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A Controlled Study of Depression among Attendees of an Oncology Clinic in West Africa Journal Articles
A Study on Epidemiological Profile of Anxiety Disorders Among People Living with HIV/AIDS in a Sub-Saharan Africa HIV Clinic Journal Articles
A comparative analysis of disability in individuals with bipolar affective disorder and schizophrenia in a sub-Saharan African mental health hospital: towards evidence-guided rehabilitation intervention Journal Articles
A cross-sectional evaluation of the correlation between disease severity and quality of life in chronic rhinosinusitis patients in Nigeria Journal Articles
A longitudinal cohort study of symptoms and other concerns among Nigerian people with stages 3–5 chronic kidney diseases: study protocol Journal Articles
Analysis of the genomic landscapes of Barbadian and Nigerian women with triple negative breast cancer Journal Articles
Anxiety disorders in breast cancer: Prevalence, types, and determinants Journal Articles
Audiometric findings in Waardenburg's syndrome amongst the institutionalised deaf/blind in Kaduna-Nigeria. Journal Articles
Comparing “insider” and “outsider” news coverage of the 2014 Ebola outbreak Journal Articles
Correlates of depressive illness among the elderly in a mixed urban community in Lagos, Nigeria Journal Articles
Disordered eating attitudes: demographic and clinico-anthropometric correlates among a sample of Nigerian students Journal Articles
Do geography and resources influence the need for colostomy in Hirschsprung′s disease and anorectal malformations? A Canadian association of paediatric surgeons: Association of paediatric surgeons of Nigeria survey Journal Articles
Effectiveness of the Diagnose-Intervene- Verify-Adjust (DIVA) model for integrated primary healthcare planning and performance improvement: an embedded mixed methods evaluation in Kaduna state, Nigeria Journal Articles
Estimating vaccine coverage in conflict settings using geospatial methods: a case study in Borno state, Nigeria Journal Articles
Evaluating the sub-national fidelity of national Initiatives in decentralized health systems: Integrated Primary Health Care Governance in Nigeria Journal Articles
Evaluation of the association between long-lasting insecticidal nets mass distribution campaigns and child malaria in Nigeria Journal Articles
Factors associated with anxiety disorders among HIV-positive attendees of an HIV clinic in Lagos, Nigeria Journal Articles
Geospatial analysis of cholera patterns in Nigeria: findings from a cross-sectional study Journal Articles
Impact of emotional distress on caregivers burden among Nigerian children with Obstructive Adenotonsillar hypertrophy Journal Articles
Implementation process and quality of a primary health care system improvement initiative in a decentralized context: A retrospective appraisal using the quality implementation framework Journal Articles
Incidence and correlates of delirium in a West African mental health clinic Journal Articles
Incorporating research evidence into decision-making processes: researcher and decision-maker perceptions from five low- and middle-income countries Journal Articles
Interplay of Anxiety and Depression With Quality of Life in Endstage Renal Disease Journal Articles
Kaiso is highly expressed in TNBC tissues of women of African ancestry compared to Caucasian women Journal Articles
Late-life depression: Burden, severity and relationship with social support dimensions in a West African community Journal Articles
Mapping heterogeneity in family planning indicators in Burkina Faso, Kenya, and Nigeria, 2000–2020 Journal Articles
Mental health services in Nigerian prisons: Lessons from a four-year review and the literature Journal Articles
Ophthalmologic abnormalities among deaf students in Kaduna, Northern Nigeria Journal Articles
Prevalence and correlates of poor medication adherence amongst psychiatric outpatients in southwestern Nigeria Journal Articles
Prevalence of childhood exposure to intimate partner violence and associations with mental distress in Cambodia, Malawi and Nigeria: A cross-sectional study Journal Articles
Prevalence of traditional cardiovascular risk factors among Nigerians with stroke. Journal Articles
Psychiatric Morbidity among Incarcerated Individuals in an Underserved Region of Nigeria: Revisiting the Unmet Mental Health Needs in Correction Services Journal Articles
Psychological distress and sleep problems in healthcare workers in a developing context during COVID-19 pandemic: Implications for workplace wellbeing Journal Articles
Psychosocial Wellbeing of Nigerian Teachers in Special Education Schools Journal Articles
Psychosocial wellbeing of patients with breast cancer following surgical treatment in Northern Nigeria. Journal Articles
Publication practices of sub-Saharan African Cochrane authors: a bibliometric study Journal Articles
Relationship between anxiety disorders and domains of health related quality of life among Nigerians with breast cancer Journal Articles
Self-stigma and decision about medication use among a sample of Nigerian outpatients with schizophrenia. Journal Articles
Strengthening decentralized primary healthcare planning in Nigeria using a quality improvement model: how contexts and actors affect implementation Journal Articles
Suicidal Ideation among Attendees of a West African HIV Clinic Journal Articles
Supporting the pandemic response and timely access to COVID-19 vaccines: a case for stronger priority setting and health system governance in Nigeria Journal Articles
Target product profiles for neonatal care devices: systematic development and outcomes with NEST360 and UNICEF. Journal Articles
The economic burden of child marriage in Nigeria. Journal Articles
The prevalence of onchocerciasis in Africa and Yemen, 2000–2018: a geospatial analysis Journal Articles
Understanding data and information needs for palliative cancer care to inform digital health intervention development in Nigeria, Uganda and Zimbabwe: protocol for a multicountry qualitative study Journal Articles
Using Linkage-enhancement Strategies to Bridge Treatment Gap among Inmates and Former Inmates in Correctional Settings with Inadequate Mental Health Care Journal Articles
Water quality, WASH, and gender: differential impacts on health and well-being in Abeokuta City, Nigeria Journal Articles