publication venue for
- Eradication ofHelicobacter pylori: Omeprazole in Combination with Antibiotics 1996
- End of induction patient reported outcomes predict clinical remission and endoscopic improvement with vedolizumab and adalimumab in ulcerative colitis. 58:7-14. 2023
- Multinational evaluation of clinical decision-making in the treatment and management of mild-to-moderate ulcerative colitis. 57:424-431. 2022
- Higher vedolizumab serum levels do not increase the risk of adverse events in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. 55:800-805. 2020
- Higher adalimumab serum levels do not increase the risk of adverse events in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. 54:712-717. 2019
- Minimal differences in prevalence and spectrum of organic disease at upper gastrointestinal endoscopy between selected secondary care patients with symptoms of gastro-oesophageal reflux or dyspepsia. 52:396-402. 2017
- Prevalence of organic disease at colonoscopy in patients with symptoms compatible with irritable bowel syndrome: cross-sectional survey. 50:816-823. 2015
- Immunoglobulin kappa and immunoglobulin lambda are required for expression of the anti-apoptotic molecule Bcl-xL in human colorectal cancer tissue. 44:1443-1451. 2009
- Variations in colonoscopy practice in Europe: A multicentre descriptive study (EPAGE). 42:126-134. 2007
- A novel approach to a patient with Crohn disease and a high stoma output: a missed opportunity?. 39:398-400. 2004
- A response to Farup and Bytzer. 39:803-804. 2004
- Establishment of T‐Helper‐2 immune response based gerbil model of enteric infection. 39:668-673. 2004
- A Critical Review of Epidemiological Studies in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. 36:2-15. 2001
- A Systematic Overview of the Use of Diary Cards, Quality-of-Life Questionnaires, and Psychometric Tests in Treatment Trials ofHelicobacter pylori-Positive and -Negative Non-Ulcer Dyspepsia. 34:244-249. 1999
- Abnormal Response to Cholinergic Stimulation in the Circular Muscle Layer of the Human Colon in Diverticular Disease. 34:683-688. 1999
- Helicobacter pyloriInfection and Dyspepsia. 31:38-47. 1996
- Intragastric pH during Treatment with Omeprazole: Role ofHelicobacter pyloriandH. pylori-Associated Gastritis. 31:1151-1156. 1996
- The Role ofHelicobacter pyloriin Pathogenesis: the Spectrum of Clinical Outcomes. 31:3-9. 1996
- Helicobacter pyloriEradication: A Critical Appraisal and Current Concerns. 30:73-76. 1995
- Critical Reappraisal of Mucosal Repair Mechanisms. 30:28-31. 1995
- Gastric Alkalinization, Pneumonia, and Systemic Infections: The Controversy. 30:53-59. 1995
- Preface. 30:v-v. 1995
- Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis: Gastrointestinal Bleeding and Nosocomial Pneumonia Best Evidence Synthesis. 30:48-52. 1995
- The Current Role ofHelicobacter pyloriEradication in Clinical Practice. 30:47-52. 1995
- The Origin of Nocturnal Intragastric pH Rises in Healthy Subjects. 30:935-943. 1995
- Appropriate Acid Suppression for Optimal Healing of Duodenal Ulcer and Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease. 29:79-82. 1994
- Effects of Omeprazole and Lansoprazole on 24-Hour Intragastric pH in Helicobacter pylori-Positive Volunteers. 29:1065-1069. 1994
- Treatment Strategies for Symptom Resolution, Healing, andHelicobacter pyloriEradication in Duodenal Ulcer Patients. 29:45-47. 1994
- Hp and pH: Implications for the Eradication of Helicobacter pylori. 28:12-16. 1993
- Quality of Life–The Challenges Ahead. 28:2-4. 1993
- Influence of Stress on the Healing and Relapse of Duodenal Ulcers: A Prospective, Multicenter Trial of 2109 Patients with Recurrent Duodenal Ulceration Treated with Ranitidine. 27:917-923. 1992
- Introduction to Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology Supplement ‘Horizons in Gastroenterology’. 27:1-1. 1992
- Is the Irritable Gut an Inflamed Gut?. 27:102-105. 1992
- Oesophageal pH-Metry: Should Meals Be Standardized?. 27:350-354. 1992
- Helicobacter pyloriand Gastric Acid Secretion: The Ulcer Link?. 26:71-77. 1991
- Helicobacterand Hypergastrinemia: The Quisling Option. 26:85-90. 1991
- Introduction to Mechanisms of Injury and Sequelae ofHelicobacter pyloriInfection. 26:vii-vii. 1991
- Acid and Barriers: Current Research and Future Developments for Peptic Ulcer Therapy. 25:19-26. 1990
- Introduction to Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology Supplement ‘Horizons in Gastroenterlogy’. 25:v-v. 1990
- Reproducibility of Ambulatory Gastric pH Recordings in the Corpus and Antrum: Effect of Food, Time, and Electrode Position. 25:1076-1083. 1990
- Relationship between Inhibition of Acid Secretion and Healing of Peptic Ulcers. 24:43-47. 1989
- Validation of pH Dataloggers for Pharmacologic Studies. 24:975-981. 1989
- An N of 1 Service: Applying the Scientific Method in Clinical Practice. 23:22-29. 1988
- Closing Remarks. 23:231-232. 1988
- Panel Discussion: What is New in Etiology and Pathogenesis of Peptic Ulcer Disease?. 23:225-230. 1988
- The Protective Role of Gastric Acid. 23:34-39. 1988
- Nocturnal Gastric Acid Secretion: Its Importance in the Pathophysiology and Rational Therapy of Duodenal Ulcer. 21:17-24. 1986
- The Correlation between Acid Suppression and Peptic Ulcer Healing. 21:22-31. 1986
- The Effect of Temperature and pH on the Stability of Human Pepsin in Stored Gastric Juice: A Method to Prevent Activity Loss. 21:650-654. 1986
- Comparison of ranitidine and cimetidine maintenance treatment of duodenal ulcer.. 19:1045-1047. 1984
- The effect of ranitidine and cimetidine on the twenty-four hour intragastric acidity profile and nocturnal acid secretion in duodenal ulcer patients.. 69:33-37. 1981
- Histamine H2Receptors and Intrinsic Factor Secretion. 15:377-384. 1980