selected scholarly activity
- ‘Cripping' intellectual disability and sexuality in media representations. 131-141. 2023
- ‘Cripping’ intellectual disability and sexuality in media representations: Conundrums and possibilities. 131-141. 2023
- Corroding the comforts of social work knowing: Persons with intellectual disabilities claim the right of inspection over public photographic images. 173-188. 2015
- People with intellectual disabilities (visually) re-imagine care. 179-193. 2015
- "Please don't let me be like this!" Un-wounding photographic representations by persons with intellectual disability. 171-188. 2014
- Social Participation. 6135-6140. 2014
- Social inclusion. 6082-6086. 2014
- Stigmatization. 6336-6341. 2014
- Self-Advocacy. 105-127. 2011
- Maltreatment of children with developmental disabilities. 467-487. 2007
- Hearing what cannot be spoken: Social work’s responsibility towards non-speaking persons labeled disabled. 225-242. 2006
- Biographical versus biological lives: Auto/biography and non-speaking persons labelled intellectually disabled. 109-128. 2005
- Quality of life for children with Asperger Syndrome: Parental perspectives 2004
- Child maltreatment and developmental disabilities. 551-582. 2003
community engaged research
- Children with disabilities: A conceptual model and measurement instrument for quality of life. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. 790-790. 2008
journal articles
- "Feminism Means Having the Same Rights as Everyone": Exploring Feminism from Women with Intellectual Disabilities' Perspectives. Women's Studies. ahead-of-print. 2025
- “What is feminism?”: an exploratory study on women with intellectual disabilities and their views on feminism. Journal of Gender Studies. ahead-of-print:1-15. 2025
- Critiquing representations of intellectual disability in occupation-based literature. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy. 31:2289897. 2024
- Narrative analysis of exclusion from social participation and loneliness among Black older adults in Ontario, Canada. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work. 33:1-17. 2024
- Homeless youth with intellectual disabilities: Precarious lives and health inequalities. British Journal of Learning Disabilities. 52:477-488. 2024
- 'All your value is wrapped up in your capabilities': negotiating mental health disability, masculinity and paid work. Disability & Society. ahead-of-print. 2024
- 'You've got to learn how to be more vulnerable': exploring the shifting geographies of men living with chronic illness. Social & Cultural Geography. ahead-of-print. 2024
- Building community or perpetuating inclusionism? The representation of “inclusion” on fitness facility websites. Leisure/ Loisir. 47:659-680. 2023
- Making visible the prevalence of self-identified disability among youth experiencing homelessness. Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless. 32:16-24. 2023
- Social isolation continued: Covid-19 shines a light on what self-advocates know too well. Qualitative Social Work. 20:83-89. 2021
- Including people with intellectual disabilities in the mobilities turn: mobile interviews in Toronto, Canada. Mobilities. 15:362-379. 2020
- ‘I think they're treating me like a kid’: intellectual disability, masculinity and place in Toronto, Canada. Gender, Place and Culture. 27:429-451. 2020
- Voices of youths on engagement in community life: a theoretical framework of belonging. Disability & Society. 34:945-971. 2019
- What are you (un)doing with that story?. Qualitative Social Work. 18:514-529. 2019
- A consensus statement on how to conduct inclusive health research. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. 63:1-11. 2019
- Building collaboration in the co-production of knowledge with people with intellectual disabilities about their everyday use of city space. Area. 51:415-422. 2018
- Building collaboration in the co-production of knowledge with people with intellectual disabilities about their everyday use of city space. Area. 2018
- Shopping, social inclusion and the urban geographies of people with intellectual disability. Social & Cultural Geography. 19:230-252. 2018
- Shopping, social inclusion and the urban geographies of people with intellectual disability. Social & Cultural Geography. 19:1-23. 2017
- Journal Browser 2017
- Reimagining Parenting Possibilities: Towards Intimate Justice. Studies in Social Justice. 10:238-260. 2016
- Developing inclusive educators: enhancing the accessibility of teaching and learning in higher education. International Journal for Academic Development. 21:337-349. 2016
- ‘Some people are not allowed to love’: intimate citizenship in the lives of people labelled with intellectual disabilities. Disability & Society. 31:131-135. 2016
- Charting the Landscape of Accessible Education for Post-secondary Students with Disabilities. Canadian Journal of Disability Studies. 5:31-71. 2016
- Friendship Characteristics of Children with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities: Qualitative Evidence from Video Data. Journal on developmental disabilities = Le journal sur les handicaps du development [sic.]. 22:39-51. 2016
- ‘Weightless?’: disrupting relations of power in/through photographic imagery of persons with intellectual disabilities. Disability & Society. 29:699-713. 2014
- Hollywood Takes on Intellectual/Developmental Disability: Cinematic Representations of Occupational Participation. OTJR Occupation, Participation and Health. 34:20-31. 2014
- The Reworking of Spatial Attribution: People with Intellectual Disabilites and the Micropolitics of Dissensus. Review of Education, Pedagogy, & Cultural Studies, The. 34:123-135. 2012
- Creating, Resisting or Neglecting Change: Exploring the Complexities of Accessible Education for Students with Disabilities. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 3. 2012
- Epilogues and Prefaces: Research and Social Work and People with Intellectual Disabilities. Australian Social Work. 63:51-66. 2010
- Parental Perspectives of the Quality of Life in School Environments for Children With Asperger Syndrome. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities. 23:242-252. 2008
- When there are no choices: The consequences of a lack of adult living placements for young adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities leaving child welfare care. Journal on Developmental Disabilities. 14:107-126. 2008
- Aboriginal children with and without developmental delay: characteristics of maltreatment. Journal on Developmental Disabilities. 13:22-41. 2007
- The intersection of race, disability and child maltreatment: Aboriginal children with developmental disabilities and the child welfare system. Journal on Developmental Disabilities. 13:1-21. 2007
- Placement Stability: Enhancing Quality of Life for Children with Developmental Disabilities. Families in Society. 87:521-528. 2006
- Experiences Following the Deaths of Disabled Foster Children: “We Don't Feel Like ‘Foster’ Parents”. Omega: Journal of Death and Dying. 49:347-369. 2004
- Maltreatment and life stressors in single mothers who have children with developmental delay. Journal on Developmental Disabilities. 10:61-66. 2003
- Quality of life for children with developmental disabilities: A new conceptual framework. Journal on Developmental Disabilities. 10:107-114. 2003
- An Investigation into the Characteristics of the Maltreatment of Children with Developmental Delays and the Alleged Perpetrators of this Maltreatment. Journal on Developmental Disabilities. 9:1-19. 2002
- BRIEF REPORT: Parent Composition And Risk Of Physical Harm For Children With Developmental Delays Reported For Maltreatment. Journal on Developmental Disabilities. 9:21-25. 2002
- Coming to Critical Disability Studies: Critical Reflections on Disability in Health and Social Work Professions. Canadian Journal of Disability Studies. 10:23-53.
- The Invisibility of Disability for Homeless Youth. Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless. 2017
- Intersections between disability, education, employment and homelessness for youth: Challenges and impacts. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. 2016