subject area of
- A comparison of infants' and adults' sensitivity to Western musical structure. Journal Articles
- Aging and auditory temporal sequencing: Ordering the elements of repeating tone patterns Journal Articles
- Are Juvenile Offenders Extreme Future Discounters? Journal Articles
- Audiovisual interactions depend on context of congruency Journal Articles
- Bisection of temporal intervals by pigeons. Journal Articles
- Children's recall strategies in dichotic listening Journal Articles
- Continuous theta-burst rTMS over primary somatosensory cortex modulates tactile perception on the hand Journal Articles
- Continuous theta-burst stimulation modulates tactile synchronization Journal Articles
- Convergent validity of measures of cognitive distortions, impulsivity, and time perspective with pathological gambling. Journal Articles
- Crossmodal Temporal Order and Processing Acuity in Developmentally Dyslexic Young Adults Journal Articles
- Developmental changes in the perception of visuotactile simultaneity Journal Articles
- Duration tuning in the auditory midbrain of echolocating and non-echolocating vertebrates Journal Articles
- Effect of Abstinence from Social Media on Time Perception: Differences between Low- and At-Risk for Social Media “Addiction” Groups Journal Articles
- Effects of free choice and outcome valence on the sense of agency: evidence from measures of intentional binding and feelings of control Journal Articles
- Electrical Brain Activity Associated with Automatic and Controlled Processing of Melodic Contour and Interval Journal Articles
- Endogenous temporal orienting of attention in detection and discrimination tasks Journal Articles
- Experimental Evidence for Synchronization to a Musical Beat in a Nonhuman Animal Journal Articles
- Exploring the Role of the Amplitude Envelope in Duration Estimation Journal Articles
- Frontal EEG Responses as a Function of Affective Musical Features Journal Articles
- Hearing Gestures, Seeing Music: Vision Influences Perceived Tone Duration Journal Articles
- How Do You Feel the Rhythm: Dynamic Motor-Auditory Interactions Are Involved in the Imagination of Hierarchical Timing Journal Articles
- Infants’ and adults’ use of duration and intensity cues in the segmentation of tone patterns Journal Articles
- Inferior Auditory Time Perception in Children With Motor Difficulties Journal Articles
- Intentional binding and the sense of agency: A review Journal Articles
- Learner regulated knowledge of results during the acquisition of multiple timing goals Journal Articles
- Listeners lengthen phrase boundaries in self-paced music. Journal Articles
- Long‐term memory for music: infants remember tempo and timbre Journal Articles
- Mistakes strengthen the temporal binding effect in the context of goal-directed actions Journal Articles
- Motivational and Response Factors in Temporal Differentiationa Journal Articles
- Negative Priming, Attention, and Discriminating the Present from the Past Journal Articles
- Orienting in space and time: Joint contributions to exogenous spatial cuing effects Journal Articles
- Part and whole perceptual-motor practice of a polyrhythm Journal Articles
- Perceptual and motor contributions to bimanual coordination Journal Articles
- Pitch-induced illusory percepts of time. Journal Articles
- Remembering the past and imagining the future: A neural model of spatial memory and imagery. Journal Articles
- Sense of agency and intentional binding in joint action Journal Articles
- Sensorimotor learning and associated visual perception are intact but unrelated in autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
- Short-Term Memory for Duration of Movement Journal Articles
- Social exclusion reduces the sense of agency: Evidence from intentional binding Journal Articles
- Spatiotemporal properties modulate intermodal influences on early somatosenory processing during sensory-guided movement Journal Articles
- Spatiotemporal properties of apparent motion perception and aging Journal Articles
- Spatiotemporal templates for detecting orientation-defined targets Journal Articles
- Stimulus, Task, and Learning Effects on Measures of Temporal Resolution: Implications for Predictors of Language Outcome Journal Articles
- Subjective agency and awareness of shared actions Journal Articles
- Synchronization to auditory and visual rhythms in hearing and deaf individuals Journal Articles
- Taking the brain serious: introduction to the special issue on integration in and across perception and action Journal Articles
- Task‐relevance and temporal synchrony between tactile and visual stimuli modulates cortical activity and motor performance during sensory‐guided movement Journal Articles
- Temporal judgements of internal and external events in persons with and without autism Journal Articles
- Temporal judgments of immediate and delayed consequences of self-initiated movements. Journal Articles
- Temporal order and processing acuity of visual, auditory, and tactile perception in developmentally dyslexic young adults Journal Articles
- Temporal prediction abilities are mediated by motor effector and rhythmic expertise Journal Articles
- The Influence of Aging on Audiovisual Temporal Order Judgments Journal Articles
- The Role of Posterior Parietal Cortex in Beat-based Timing Perception: A Continuous Theta Burst Stimulation Study Journal Articles
- The development of audio–visual temporal precision precedes its rapid recalibration Journal Articles
- The development of the perception of audiovisual simultaneity Journal Articles
- The effects of freedom of choice in action selection on perceived mental effort and the sense of agency Journal Articles
- The influence of metricality and modality on synchronization with a beat Journal Articles
- The song system of the human brain Journal Articles
- Time distortion when users at-risk for social media addiction engage in non-social media tasks Journal Articles
- Timing and specificity of early changes in motor excitability during movement observation Journal Articles
- Trained to keep a beat: movement-related enhancements to timing perception in percussionists and non-percussionists Journal Articles
- Visual determinants of a cross-modal illusion Journal Articles
- Visual processing of the impending collision of a looming object: Time to collision revisited Journal Articles
- Young children pause on phrase boundaries in self-paced music listening: The role of harmonic cues. Journal Articles
- “Moving to the beat” improves timing perception Journal Articles