subject area of
- 17. Neuroleptic effects on regional brain metabolism in first episode schizophrenics Journal Articles
- A Parietooccipital Generator for P300: Evidence from Human Intracranial Recordings Journal Articles
- A new brain‐derived neurotrophic factor transcript and decrease inbrain‐derived neurotrophic factor transcripts 1, 2 and 3 in Alzheimer's disease parietal cortex Journal Articles
- A review of the evidence for a disengage deficit following parietal lobe damage Journal Articles
- Altered functional connectivity to stressful stimuli in prenatally cocaine-exposed adolescents Journal Articles
- Artificial rearing causes changes in maternal behavior and c-fos expression in juvenile female rats. Journal Articles
- Bilateral Intraparietal Activation for Number Tasks in Studies Using Adaptation Paradigm: A Meta-analysis Journal Articles
- Brain mechanisms for preparing increasingly complex sensory to motor transformations Journal Articles
- Broca’s area is jointly activated during speech and gesture production Journal Articles
- Changes in cortical thickness across the lifespan in major depressive disorder Journal Articles
- Comparison of compressed sensing reconstruction algorithms for 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging Journal Articles
- Cortical Abnormalities Associated With Pediatric and Adult Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Findings From the ENIGMA Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Working Group Journal Articles
- Differences in regional and subcellular localization of Gq/11 and RGS4 protein levels in Alzheimer's disease: Correlation with muscarinic M1 receptor binding parameters Journal Articles
- Dynamic CT measurement of cerebral blood flow: a validation study. Journal Articles
- Effect of degree and direction of rotation in egocentric mental rotation of hand: an event-related potential study Journal Articles
- Effects of dipole position, orientation and noise on the accuracy of EEG source localization Journal Articles
- Elucidating the Effect of a Brief Drinking Intervention Using Neuroimaging: A Preliminary Study Journal Articles
- Exploring Cortical Subplate Evolution Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Fetal Brain Journal Articles
- Frontal–parietal event-related potential changes associated with practising a novel visuomotor task Journal Articles
- Functional MRI of working memory and selective attention in vibrotactile frequency discrimination Journal Articles
- Functional connectivity from area 5 to primary motor cortex via paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation Journal Articles
- GABAergic polygenic risk for cocaine use disorder is negatively correlated with precuneus activity during cognitive control in African American individuals Journal Articles
- Human area 5 modulates corticospinal output during movement preparation Journal Articles
- Human parietal and primary motor cortical interactions are selectively modulated during the transport and grip formation of goal-directed hand actions Journal Articles
- Immunosuppression prevents neuronal atrophy in lupus-prone mice: Journal Articles
- Impaired visual word processing in dyslexia revealed with magnetoencephalography Journal Articles
- Increased frontal and reduced parietal glucose metabolism in acute untreated schizophrenia Journal Articles
- Increased left posterior parietal–temporal cortex activation after d-fenfluramine in women with panic disorder Journal Articles
- Increased proNGF Levels in Subjects with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Mild Alzheimer Disease Journal Articles
- Inferior Parietal Region Implicated in Neurocognitive Impairment in Schizophrenia Journal Articles
- Loss of age-related laminar differentiation of intracortical myelin in bipolar disorder Journal Articles
- Method for Quantitation of Low-Abundance Nerve Growth Factor mRNA Expression in Human Nervous Tissue Using Competitive Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction Journal Articles
- Nerve growth factor mRNA and protein levels measured in the same tissue from normal and Alzheimer's disease parietal cortex Journal Articles
- Neural sexual mosaicism: Sexual differentiation of the human temporo-parietal region for functional asymmetry Journal Articles
- Neurotrophic factors and Alzheimer’s disease: are we focusing on the wrong molecule? Journal Articles
- Non-dominant hand movement facilitates the frontal N30 somatosensory evoked potential Journal Articles
- Patterns of cortical electrophysiology and autonomic activity in adults' shyness and sociability Journal Articles
- Precursor form of brain‐derived neurotrophic factor and mature brain‐derived neurotrophic factor are decreased in the pre‐clinical stages of Alzheimer's disease Journal Articles
- Progressive atrophy of pyramidal neuron dendrites in autoimmune MRL-lpr mice Journal Articles
- Quantitation of BDNF mRNA in human parietal cortex by competitive reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction: decreased levels in Alzheimer's disease Journal Articles
- Resting electrocortical activity in adults with dysfunctional anger: a pilot study Journal Articles
- Resting-state functional connectivity in individuals with bipolar disorder during clinical remission: a systematic review Journal Articles
- Resting-state functional connectivity in individuals with bipolar disorder during clinical remission: a systematic review. Journal Articles
- Resting‐state pulvinar‐posterior parietal decoupling in PTSD and its dissociative subtype Journal Articles
- Task-dependent and distinct roles of the temporoparietal junction and inferior frontal cortex in the control of imitation Journal Articles
- The Precursor Pro-Nerve Growth Factor Is the Predominant Form of Nerve Growth Factor in Brain and Is Increased in Alzheimer's Disease Journal Articles
- The Role of Posterior Parietal Cortex in Beat-based Timing Perception: A Continuous Theta Burst Stimulation Study Journal Articles
- The acute effect of methylphenidate on cerebral blood flow in boys with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder Journal Articles
- The exceptional brain of Albert Einstein Journal Articles
- The time course for visual extinction after a ‘virtual’ lesion of right posterior parietal cortex Journal Articles