subject area of
- A Meta-analysis of the Effect of Prophylactic Central Compartment Neck Dissection on Locoregional Recurrence Rates in Patients with Papillary Thyroid Cancer Journal Articles
- A Prospective Mixed-Methods Study of Decision-Making on Surgery or Active Surveillance for Low-Risk Papillary Thyroid Cancer Journal Articles
- A Protocol for a Pan-Canadian Prospective Observational Study on Active Surveillance or Surgery for Very Low Risk Papillary Thyroid Cancer Journal Articles
- A Quantitative Analysis Examining Patients' Choice of Active Surveillance or Surgery for Managing Low-Risk Papillary Thyroid Cancer Journal Articles
- A usability study of a computerized decision aid to help patients with, early stage papillary thyroid carcinoma in, decision-making on adjuvant radioactive iodine treatment Journal Articles
- Active surveillance of low-risk papillary thyroid cancer: A meta-analysis–Methodologic critiques and tips for addressing them Journal Articles
- Adjuvant Radioactive Iodine Ablation in Tall Cell Subtype Papillary Thyroid Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal Articles
- Aggressive behavior of papillary microcarcinoma in a patient with Graves’ disease initially presenting as cystic neck mass Journal Articles
- An Exploratory Study of Fatigue and Physical Activity in Canadian Thyroid Cancer Patients Journal Articles
- An Updated Systematic Review and Commentary Examining the Effectiveness of Radioactive Iodine Remnant Ablation in Well-Differentiated Thyroid Cancer Journal Articles
- Brain Metastases from Papillary Adenocarcinoma of the Thyroid Journal Articles
- Clinical Outcomes of a Team Approach to Thyroidectomy. Journal Articles
- Complex procedural skills are retained for a minimum of 1 yr after a single high-fidelity simulation training session Journal Articles
- Concordant Graves' Disease after Bone Marrow Transplantation: Implications for Pathogenesis Journal Articles
- Decision Regret Following the Choice of Surgery or Active Surveillance for Small, Low-Risk Papillary Thyroid Cancer: A Prospective Cohort Study Journal Articles
- Decision aid on radioactive iodine treatment for early stage papillary thyroid cancer - a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
- Diagnostic accuracy of fine-needle aspiration biopsy versus frozen section in solitary thyroid nodules Journal Articles
- Gender Differences in Fears Related to Low-Risk Papillary Thyroid Cancer and Its Treatment Journal Articles
- Hipoparatiroidismo e hipocalcemia en el postoperatorio de la cirugía del bocio multinodular. Estudio multivariante de los factores de riesgo Journal Articles
- How can we meet the information needs of patients with early stage papillary thyroid cancer considering radioactive iodine remnant ablation? Journal Articles
- Hurthle cell neoplasms of the thyroid Journal Articles
- Hürthle Cell Neoplasms of the Thyroid Journal Articles
- Is Granulomatous Thyroiditis a Complication of Breast Implants? Journal Articles
- Metastasis of follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma masquerading as primary temporal bone tumour Journal Articles
- Modified-Release Recombinant Human TSH (MRrhTSH) Augments the Effect of131I Therapy in Benign Multinodular Goiter: Results from a Multicenter International, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study Journal Articles
- Pathologic nature of cystic thyroid nodules selected for surgery by needle aspiration biopsy. Journal Articles
- Patterns of regional recurrence in papillary thyroid cancer patients with lateral neck metastases undergoing neck dissection Journal Articles
- Predictive value of metastatic cervical lymph node ratio in papillary thyroid carcinoma recurrence Journal Articles
- Prevalence of voice & swallowing complaints in Pre-operative thyroidectomy patients: A prospective cohort study Journal Articles
- Prognostic value of postsurgical stimulated thyroglobulin levels after initial radioactive iodine therapy in well‐differentiated thyroid carcinoma Journal Articles
- Randomized Controlled Trial of a Computerized Decision Aid on Adjuvant Radioactive Iodine Treatment for Patients With Early-Stage Papillary Thyroid Cancer Journal Articles
- Recidiva clínica del bocio multinodular tras la cirugía. Estudio multivariante de los factores de riesgo Journal Articles
- Response to Miyauchi et al. re: “A Prospective Mixed-Methods Study of Decision Making on Surgery or Active Surveillance for Low-Risk Papillary Thyroid Cancer” Journal Articles
- Spindle epithelial tumor with thymus-like elements of the thyroid: a multi-institutional case series and review of the literature Journal Articles
- Sudden Enlargement of Local Recurrent Thyroid Tumor after Recombinant Human TSH Administration Journal Articles
- Sudden Enlargement of Local Recurrent Thyroid Tumor after Recombinant Human TSH Administration Journal Articles
- The Rationale of Patients with Early-Stage Papillary Thyroid Cancer for Accepting or Rejecting Radioactive Iodine Remnant Ablation Journal Articles
- Thyroid cancer patients’ involvement in adjuvant radioactive iodine treatment decision-making and decision regret: an exploratory study Journal Articles