subject area of
- A Longitudinal Study of Pretend Play in Autism Journal Articles
- Activation of premotor vocal areas during musical discrimination Journal Articles
- An imagery-induced reversal of intertrial priming in visual search. Journal Articles
- Are lexical factors immune to response modality in backward recall? The effects of imageability and word frequency. Journal Articles
- Asymmetries in the spatial localization of transformed targets Journal Articles
- Beta-Band Oscillations Represent Auditory Beat and Its Metrical Hierarchy in Perception and Imagery Journal Articles
- Cognitive underpinnings of pretend play in autism. Journal Articles
- Differences in Neuronal Representation of Mental Rotation in Patients With Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and Healthy Controls Journal Articles
- Disappearing Acts: Anguish, Isolation, and the Re-imagining of the Mentally Ill in Global Psychopharmaceutical Advertising (1953–2005) Journal Articles
- EEG and fMRI agree: Mental arithmetic is the easiest form of imagery to detect Journal Articles
- Effect of degree and direction of rotation in egocentric mental rotation of hand: an event-related potential study Journal Articles
- Effects of a context shift and multiple context extinction on reactivity to alcohol cues. Journal Articles
- Episodic simulation of future events is impaired in patients with major depressive disorder Journal Articles
- Graded Motor Imagery and the Impact on Pain Processing in a Case of CRPS Journal Articles
- How Do You Feel the Rhythm: Dynamic Motor-Auditory Interactions Are Involved in the Imagination of Hierarchical Timing Journal Articles
- Imagined event files: An interplay between imagined and perceived objects Journal Articles
- It wears me out just imagining it! Mental imagery leads to muscle fatigue and diminished performance of isometric exercise Journal Articles
- Limits of imagination: the 150th Anniversary of Mendel’s Laws, and why Mendel failed to see the importance of his discovery for Darwin’s theory of evolution Journal Articles
- Looking into the mind’s eye: Directed and evaluated imagery vividness modulates imagery-perception congruency effects Journal Articles
- Modeling Mental Navigation in Scenes with Multiple Objects Journal Articles
- Moral imagination in simulation-based communication skills training Journal Articles
- Neural Correlates of Personalized Spiritual Experiences Journal Articles
- Parental bonding and neuropsychological performance are associated with episodic simulation of future events in trauma‐exposed patients with major depressive disorder Journal Articles
- Patients with bipolar disorder show a selective deficit in the episodic simulation of future events Journal Articles
- Pre-competition imagery, self-efficacy and performance in collegiate golfers Journal Articles
- Remembering the past and imagining the future: A neural model of spatial memory and imagery. Journal Articles
- Science beyond boundary: are premature discoveries things of the past? Journal Articles
- Self-selected conscious strategies do not modulate motor cortical output during action observation Journal Articles
- Sex differences in tests of mental rotation: Direct manipulation of strategies with eye-tracking. Journal Articles
- Spiritual experiences are related to engagement of a ventral frontotemporal functional brain network: Implications for prevention and treatment of behavioral and substance addictions Journal Articles
- Strategic visual imagery and automatic priming effects in pop-out visual search Journal Articles
- The Paraphilias: A Multiplicity of Deviant Behaviours* Journal Articles
- The effectiveness of imagery and sentence strategy instructions as a function of visual and auditory processing in young school-age children Journal Articles
- The mind’s scalpel in surgical education: a randomised controlled trial of mental imagery Journal Articles
- The representational basis of positive and negative repetition effects. Journal Articles
- The use of action phrases in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal Articles
- Visual imagery deficits, impaired strategic retrieval, or memory loss: disentangling the nature of an amnesic person’s autobiographical memory deficit Journal Articles
- Visual perspective as a two-dimensional construct in episodic future thought Journal Articles