of Sulfuric Acid. Corrosion. 60:523-537. 2004
- Using an in situ video camera to diagnose the cause of temperature fluctuations on primary air port tubes in kraft recovery boilers. TAPPI Fall Technical Conference. 245-253. 2003
- Anodic behaviour of stainless steel S43000 in concentrated solutions of sulphuric acid. Corrosion Science. 45:1571-1594. 2003
- Comparison of cracking in recovery boiler composite floor and primary air port tubes. Tappi Journal. 1:20-26. 2002
- Comparison of cracking in recovery boiler composite floor and primary air port tubes. Tappi Journal. 1:20-26. 2002
- Corrosion Mechanism of Nickel in Hot, Concentrated H[sub 2]SO[sub 4]. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 147:3637-3637. 2000
- Active-passive corrosion of Fe-Cr-Ni alloys in hot concentrated sulphuric acid solutions 1999
- Alternate Materials for Recovery Boiler Superheater Tubes
- Cracking and Corrosion of Composite Tubes in Black Liquor Recovery Boiler Primary Air Ports
- Near-drum tube thinning in coastal power boilers FEATURES OF NEAR-DRUM TUBE THINNING. Pulp and Paper Canada -Ontario-. 106.
- Recovery furnaces. Pulp and Paper Canada -Ontario-. 106:34-40.