selected scholarly activity
- Understanding Health Worker Burnout Using a Mixed-Methods Approach 2024
- Innovation in Transcribing Data: Meet 2022
- The Palgrave International Handbook of Healthcare Policy and Governance 2016
- General introduction: The changing world of professions and professionalism 2016
- Introduction 2016
- The Routledge Companion to the Professions and Professionalism 2016
- The Palgrave International Handbook of Healthcare Policy and Governance 2015
- The Role of Migrant Care Workers in Ageing Societies 2012
- Too Posh To Push? Comparative perspectives on maternal request caesarean sections in Canada, the US, the UK and Finland. Ed. 10. 2008
- Push!: The struggle for midwifery in Ontario 2006
- Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Access, Quality and Satisfaction with Care Among Women Living in Rural and Remote Communities in Canada. Ed. 24. 2006
- Reconceiving midwifery 2004
- Reconceiving midwifery in Canada 2004
- Key considerations in health workforce planning. 181-199. 2024
- 5 Gendering Integration Pathways: Migrating Health Professionals to Canada. 109-125. 2022
- Caring for people with acute conditions: transitional care, relocation of care and new division of work. 117-151. 2022
- Academic Journal Publishing: A Pathway to Global Health Leadership. 63-79. 2022
- Gendering Integration Pathways: Migrating Health Professionals to Canada. 109-125. 2022
- 10. Double Isolation Immigrants and Older Adult Care Work in Canada. 117-126. 2019
- 3. The Ontario Midwifery Model of Care. 89-118. 2019
- New health geographies of complementary, alternative and traditional medicines in primary health care. 167-183. 2016
- Deploying and Managing Health Human Resources. 308-324. 2016
- Gender, health, care and place: Living in rural and remote communities. 287-302. 2016
- Healthcare Policy and Governance in International Perspective. 3-19. 2016
- Professions and the migration of expert labour Towards an intersectional analysis of transnational mobility patterns and integration pathways of health professionals. 295-312. 2016
- The Routledge Companion to the Professions and Professionalism Introduction. 231-233. 2016
- The changing world of professions and professionalism General introduction. 1-10. 2016
- The Need for a Pan-Canadian Health Human Resources Strategy and Coordinated Action Plan. 88-110. 2015
- Deploying and Managing Health Human Resources. 308-324. 2015
- Deploying and Managing Health Human Resources. 308-324. 2015
- Developing and Executing Cross-National Projects. 225-238. 2015
- Double isolation: Immigrants and older adult care work in Canada. 117-126. 2015
- Healthcare Policy and Governance in International Perspective. 3-19. 2015
- Healthcare Policy and Governance in International Perspective. 3-19. 2015
- Magali Sarfatti Larson and Anne Witz. 520-534. 2015
- Magali Sarfatti Larson and Anne Witz: Professional Projects, Class and Gender. 520-534. 2015
- Magali Sarfatti Larson and Anne Witz: Professional Projects, Class and Gender. 520-534. 2015
- Canada’s Live-in Caregiver Program. 355-364. 2014
- CAM integration in inter-professional context: nursing, midwifery and medicine in Canada. 25-46. 2014
- Chapter 28: Canada’s Live-in Caregiver Program. 355-364. 2014
- Chronically ill patients' experience of illness and healing relationships in integrative medicine. 89-106. 2013
- Integrating International Medical Graduates: The Canadian Approach to the Brain Waste Problem. 199-217. 2013
- Gender, Health, Care and Place 2012
- Gendering Health Human Resource Policy and Management 2012
- Gender, Health, Care and Place: Living in Rural and Remote Communities. 321-336. 2012
- Gendering Health Human Resource Policy and Management. 72-91. 2012
- Caring beyond borders: Comparing the relationship between nursing work and migration patterns in Canada and Finland. 65-86. 2011
- Introduction. 1-16. 2010
- The challenges to achieving self-sufficiency in Canadian medical education. 261-277. 2009
- The Ontario Midwifery Model of Care. 89-118. 2009
- New health geographies of complementary, alternative and traditional medicines in primary health care. 167-183. 2008
- Collaborative care and professional boundaries: maternity care in Canada. 95-110. 2008
- Collaborative care and professional boundaries: maternity care in Canada. 95-110. 2008
- Collaborative care and professional boundaries: maternity care in Canada. 95-110. 2008
- Acknowledging Expertise through “Grandmothering,” but Not for All. 238-259. 2006
- Acronyms. xix-xx. 2006
- Advancing Conceptualizations of Women, Professions, and the State. 260-287. 2006
- An Expanded Discussion of Theory and Methods. 289-294. 2006
- Analytical Lenses: Professions, Women, and the State. 3-17. 2006
- Deciding to Integrate Midwifery. 91-118. 2006
- Defining Themselves before Being Defined. 149-187. 2006
- Dilemmas of Regulation. 121-148. 2006
- Educating Midwives for Independence. 208-237. 2006
- Ensuring Equity of Access through Public Funding. 188-207. 2006
- Foreword. xi-xiv. 2006
- From Social Movement to Professional Project. 67-90. 2006
- Index Authors. 342-346. 2006
- Index General. 325-341. 2006
- International Inspirations and Cautionary Tales. 18-42. 2006
- Introduction. xxi-xxiii. 2006
- The Fall and Rise of Midwifery in Canada. 43-64. 2006
- Afterword. Missing Pieces and New Developments: Challenges and Opportunities. 306-310. 2004
- Introduction. 167-168. 2004
- Introduction. 67-70. 2004
- Introduction. 15-16. 2004
- Introduction. 221-224. 2004
- Introduction Reconceiving Midwifery in Canada. 1-14. 2004
- To fund or not to fund: The Alberta decision. 131-149. 2004
- Health Care Delivery System: Canada. 790-795.
- Migration. 1645-1651.
- Integrated Primary Care Workforce Planning: An Iterative Stepped Model Applied in Toronto, Canada. Annals of Family Medicine. 5274. 2023
- Canada's Rural Anesthesia Workforce: Trends 1996-2018. Anesthesia and Analgesia. 379-379. 2022
- A complex adaptive system framework of barriers and facilitators to integrated care. International Journal of Integrated Care. 245-245. 2019
journal articles
- Canadian teachers with mental health issues and workplace accommodations. Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health. ahead-of-print. 2025
- Nurses Navigating Mental Health During Uncharted Times: Self, Others, Systems (S.O.S)!. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. 56:396-405. 2024
- Gender and healthcare leadership: Addressing critical knowledge gaps by explicitly considering the gendered concept of care.. Healthcare Management Forum. 8404704241293947. 2024
- Even if you build it, they may not come: challenges in the uptake of workplace mental health toolkits.. BMC International Health and Human Rights. 24:2770. 2024
- Dentists' Mental Health: Challenges, Supports, and Promising Practices.. JDR Clinical and Translational Research. 23800844241271664. 2024
- Cultivating a psychological health and safety culture for interprofessional primary care teams through a co-created evidence-informed toolkit. Healthcare Management Forum. 37:334-339. 2024
- Engagement with partners is a leading practice in health workforce planning: What health leaders need to know. Healthcare Management Forum. 37:377-383. 2024
- Mental Health of Canadian Dentists Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic.. Journal of the Canadian Dental Association. 90:o7. 2024
- Factors influencing nurse practitioner panel size in team-based primary care: a qualitative case study. BMC Primary Care. 25:304. 2024
- Work & life stress experienced by professional workers during the pandemic: a gender-based analysis. BMC International Health and Human Rights. 24:1441. 2024
- Emergency responses for a health workforce under pressure: Lessons learned from system responses to the first wave of the pandemic in Canada. International Journal of Health Planning and Management. 39:906-916. 2024
- Health human resources planning in Canada—Part II: Its importance for pharmacy in Canada. Canadian Pharmacists Journal. 157:116-122. 2024
- Interventions on gender equity in the workplace: a scoping review. BMC Medicine. 22:149. 2024
- “I feel broken”: Chronicling burnout, mental health, and the limits of individual resilience in nursing. Nursing Inquiry. 31:e12609. 2024
- “It takes a village to raise a leader”: Overcoming gender-specific barriers through individual, workplace, and organizational level facilitators. Advancing Women in Leadership. 43:135-148. 2024
- Health workforce data needed to minimize inequities associated with health-worker migration. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 102:117-122. 2024
- On-Demand and Marketplace Platforms: Gig Care Work Conditions on Two Digital Labour Platform Care Models. Critical Sociology. 2024
- The Physician Anesthesia Workforce in Canada From 1996 to 2018: A Longitudinal Analysis of Health Administrative Data. Anesthesia and Analgesia. 137:1128-1134. 2023
- Design, delivery and effectiveness of health practitioner regulation systems: an integrative review. Human Resources for Health. 21:72. 2023
- Employee Mental Health, Interpersonal Discrimination at Work, and How Human Resources Can Help. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2023. 2023
- “I wish I had known what I was getting into”: a qualitative study exploring the experiences of Canadians who study medicine abroad. BMC Medical Education. 23:376. 2023
- Evaluation of a leadership development impact assessment toolkit: a comparative case study of experts’ perspectives in three Canadian provinces. Leadership in Health Services. 36:335-353. 2023
- The anesthesia workforce in Canada: a methodology to identify physician anesthesia providers using health administrative data. Human Resources for Health. 21:34. 2023
- Perceptions of bias in the selection of international medical graduate residency applicants in Canada. Canadian Medical Education Journal. 14:16-22. 2023
- Supporting diverse health leadership requires active listening, observing, learning and bystanding. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal. 42:346-363. 2023
- The impact of COVID-19 on the mental health and substance use health (MHSUH) workforce in Canada: a mixed methods study. Human Resources for Health. 21:9. 2023
- Global evidence of gender equity in academic health research: a scoping review. BMJ Open. 13:e067771-e067771. 2023
- Sustaining the Canadian Nursing Workforce: Targeted Evidence-Based Reactive Solutions in Response to the Ongoing Crisis. Nursing Leadership. 35:14-28. 2023
- Complexities of health and care worker migration pathways and corresponding international reporting requirements. Human Resources for Health. 21:2. 2023
- A Message From the Guest Editor. Healthcare Management Forum. 36:3-4. 2023
- Implementing leading practices in regional-level primary care workforce planning: Lessons learned in Toronto. Healthcare Management Forum. 36:15-20. 2023
- Leading practices for men to support women’s health leadership: A toolkit of resources to initiate change. Healthcare Management Forum. 36:55-60. 2023
- Out from the shadows: What health leaders should do to advance the mental health and substance use health workforce. Healthcare Management Forum. 36:42-48. 2023
- Teaming up for long-term care: Recognizing all long-term care staff contribute to quality care. Healthcare Management Forum. 36:26-29. 2023
- Enhancing the capacity of the mental health and substance use health workforce to meet population needs: insights from a facilitated virtual policy dialogue. Health Research Policy and Systems. 20:51. 2022
- How equitable has the COVID-19 response been in Canada?. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 113:791-794. 2022
- Pan-Canadian Registration and Licensure of Health Professionals: A Path Forward Emerging from a Best Brains Exchange Policy Dialogue. Healthcare Policy. 18:17-25. 2022
- The Impact of COVID-19 on the Mental Health and Substance Use Health (MHSUH) Workforce in Canada: A Mixed Methods Study 2022
- A Message From the Guest Editor.. Healthcare Management Forum. 35:197-198. 2022
- The pathway from mental health, leaves of absence, and return to work of health professionals: Gender and leadership matter. Healthcare Management Forum. 35:199-206. 2022
- Teacher Mental Health and Leaves of Absences: A Pilot Study Examining Gender and Care. Canadian Journal of Education. 45:315-349. 2022
- Weight Communication: How Do Health Professionals Communicate about Weight with Their Patients in Primary Care Settings?. Health Communication. 37:561-567. 2022
- Implementation of a new clinical and organisational practice to improve access to primary care services: a protocol for an effectiveness-implementation hybrid study. BMJ Open. 12:e059792-e059792. 2022
- The role of gender, profession and informational role self-efficacy in physician–nurse knowledge sharing and decision-making. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 36:34-43. 2022
- Women and gender equity in academia through the conceptual lens of care. Journal of Gender Studies. 31:74-86. 2022
- Leadership for quality in long-term care. Healthcare Management Forum. 35:5-10. 2022
- Mental Health Experiences of Teachers: A Scoping Review. Journal of Teaching and Learning. 16:23-43. 2022
- Vulnerabilities in the Nursing Workforce in Canada: The Anatomy and Physiology of Nursing Workforce Challenges and Potential Solutions for Better Planning, Policy and Management. Nursing Leadership. 34:11-18. 2021
- An integrated primary care workforce planning toolkit at the regional level (part 1): qualitative tools compiled for decision-makers in Toronto, Canada. Human Resources for Health. 19:85. 2021
- An integrated primary care workforce planning toolkit at the regional level (part 2): quantitative tools compiled for decision-makers in Toronto, Canada. Human Resources for Health. 19:86. 2021
- Co-developing an integrated primary care workforce planning approach at a regional level: overarching framework and guiding principles. Human Resources for Health. 19:87. 2021
- Health workforce strategies in response to major health events: a rapid scoping review with lessons learned for the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Human Resources for Health. 19:154. 2021
- Regulating health professional scopes of practice: comparing institutional arrangements and approaches in the US, Canada, Australia and the UK. Human Resources for Health. 19:15. 2021
- Retention of visa-trainee post-graduate residents in Canada: a retrospective cohort study. Human Resources for Health. 19:98. 2021
- A Gendered Analysis of Work, Stress and Mental Health, Among Professional and Non-Professional Workers. Professions and Professionalism. 11. 2021
- Health Workforce Strategies in Response to Major Health Events: A Rapid Scoping Review with Lessons Learned for the Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic 2021
- Will COVID-19 result in a giant step backwards for women in academic science?. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 134:160-166. 2021
- Promouvoir l’équité entre les genres en médecine. CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL. 193:E664-E671. 2021
- Hiding in plain sight: the absence of consideration of the gendered dimensions in ‘source’ country perspectives on health worker migration. Human Resources for Health. 19:40. 2021
- Advancing gender equity in medicine. CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL. 193:E244-E250. 2021
- Care Work and Academic Motherhood: Challenges for Research and Tenure in the Canadian University. Canadian Journal of Higher Education. 51:85-99. 2021
- Intersectionality: Mapping Critical Relations for Quality in Long-Term Care Research. Innovation in Aging. 4:39-39. 2020
- “When you are working in this environment, you’re more likely to get sick”: Mapping Care Relationships in LTC. Innovation in Aging. 4:931-931. 2020
- Mapping the peer-reviewed literature on accommodating nurses’ return to work after leaves of absence for mental health issues: a scoping review. Human Resources for Health. 18:36. 2020
- The COVID-19 pandemic presents an opportunity to develop more sustainable health workforces. Human Resources for Health. 18:83. 2020
- Hiding in Plain Sight: The Absence of Consideration of the Gendered Dimensions in ‘Source’ Country Perspectives of Health Worker Migration 2020
- An Integrated Primary Care Workforce Planning Toolkit at the Regional Level (Part 1): Qualitative Tools Compiled for Decision-Makers in Toronto, Canada 2020
- Regulating Health Professional Scopes of Practice: Comparing Institutional Arrangements & Approaches in the US, Canada, Australia & the UK 2020
- An Integrated Primary Care Workforce Planning Toolkit at The Regional Level (Part 2) Quantitative Tools Compiled for Decision-Makers in Toronto, Canada 2020
- Global evidence of gender inequity in academic health research: a living scoping review protocol. The JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports. 18:2181-2193. 2020
- Geographically mobile healthcare workers and the conditions of their travel: The perspectives of managers. Healthcare Management Forum. 33:206-209. 2020
- Applying gender-based analysis plus to Employee Assistance Programs: A Canadian perspective. Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health. 35:80-99. 2020
- Team-Based Integrated Knowledge Translation for Enhancing Quality of Life in Long-term Care Settings: A Multi-method, Multi-sectoral Research Design. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 9:138-142. 2020
- Dietitians’ Perspectives on the Impact of Multidisciplinary Teams and Electronic Medical Records on Dietetic Practice for Weight Management. Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research. 81:1-6. 2020
- “This policy sucks and it’s stupid:” Mapping maternity care for First Nations women on reserves in Manitoba, Canada. Health Care for Women International. 40:1302-1335. 2019
- Evidence use in equity focused health impact assessment: a realist evaluation. BMC International Health and Human Rights. 19:230. 2019
- HRH dimensions of community health workers: a case study of rural Afghanistan. Human Resources for Health. 17:12. 2019
- Is attending birth dying out? Trends in obstetric care provision among primary care physicians in British Columbia.. Canadian Family Physician. 65:901-909. 2019
- Poor health workforce planning is costly, risky and inequitable. CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL. 191:E1147-E1148. 2019
- Healthcare workers ‘on the move’: making visible the employment-related geographic mobility of healthcare workers. Health Sociology Review. 28:277-290. 2019
- “I don't see gender”: Conceptualizing a gendered system of academic publishing. Social Science and Medicine. 235:112388-112388. 2019
- Dietitians' perspectives on patient barriers and enablers to weight management: An application of the social‐ecological model. Nutrition and Dietetics. 76:353-362. 2019
- End-of-career practice patterns of primary care physicians in Ontario.. Canadian Family Physician. 65:e221-e230. 2019
- Harnessing instability as an opportunity for health system strengthening: A review of health system resilience. Healthcare Management Forum. 32:128-135. 2019
- Institutional ethnography as a unique tool for improving health systems. Healthcare Management Forum. 32:143-147. 2019
- Distance from Home Birth to Emergency Obstetric Services and Neonatal Outcomes: A Cohort Study. Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health. 64:170-178. 2019
- Trends in Providing Out-of-Office, Urgent After-Hours, and On-Call Care in British Columbia. Annals of Family Medicine. 17:116-124. 2019
- Gender bias in academia. The Lancet. 393:741-743. 2019
- Time for gender-transformative change in the health workforce. The Lancet. 393:e25-e26. 2019
- A gender analysis of a national community health workers program: A case study of Afghanistan. Global Public Health. 14:23-36. 2019
- Maternal and child health performance of a national community health workers’ program using large administrative databases: a quantitative case study of Afghanistan. Journal of Global Health Reports. 3. 2019
- The beliefs of Senegal’s physicians toward the use of telemedicine. Pan African Medical Journal. 34:97. 2019
- Canada’s evacuation policy for pregnant First Nations women: Resignation, resilience, and resistance. Women and Birth. 31:479-488. 2018
- Current Weight Management Approaches Used by Primary Care Providers in Six Multidisciplinary Healthcare Settings in Ontario. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. 50:169-178. 2018
- Nutrition care practices of primary care providers for weight management in multidisciplinary primary care settings in Ontario, Canada - a qualitative study. BMC Primary Care. 19:69. 2018
- Relationships between work outcomes, work attitudes and work environments of health support workers in Ontario long-term care and home and community care settings. Human Resources for Health. 16:15. 2018
- Intersecting Policy Contexts of Employment-Related Geographical Mobility of Healthcare Workers: The Case of Nova Scotia, Canada. Healthcare Policy. 14:12-21. 2018
- Determinants of the Intention of Senegal's Physicians to Use Telemedicine in Their Professional Activities. Telemedicine Journal and e-Health. 24:897-898. 2018
- Saudi visa trainees called home from Canada in diplomatic dispute. The Lancet. 392:815-816. 2018
- ‘We want to be seen as partners, not vultures of the world:’ perspectives of Canadian stakeholders on migration of international students studying in health professions in Canada. Globalisation, Societies and Education. 16:395-408. 2018
- The Relationship of Safety with Burnout for Mobile Health Employees. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 15:1461-1461. 2018
- Nutrition and obesity care in multidisciplinary primary care settings in Ontario, Canada: Short duration of visits and complex health problems perceived as barriers. Preventive Medicine Reports. 10:242-247. 2018
- The gendered system of academic publishing. The Lancet. 391:1754-1756. 2018
- Networks as systems. Journal of Health Organization and Management. 32:9-24. 2018
- The Job Content, Context, and Requirements of Regulated Home-Based Childcare Workers. New Solutions. 27:607-628. 2018
- Best Practices in Bridging Education: Multiple Case Study Evaluation of Postsecondary Bridging Programs for Internationally Educated Health Professionals.. Journal of Allied Health. 47:e23-e28. 2018
- An examination of the causes, consequences, and policy responses to the migration of highly trained health personnel from the Philippines: the high cost of living/leaving—a mixed method study. Human Resources for Health. 15:25. 2017
- Causes, consequences, and policy responses to the migration of health workers: key findings from India. Human Resources for Health. 15:28. 2017
- Credentialing and retention of visa trainees in post-graduate medical education programs in Canada. Human Resources for Health. 15:38. 2017
- Physicians’ perceptions on the impact of telemedicine on recruitment and retention in underserved areas: a descriptive study in Senegal. Human Resources for Health. 15:67. 2017
- Conceptualizing the Social and Political Context of the Health Workforce: Health Professions, the State, and Its Gender Dimensions. Frontiers in Sociology. 2:16. 2017
- In British Columbia, The Supply Of Primary Care Physicians Grew, But Their Rate Of Clinical Activity Declined. Health Affairs. 36:1904-1911. 2017
- Results of implementation of a hospital‐based strategy to reduce cesarean delivery among low‐risk women in Canada. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 139:239-244. 2017
- Examination outcomes and work locations of international medical graduate family medicine residents in Canada.. Canadian Family Physician. 63:776-783. 2017
- Retention Patterns of Canadians Who Studied Medicine Abroad and Other International Medical Graduates. Healthcare Policy. 12:33-45. 2017
- What Do We Know and Not Know about the Professional Integration of International Medical Graduates (IMGs) in Canada?. Healthcare Policy. 12:18-32. 2017
- Realization of entry-to-practice milestones by Canadians who studied medicine abroad and other international medical graduates: a retrospective cohort study. CMAJ open. 5:E476-E482. 2017
- Stakeholder’s perspective: Sustainability of a community health worker program in Afghanistan. Evaluation and Program Planning. 60:123-129. 2017
- Social Determinants of Maternal Health in Afghanistan: A Review. Central Asian Journal of Global Health. 6:240. 2017
- The individual and contextual determinants of the use of telemedicine: A descriptive study of the perceptions of Senegal's physicians and telemedicine projects managers. PLoS ONE. 12:e0181070-e0181070. 2017
- Scoping review about the professional integration of internationally educated health professionals. Human Resources for Health. 14:38. 2016
- Dietetic Referrals in Various Primary Healthcare Settings: A Literature Review. Canadian Journal of Diabetes. 40:S29-S30. 2016
- Commentary: Optimizing Advanced Practice Nursing Roles in Canada. Nursing Leadership. 29:14-17. 2016
- Health system transformation through research innovation. Healthcare Papers. 16:8-19. 2016
- The Palgrave International Handbook of Healthcare Policy and Governance Edited by EllenKuhlmann, Robert H.Blank, Ivy LynnBourgeault and ClausWendtBasingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. ISBN 978-1-137-38492-8; £149.00 (hbk). Social Policy and Administration. 50:618-620. 2016
- A mixed-methods study of health worker migration from Jamaica. Human Resources for Health. 14:36. 2016
- Knowledge and potential impact of the WHO Global code of practice on the international recruitment of health personnel: Does it matter for source and destination country stakeholders?. Human Resources for Health. 14:25. 2016
- Commentaries on health services research. Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants. 29:1-2. 2016
- The effect of a PA on an infectious disease consult service. Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants. 29. 2016
- Health worker migration from South Africa: causes, consequences and policy responses. Human Resources for Health. 13:92. 2015
- The Personal Support Worker Program Standard in Ontario: An Alternative to Self-Regulation?. Healthcare Policy. 11:20-26. 2015
- The shield of professional status: Comparing internationally educated nurses’ and international medical graduates’ experiences of discrimination. Health. 19:615-634. 2015
- Forms of Capital as Facilitators of Internationally Educated Nurses’ Integration into the Registered Nursing Workforce in Canada. Canadian Public Policy/ Analyse de Politiques. 41:S150-S161. 2015
- Professional integration as a process of professional resocialization: Internationally educated health professionals in Canada. Social Science and Medicine. 131:74-81. 2015
- Community health workers in Canada and other high-income countries: A scoping review and research gaps. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 106:e157-e164. 2015
- Experiences of Older Adults in Transition from Hospital to Community. Canadian Journal on Aging. 34:90-99. 2015
- Trading health for oil? Uganda should not export its health workers. The Lancet. 385:e13-e13. 2015
- The inclusion of migrants in health impact assessments: A scoping review. Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 50:16-24. 2015
- Community health workers of Afghanistan: a qualitative study of a national program. Conflict and Health. 8:26. 2014
- The implications of the feminization of the primary care physician workforce on service supply: a systematic review. Human Resources for Health. 12:32. 2014
- A Scoping Review of the Literature on Internationally Educated Nurses in Canada: Mapping a Research Agenda. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. 46:26-45. 2014
- Acculturation and Nutritional Health of Immigrants in Canada: A Scoping Review. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 16:24-34. 2014
- Cultural Competence of Internationally Educated Nurses: Assessing Problems and Finding Solutions. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. 45:88-107. 2013
- Role construction and boundaries in interprofessional primary health care teams: a qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research. 13:486. 2013
- The Importance of Evaluating New Models of Care to Better Meet Patient Needs. Healthcare Papers. 13:32-35. 2013
- Comparing approaches to integrating refugee and asylum-seeking healthcare professionals in Canada and the UK.. Healthcare Policy. 9:126-138. 2013
- Towards a Sociology of Health and Healthcare. Healthcare Policy. 9:10-13. 2013
- A Comparison of the Regulation of Health Professional Boundaries across OECD Countries. European Journal of Comparative Economics, The. 10:199-223. 2013
- Ethical Considerations for Effective Health Human Resources Planning and Management. Healthcare Management Forum. 26:65-67. 2013
- The Employment and Recruitment of Immigrant Care Workers in Canada. Canadian Public Policy/ Analyse de Politiques. 39:335-350. 2013
- Canadian Health Policy in the News: Why Evidence Matters 2012
- Problematising public and private work spaces: Midwives' work in hospitals and in homes. Midwifery. 28:582-590. 2012
- Conceptualizing Professional Diaspora: International Medical Graduates in Canada. Journal of International Migration and Integration. 13:39-57. 2012
- If the answer is "more nurses," what is the question?. Canadian Nurse. 108:44. 2012
- The financial cost of doctors emigrating from sub-Saharan Africa: human capital analysis. The BMJ. 343:d7031-d7031. 2011
- Midwives on the move: Comparing the requirements for practice and integration contexts for internationally educated midwives in Canada with the U.S., U.K. and Australia. Midwifery. 27:368-375. 2011
- Rural residence and risk for perinatal depression: a Canadian pilot study. Archives of Women's Mental Health. 14:175-185. 2011
- Linking integrative medicine with interprofessional education and care initiatives: Challenges and opportunities for interprofessional collaboration. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 25:182-188. 2011
- Advanced Practice Nursing in Canada: Overview of a Decision Support Synthesis. Nursing Leadership. 23:15-34. 2010
- Clinical Nurse Specialists and Nurse Practitioners: Title Confusion and Lack of Role Clarity. Nursing Leadership. 23:189-210. 2010
- Factors Enabling Advanced Practice Nursing Role Integration in Canada. Nursing Leadership. 23:211-238. 2010
- The Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Role in Canada. Nursing Leadership. 23:114-139. 2010
- The Clinical Nurse Specialist Role in Canada. Nursing Leadership. 23:140-166. 2010
- The Primary Healthcare Nurse Practitioner Role in Canada. Nursing Leadership. 23:88-113. 2010
- The Role of Nursing Leadership in Integrating Clinical Nurse Specialists and Nurse Practitioners in Healthcare Delivery in Canada. Nursing Leadership. 23:167-185. 2010
- Utilization of Nurse Practitioners to Increase Patient Access to Primary Healthcare in Canada – Thinking Outside the Box. Nursing Leadership. 23:239-259. 2010
- The Inevitable Health System(s) Reform: An Opportune Time to Reflect on Systems Thinking in Public Health in Canada. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 101:499-499. 2010
- Canada’s Live-In Caregiver Program: Is it an Answer to the Growing Demand for Elderly Care?. Journal of Population Ageing. 3:83-102. 2010
- Relations between Immigrant Care Workers and Older Persons in Home and Long-Term Care. Canadian Journal on Aging. 29:109-118. 2010
- Comparing Health Professional Work Orientation in French and Canadian Hospitals: Structural Influence of Patients in Open and Closed Units. Comparative Sociology. 9:357-375. 2010
- Encountering Globalization. Current Sociology. 57:487-510. 2009
- Introduction: Comparative Perspectives on Professional Groups. Current Sociology. 57:475-485. 2009
- Work culture within the hospital context in Canada: professional versus unit influences. Journal of Health Organization and Management. 23:332-345. 2009
- Canadian Family Physicians and Complementary/Alternative Medicine: The Role of Practice Setting, Medical Training, and Province of Practice*. Canadian Review of Sociology, The. 46:143-159. 2009
- Caring Beyond Borders: Comparing the Relationship between Work and Migration Patterns in Canada and Finland. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 99:22-26. 2008
- Accessing Maternity Care in Rural Canada: There's More to the Story Than Distance to a Doctor. Health Care for Women International. 29:863-883. 2008
- Qualitative research and the politics of knowledge in an age of evidence: Developing a research-based practice of immanent critique. Social Science and Medicine. 67:195-203. 2008
- Structural constraints and opportunities for CAM use and referral by physicians, nurses, and midwives. Health. 12:193-213. 2008
- Gender, professions and public policy: new directions. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal. 27:5-18. 2008
- Caring beyond borders: Comparing the relationship between work and migration patterns in Canada and Finland. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 99. 2008
- Actions speak louder than words: Mainstream health providers’ definitions and behaviour regarding complementary and alternative medicine. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 13:29-37. 2007
- Finding the Right Mix: How Do Contextual Factors Affect Collaborative Mental Health Care in Ontario?. Canadian Public Policy/ Analyse de Politiques. 33:S49-S64. 2007
- Health Human Resources Policy in the 21 st Century: Addressing the Complexities of Who Does What in a Canadian Context. Canadian Public Policy/ Analyse de Politiques. 33:Siii-Sv. 2007
- Les ressources humaines en santé au xxi e siècle: une question complexe abordée dans le contexte canadien. Canadian Public Policy/ Analyse de Politiques. 33:Svii-Six. 2007
- Collaborative health care teams in Canada and the USA: Confronting the structural embeddedness of medical dominance. Health Sociology Review. 15:481-495. 2006
- Decentred comparative research: Context sensitive analysis of maternal health care. Social Science and Medicine. 63:2986-2997. 2006
- Making a Better Living from Caregiving: Comparing Strategies to Improve Wages for Care Providers*. Canadian Review of Sociology, The. 43:407-426. 2006
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- Regulation and Quality Assurance for the Mental Health and Substance Use Health Workforce: A Scoping Review 2024
- Impact of the Pandemic on the Mental Health of Professional Workers 2024
- Factors influencing nurse practitioner panel size in team-based primary care: A qualitative case study 2024
- Design, operation and strengthening of health practitioner regulation systems: A rapid integrative review 2022
- Who Provides Anesthesia Services in Canada? A Methodology to Identify the Physician Anesthesia Workforce Using Health Administrative Data 2022
- Enhancing the Capacity of the Mental Health and Substance Use Health Workforce to Meet Population Needs: Insights From a Facilitated Virtual Policy Dialogue 2022
- Hiding in Plain Sight: Gendered Dimensions of Health Worker Migration from ‘Source’ Country Perspectives 2020