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A meta-analysis of outcomes of conventional IVF in women with polycystic ovary syndrome Journal Articles
A randomized controlled trial of three low-dose gonadotrophin protocols for unexplained infertility Journal Articles
Delta‐9‐tetrahydrocannabinol disrupts mitochondrial function and attenuates syncytialization in human placental BeWo cells Journal Articles
Differential expression and interaction of melatonin and thyroid hormone receptors with estrogen receptor α improve ovarian functions in letrozole-induced rat polycystic ovary syndrome Journal Articles
Direct evidence that 17α,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one functions as a goldfish primer pheromone: Preovulatory release is closely associated with male endocrine responses Journal Articles
Effects of LH-RH and des-Gly10[d-Ala6]LH-RH-ethylamide on plasma gonadotropin levels and oocyte maturation in adult female coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) Journal Articles
Effects of [d-Ala6, Pro9-NEt]-LHRH and catecholaminergic drugs on gonadotropin secretion and ovulation in the Chinese loach (Paramisgurnus dabryanus) Journal Articles
Effects of [d-Arg6, Trp7, Leu8, Pro9 NEt]-luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (sGnRH-A) and [d-Ala6, Pro9NEt]-luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH-A), in combination with pimozide or domperidone, on Gonadotropin release and ovulation in the Chinese loach and common carp Journal Articles
Evidence That the Inhibitory Effects of Stress on Reproduction in Teleost Fish Are Not Mediated by the Action of Cortisol on Ovarian Steroidogenesis Journal Articles
Exposure to bleached kraft pulp mill effluent disrupts the pituitary-gonadal axis of white sucker at multiple sites Journal Articles
Gonadotrophin therapy for ovulation induction in subfertility associated with polycystic ovary syndrome Journal Articles
Gonadotrophin therapy for ovulation induction in subfertility associated with polycystic ovary syndrome Journal Articles
Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analogue as an adjunct to gonadotropin therapy for clomiphene-resistant polycystic ovarian syndrome Journal Articles
Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analogue as an adjunct to gonadotropin therapy for clomiphene-resistant polycystic ovarian syndrome Journal Articles
Granulosa–luteal cell function in vitro and ovarian stimulation protocols Journal Articles
Immunoreactive distribution of gonadotropin‐inhibitory hormone precursor, RFRP, in a temperate bat species (Eptesicus fuscus) Journal Articles
Inhibition of apoptosis in vitellogenic ovarian follicles of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) by salmon gonadotropin, epidermal growth factor, and 17β‐estradiol Journal Articles
Inhibition of gonadotropin‐stimulated ovarian steroid production by polyunsaturated fatty acids in teleost fish Journal Articles
Obesity and mortality in the lipid research clinics program follow-up study Journal Articles
Opioidergic control of gonadotropin secretion in the female rabbit: divergent effects of morphine on secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone Journal Articles
Patient predictors for outcome of gonadotrophin ovulation induction in women with normogonadotrophic anovulatory infertility: a meta-analysis Journal Articles
Peripheral Concentrations of Gonadotropins and Progestins During Pregnancy in Rabbits After Active Immunization Against Testosterone Journal Articles
Pharmacological Interventions for the Induction of Ovulation Journal Articles
Profiles of plasma sex steroids and gonadotropin in coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, during final maturation Journal Articles
Properties of common carp gonadotropin I and gonadotropin II Journal Articles
Relationship between cyclic AMP-stimulated and native gonadotropin-releasing hormone-stimulated gonadotropin release in the goldfish Journal Articles
Reproductive endocrine effects of chronic lead exposure in the male cynomolgus monkey Journal Articles
Steroidogenesis in luteinized granulosa cell cultures varies with follicular priming regimen Journal Articles
Suppression of Apoptosis by Gonadotropin, 17β-Estradiol, and Epidermal Growth Factor in Rainbow Trout Preovulatory Ovarian Follicles Journal Articles
The Phytoestrogen β-Sitosterol Alters the Reproductive Endocrine Status of Goldfish Journal Articles
The effect of medroxyprogesterone acetate (Provera) on ovarian radiosensitivity Journal Articles
The neuropeptide Y Y1 receptor mediates NPY‐induced inhibition of the gonadotrope axis under poor metabolic conditions Journal Articles
The short-term reproductive toxicity of cyclophosphamide in the female rat Journal Articles