publication venue for
- Morphological knowledge in English learner university students is sensitive to language statistics: A longitudinal study. 43:889-919. 2022
- To see or not to see: The roles of item properties and language knowledge in Chinese missing logographeme effect. 41:1113-1139. 2020
- The contribution of narrative morphosyntactic quality to reading comprehension in French immersion students. 36:1375-1391. 2015
- Phonological networks and new word learning. 27:581-584. 2006
- A multivariate model of early reading acquisition. 24:89-112. 2003
- Is the relation between phonological memory and foreign language learning accounted for by vocabulary acquisition?. 16:155-172. 1995
- The Social Psychology of reading. John R. Edwards (Ed.). Silver Spring, Maryland: Institute of Modern Languages, 1981. Pp. xi + 244.. 3:168-169. 1982