publication venue for
- Accelerated microwave design optimization with tuning space mapping 2009
- S-parameter sensitivities for electromagnetic optimization based on volume field solutions 2009
- TLM-based modeling and design exploiting space mapping 2005
- A Space-Mapping Design Framework 2004
- EM-based optimization exploiting partial space mapping and exact sensitivities 2002
- Feasible adjoint sensitivity technique for EM design optimization 2002
- The generation of optimal microwave topologies using time-domain field synthesis 2002
- Neural space-mapping optimization for EM-based design 2000
- Space-mapping optimization of microwave circuits exploiting surrogate models 2000
- A hybrid aggressive space-mapping algorithm for EM optimization 1999
- An aggressive approach to parameter extraction 1999
- A trust region aggressive space mapping algorithm for EM optimization 1998
- Microwave Modeling and Design Optimization: The Legacy of John Bandler. 73:87-101. 2025
- Real-Time Millimeter-Wave Imaging With Linear Frequency Modulation Radar and Scattered Power Mapping. 72:1-14. 2024
- Improving the Accuracy of Range Migration in 3-D Near-Field Microwave Imaging. 71:3540-3551. 2023
- Accurate Range Migration for Fast Quantitative Fourier-Based Image Reconstruction With Monostatic Radar. 70:4273-4283. 2022
- Simultaneous Use of the Born and Rytov Approximations in Real-Time Imaging With Fourier-Space Scattered Power Mapping. 70:2904-2920. 2022
- Accelerated Holographic Imaging With Range Stacking for Linear Frequency Modulation Radar. 70:1630-1638. 2022
- Real-Time Imaging With Simultaneous Use of Born and Rytov Approximations in Quantitative Microwave Holography. 70:1896-1909. 2022
- General Theory of Holographic Inversion With Linear Frequency Modulation Radar and its Application to Whole-Body Security Scanning. 68:4694-4705. 2020
- Fast Quantitative Microwave Imaging With Scattered-Power Maps. 66:439-449. 2018
- Frequency-Domain Integral Equations of Scattering for Complex Scalar Responses. 65:1120-1132. 2017
- Direct Deembedding of Noise Factors for On-Wafer Noise Measurement. 65:916-922. 2017
- Sensitivity of Microwave Imaging Systems Employing Scattering-Parameter Measurements. 62:2447-2455. 2014
- Wideband FDTD-Based Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis of Dispersive Electromagnetic Structures. 62:1122-1134. 2014
- Wideband Second-Order Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Exploiting TLM. 62:389-398. 2014
- Dynamic Measurement of Complex Impedance in Real-Time for Smart Handset Applications. 61:3453-3460. 2013
- A Time-Domain Adjoint Variable Method for Materials With Dispersive Constitutive Parameters. 60:2959-2971. 2012
- Analytical Adjoint Sensitivity Formula for the Scattering Parameters of Metallic Structures. 60:2713-2722. 2012
- Optical Scanning Techniques for Characterization of Terahertz Photoconductive Antenna Arrays. 58:2040-2045. 2010
- Evaluation of the Specific Absorption Rate and the Temperature Rise in the Human Eyes With Account for Resonance. 57:3450-3460. 2009
- $S$-Parameter Sensitivities for Electromagnetic Optimization Based on Volume Field Solutions. 57:1526-1538. 2009
- Accelerated Microwave Design Optimization With Tuning Space Mapping. 57:383-394. 2009
- Memory-Efficient Method for Wideband Self-Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis. 56:1917-1927. 2008
- Adjoint higher order sensitivities for fast full-wave optimization of microwave filters. 54:3339-3351. 2006
- Sensitivity analysis of scattering parameters with electromagnetic time-domain simulators. 54:1598-1610. 2006
- Cavity models of planar components grounded by via-holes and their experimental verification. 54:1033-1042. 2006
- Sensitivity analysis of network parameters with electromagnetic frequency-domain simulators. 54:670-681. 2006
- Off-grid perfect boundary conditions for the FDTD method. 53:2274-2283. 2005
- Sensitivity Analysis With the FDTD Method on Structured Grids. 52:1207-1216. 2004
- An Adjoint Variable Method for Sensitivity Calculations of Multiport Devices. 52:589-599. 2004
- An Adjoint Variable Method for Time-Domain TLM With Wide-Band Johns Matrix Boundaries. 52:678-685. 2004
- An Adjoint Variable Method for Time-Domain Transmission-Line Modeling With Fixed Structured Grids. 52:554-559. 2004
- Adjoint Techniques for Sensitivity Analysis in High-Frequency Structure CAD. 52:403-419. 2004
- Implicit Space Mapping Optimization Exploiting Preassigned Parameters. 52:378-385. 2004
- Space Mapping: The State of the Art. 52:337-361. 2004
- Potential formalisms in electromagnetic-field analysis. 51:1330-1338. 2003
- Absorbing boundary conditions for adjoint problems in the design sensitivity analysis with the FDTD method. 51:526-529. 2003
- Construction of solutions to electromagnetic problems in terms of two collinear vector potentials. 50:1950-1959. 2002
- A general noise and S-parameter deembedding procedure for on-wafer high-frequency noise measurements of MOSFETs. 49:1004-1005. 2001
- A generalized space-mapping tableau approach to device modeling. 49:67-79. 2001
- Corrections to an aggressive approach to parameter extraction. 48:1596-1596. 2000
- A modal analysis of TEM mode in circular-rectangular coaxial waveguides. 47:356-359. 1999
- Time-domain vector-potential analysis of transmission-line problems. 46:404-410. 1998
- An iterative measured equation technique for electromagnetic problems. 46:25-30. 1998
- Finite-difference approach to the solution of time-domain integral equations for layered structures. 45:984-990. 1997
- The higher order modal characteristics of circular-rectangular coaxial waveguides. 45:414-419. 1997
- A new model of generalized invertor and its applications. 45:132-135. 1997
- Some considerations on the accuracy of the nonuniform FDTD method and its application to waveguide analysis when combined with the perfectly matched layer technique. 44:1115-1124. 1996
- A new active array module for spatial power combiners and active antennas. 43:683-685. 1995
- An application of FD-TD method for studying the effects of packages on the performance of microwave and high speed digital circuits. 42:2007-2009. 1994
- Using linear and nonlinear predictors to improve the computational efficiency of the FD-TD algorithm. 42:1992-1997. 1994
- Frequency-dependent FDTD modeling of optically controlled dielectric resonators. 41:1005-1010. 1993
- A dispersive boundary condition for microstrip component analysis using the FD-TD method. 40:774-777. 1992
- Characterizing microwave planar circuits using the coupled finite-boundary element method. 40:1963-1966. 1992
- Conformal mapping analyses of microstrips with circular and elliptical cross-sections. 40:1836-1840. 1992
- Fast finite-difference time-domain analysis of resonators using digital filtering and spectrum estimation techniques. 40:1611-1619. 1992