publication venue for
- Multi-Objective Optimization of Multi-Product U-Shaped Disassembly Line Balancing Problem Considering Human Factors 2023
- Impact of Physiological Sensor Variance on Machine Learning Algorithms 2020
- Operator Use of Multi-Sensor Data Fusion for Airborne Picture Compilation 2020
- Time-Optimal and Collision-Free Path Planning for Dual-Manipulator 3D Printer 2020
- A pBCI to Predict Attentional Error Before it Happens in Real Flight Conditions 2019
- A vertex similarity index using community information to improve link prediction accuracy 2017
- Operation modes of smart factory for high-end equipment manufacturing in the Internet and Big Data era 2017
- Smart building monitoring and ongoing commissioning: A case study with four canadian federal government office buildings 2017
- A fault prediction method based on modified Genetic Algorithm using BP neural network algorithm 2016
- E-MRO service policy with bilateral requirements using variable fuzzy recognition and multi-objective programming 2016
- Mitigating Sensor Differences for Phone-based Human Activity Recognition 2016
- Open and Collaborative Product Design and Production in IoT-enabled Manufacturing Cloud 2016
- A Distributed Link Prediction Algorithm Based on Clustering in Dynamic Social Networks 2015
- A Framework for Integrating Multiple Manufacturing Clouds 2015
- A Gang Scheduling Computational Paradigm for Container Terminal Logistics with Processor Affinity 2015
- A Stable and Distributed Community Detection Algorithm Based on Maximal Cliques 2015
- Key Nodes Discovery in Large-Scale Logistics Network Based on MapReduce 2015
- Process Knowledge Representation Based on Dynamic Machining Features and Ontology for Complex Aircraft Structural Parts 2015
- Effects of Varying Mass on Wave Reflections During Wave Variable Teleoperation 2015
- A multi-agent based failure prediction method using neural network algorithm 2014
- Marine environment monitoring using Wireless Sensor Networks: A systematic review 2014
- Social relation extraction of large-scale logistics network based on mapreduce 2014
- Dual Gaussian mixture model with pixel history for background suppression 2014
- Multimodal 3D histogram for moving object detection 2014
- Towards a Rule-Based Bidding Language: Promoting the Free Expression of Rational Conduct for Ecosystem Friendly E-Markets 2013
- An industrial case study of feature-based in-process workpiece modeling 2012
- A service-oriented system integration framework for community-based independent living spaces 2011
- Collaborative wireless sensor networks: A survey 2011
- WSN-based real-time data collection in independent living spaces 2011
- A 3-D indoor location tracking and visualization system based on wireless sensor networks 2010
- A framework for service enterprise workflow simulation based on multi-agent cooperation 2010
- An agent-based service-oriented approach for facility lifecycle information integration and decision supports 2010
- Ontology fusion in HLA-based collaborative product development 2010
- A dynamic scheduling algorithm for time- and resource-constrained task networks 2009
- A testbed for localization and tracking in wireless sensor networks 2009
- An XML-based data interchange protocol and supporting systems for online customs declaration 2009
- An auction-based framework for integrated due date management 2009
- Bidding languages for auction-based distributed scheduling 2009
- Collaborative signal and information processing in wireless sensor networks: A review 2009
- Ontological view based semantic transformation for distributed systems 2009
- A Haptic Teleoperation Study Using Wave Variables and Scaling Matrices 2009
- Hierarchical markov decision processes based distributed data fusion and collaborative sensor management for multitarget multisensor tracking applications 2007
- AdSCHE: An auction-based decentralized scheduling framework 2007
- AdSCHE: An auction-based decentralized scheduling framework 2007
- Hierarchical Markov decision processes based distributed data fusion and collaborative sensor management for multitarget multisensor tracking applications 2007
- Integrated Traffic Corridor Control Using Machine Learning 2005
- An infrastructure for flexible, modular, multi-user intelligent interfaces 2000
- Relationship between pain and intersegmental spinal motion characteristics in low-back pain subjects 2000
- Optimal inspection intervals in a two-stage manufacturing process 1998
- A comparative study of combination schemes for an ensemble of digit recognition neural networks 1997