selected scholarly activity
- Changing strategic capacities: Union amalgamations in Canada and Australia. FUTURE OF TRADE UNIONISM. 131-148. 2019
- Neo-Liberalism and the Working Girl: The Dilemmas of Women and the Australian Union Movement. Economic and Industrial Democracy. 627-665. 1996
journal articles
- Introduction: Public Policy and Canada's Automotive Industry. Canadian Public Policy/ Analyse de Politiques. 43:Siii-Svi. 2017
- What Shapes Automotive Investment Decisions in a Contemporary Global Economy?. Canadian Public Policy/ Analyse de Politiques. 43:S16-S29. 2017
- Workers on the move: can unions keep up to changes in community?. Labour and Industry. 25:38-51. 2015
- ‘Dirty Work?’ Gender, Race and the Union in Industrial Cleaning. Gender, Work & Organization. 20:737-751. 2013
- Organizing Women in the Spaces between Home, Work and Community. Relations Industrielles. 66:585-603. 2011
- Neue Wege für die kollektive Interessenvertretung: Einleitung DE. Transfer. 16:307-314. 2010
- Repenser la représentation collective: introduction FR. Transfer. 16:299-306. 2010
- Rethinking collective representation: introduction EN. Transfer. 16:291-297. 2010
- Understanding caring, organizing women: how framing a problem shapes union strategy. Transfer. 16:399-410. 2010
- Challenging Misconceptions about Organizing Women into Unions. Gender, Work & Organization. 13:565-584. 2006
- Why ‘Good’ Jobs Lead to Social Exclusion. Economic and Industrial Democracy. 27:341-368. 2006
- Les ouvriers de Vauxhall face à la lean production. Mouvement Social. 217:33-33. 2006
- Segmented labour, united unions? How unions in Canada cope with increased diversity. Transfer. 11:617-628. 2005
- Forum: Reorganizing Unions Rebuilding the Labour Movement by Organizing the Unorganized: Strategic Considerations. Studies in Political Economy. 74:171-179. 2004
- Sustaining union militancy and mobilization: Critical reflections on Dan Clawson's The Next Upsurge. Labor History. 45:347-352. 2004
- Empowerment As a Trojan Horse: New Systems of Work Organization in the North American Automobile Industry. Economic and Industrial Democracy. 22:517-541. 2001
- Quality of working life in the automobile industry: A Canada‐UK comparative study. New Technology, Work, and Employment. 16:72-87. 2001
- Staying the Decline in Union Membership : Union Organizing in Ontario, 1985-1999. Relations Industrielles. 55:640-674. 2000
- Defining the Fault Lines: New Divisions in the Working Class. Capital & Class. 22:119-147. 1998
- Unity and Diversity: Challenges to an Expanding Canadian Autoworkers' Union*. Canadian Review of Sociology, The. 35:93-118. 1998
- From Plant to Politics: The Auto Workers Union in Postwar Canada.. Contemporary Sociology. 24:769-769. 1995
- From Plant to Politics: The Autoworkers Union in Postwar Canada.. Industrial & Labor Relations Review. 48:192-192. 1994