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subject area of
A Mnemonic for Identification and Management of Postpartum Psychosis Journal Articles
A National Survey of Use of Obstetric Procedures and Technologies in Canadian Hospitals: Routine or Based on Existing Evidence? Journal Articles
A Retrospective Evaluation of a Model of Midwifery Care Journal Articles
A prospective study of effects of psychological factors and sleep on obstetric interventions, mode of birth, and neonatal outcomes among low-risk British Columbian women Journal Articles
Active Suppression of Host‐Versus‐Graft Reaction in Pregnant Mice. V. Kinetics, Specificity, and In Vivo Activity of Non‐T Suppressor Cells Localized to the Genital Tract of Mice During First Pregnancy* Journal Articles
Adiposity in relation to age at menarche and other reproductive factors among 300 000 Chinese women: findings from China Kadoorie Biobank study Journal Articles
Age at first birth and the risk of breast cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers Journal Articles
An Early Labor Assessment Program: A Randomized, Controlled Trial Journal Articles
Birth Outcomes for Midwifery Clients Who Begin Postdates Induction of Labour Under Midwifery Care Compared With Those Who Are Transferred to Obstetrical Care Journal Articles
Birth Technology and Maternal Roles in Birth: Knowledge and Attitudes of Canadian Women Approaching Childbirth for the First Time Journal Articles
Breast cancer risk factors and HER2 over-expression in tumors. Journal Articles
Breastfeeding Trends at a Community Breastfeeding Center: An Evaluative Survey Journal Articles
Causes and management of urogenital fistulas Journal Articles
Comparing plasma concentrations of persistent organic pollutants and metals in primiparous women from northern and southern Canada Journal Articles
Comparison between umbilical artery and vein endogenous digoxin-like immuno-active factor levels in normal and pre-eclamptic patients. Journal Articles
Contribution of prepregnancy body mass index and gestational weight gain to caesarean birth in Canada Journal Articles
Cortisol, Hedonics, and Maternal Responsiveness in Human Mothers Journal Articles
Decision Making in Patient‐Initiated Elective Cesarean Delivery: The Influence of Birth Stories Journal Articles
Derivation and validation of a model predicting the likelihood of vaginal birth following labour induction Journal Articles
Detection of Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals in Samples of Second Trimester Human Amniotic Fluid Journal Articles
Dietary lignan intakes and risk of pre- and postmenopausal breast cancer. Journal Articles
Dietary lignan intakes and risk of pre‐ and postmenopausal breast cancer Journal Articles
Differences between office and 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure measurement during pregnancy Journal Articles
Dutch women in midwife-led care at the onset of labour: which pain relief do they prefer and what do they use? Journal Articles
Dysglycemia and a History of Reproductive Risk Factors Journal Articles
Effectiveness of Nurses as Providers of Birth Labor Support in North American Hospitals<SUBTITLE>A Randomized Controlled Trial</SUBTITLE> Journal Articles
Effects of maternal parity on response of human myometrium to oxytocin and ergometrine in vitro Journal Articles
Estrogen Metabolism and Risk of Breast Cancer: A Prospective Study of the 2:16α-Hydroxyestrone Ratio in Premenopausal and Postmenopausal Women Journal Articles
Factorial invariance of pregnancy-specific anxiety dimensions across nulliparous and parous pregnant women Journal Articles
Factors affecting the uptake of prenatal screening tests for congenital anomalies; a multicentre prospective cohort study Journal Articles
Factors associated with immediate abortion complications. Journal Articles
Health care and social service professionals' perceptions of a home-visit program for young, first-time mothers Journal Articles
Hospital factors associated with maternal and neonatal outcomes of deliveries to patients with a previous cesarean delivery: an ecological study Journal Articles
Impact of diabetes, obesity and hypertension on preterm birth: Population-based study Journal Articles
Impact of social determinants of health on progression from potentially life-threatening complications to near miss events and death during pregnancy and post partum in a middle-income setting: an observational study Journal Articles
Incidence and risk factors for severe preeclampsia, hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count syndrome, and eclampsia at preterm and term gestation: a population-based study Journal Articles
Infant gut immunity: a preliminary study of IgA associations with breastfeeding Journal Articles
Influences on Decision Making Among Primiparous Women Choosing Elective Caesarean Section in the Absence of Medical Indications: Findings From a Qualitative Investigation Journal Articles
Is Fetal Gender Associated with Emergency Department Visits for Asthma During Pregnancy? Journal Articles
Lactation History and Breast Cancer Risk Journal Articles
Marijuana use during pregnancy and decreased length of gestation Journal Articles
Maternal Recall of Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Maternal Response to Paternal Trophoblast Antigens Journal Articles
Maternal factors in relation to birth weight. Journal Articles
Maternal outcomes at 2 years after planned cesarean section versus planned vaginal birth for breech presentation at term: The international randomized Term Breech Trial Journal Articles
Maternal parity and functional contractility of human myometrium in vitro in the third trimester of pregnancy Journal Articles
Mode of Delivery Following Successful External Cephalic Version: Comparison With Spontaneous Cephalic Presentations at Delivery Journal Articles
Neurodevelopmental outcomes of preterm infants conceived by assisted reproductive technology Conferences
Number of Pregnancies and Atrial Fibrillation Risk Journal Articles
Once and Again Journal Articles
Outcomes Associated with Planned Home and Planned Hospital Births in Low‐Risk Women Attended by Midwives in Ontario, Canada, 2003–2006: A Retrospective Cohort Study Journal Articles
Outcomes associated with planned place of birth among women with low-risk pregnancies Journal Articles
Parenthood and the risk of cardiovascular diseases among 0.5 million men and women: findings from the China Kadoorie Biobank Journal Articles
Parity modulates impact of BMI and gestational weight gain on gut microbiota in human pregnancy Journal Articles
Patient‐Initiated Elective Cesarean Section of Nulliparous Women in British Columbia, Canada Journal Articles
Perinatal mortality in relation to birthweight and gestational age: a registry‐based comparison of Northern Norway and Murmansk County, Russia Journal Articles
Phenotypic Classification of Preterm Birth Among Nulliparous Women: A Population-Based Cohort Study Journal Articles
Phenotypic Classification of preterm Birth Among Multiparous Women: A Population-Based Cohort Study Journal Articles
Planned caesarean section versus planned vaginal birth for breech presentation at term: a randomised multicentre trial Journal Articles
Postpartum depression and brain response to infants: Differential amygdala response and connectivity Journal Articles
Prediction of preterm birth in nulliparous women using logistic regression and machine learning Journal Articles
Predictors of mammographic density among women with a strong family history of breast cancer Journal Articles
Pregnancy health and outcome in two cities in the Kola Peninsula, Northwestern Russia Journal Articles
Prevalence of smoking before and during pregnancy and changes in this habit during pregnancy in Northwest Russia: a Murmansk county birth registry study Journal Articles
Radiology of the paraglenoid sulcus Journal Articles
Reproductive factors associated with nocturia and urinary urgency in women: a population-based study in Finland. Journal Articles
Risk of cesarean delivery among pregnant women with class III obesity Journal Articles
Sociodemographic Characteristics and Clinical Outcomes of People Receiving Inadequate Prenatal Care: A Retrospective Cohort Study Journal Articles
Sociodemographic characteristics, sexual behaviour and knowledge about cervical cancer prevention as risk factors for high-risk human papillomavirus infection in Arkhangelsk, North-West Russia Journal Articles
Soziodemografie von Erstgebärenden und Mehrfachgebärenden in einer bevölkerungsrepräsentativen Erhebung – Ergebnisse des Survey of Neonates in Pomerania (SNiP) Journal Articles
Spontaneous Human Myometrial Contractility in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy in Relation to Past Mode of Delivery Journal Articles
The Effect of Change in a Labour Management Protocol on Caesarean Section Rate in Nulliparous Women Journal Articles
The Northern Norway mother-and-child contaminant cohort study: implementation, population characteristics and summary of dietary findings Journal Articles
The costs of planned cesarean versus planned vaginal birth in the Term Breech Trial Journal Articles
The effect of multiparity on intrasellar prolactinomas Journal Articles
The mutational landscape of normal human endometrial epithelium Journal Articles
Trends in very early discharge from hospital for newborns under midwifery care in Ontario from 2003 to 2017: a retrospective cohort study Journal Articles
Tubal Sterilization in Women Under 30: Case Series and Ethical Implications Journal Articles
Use of External Cephalic Version for Breech Pregnancy and Mode of Delivery for Breech and Twin Pregnancy: A Survey of Canadian Practitioners Journal Articles
Variation in Episiotomy Use Among Nulliparous Individuals by Maternity Care Provider and Associated Rates of Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injury Journal Articles