subject area of
- Adverse Events to the Gadolinium-based Contrast Agent Gadoxetic Acid: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
- Aerosol Delivery During High Frequency Jet Ventilation: An MRI Evaluation Journal Articles
- Aerosol Delivery in Ventilated Newborn Pigs: An MRI Evaluation Journal Articles
- An investigation of the toxicity of gadolinium based MRI contrast agents using neutron activation analysis Journal Articles
- Artery and vein separation using susceptibility-dependent phase in contrast-enhanced MRA Journal Articles
- Axial oblique MR imaging of the intrinsic ligaments of the wrist: initial experience Journal Articles
- Basic physics of MR contrast agents and maximization of image contrast Journal Articles
- Contrast-enhanced dynamic magnetic resonance imaging findings of hepatocellular carcinoma and their correlation with histopathologic findings Journal Articles
- Correlating Subcellular Contrast Agent Location from Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (dMRI) and Analytical Electron Microscopy Journal Articles
- Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Vascular Changes Induced by Sunitinib in Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma Xenograft Tumors Journal Articles
- Effective aerosol delivery during high‐frequency ventilation in neonatal pigs Journal Articles
- Effects of myocardial fibrosis and ventricular dyssynchrony on response to therapy in new-presentation idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy: insights from cardiovascular magnetic resonance and echocardiography Journal Articles
- Efficacy of slow infusion of gadolinium contrast agent in three-dimensional MR coronary artery imaging Journal Articles
- Gadolinium‐enhanced high‐resolution MR angiography with adaptive vessel tracking: Preliminary results in the intracranial circulation Journal Articles
- Gadopentatic acid affects in vitro proliferation and doxorubicin response in human breast adenocarcinoma cells Journal Articles
- Grading of Gliomas by Using Monoexponential, Biexponential, and Stretched Exponential Diffusion-weighted MR Imaging and Diffusion Kurtosis MR Imaging Journal Articles
- Improving high-resolution MR bold venographic imaging using a T1 reducing contrast agent Journal Articles
- In vivo regional cerebral blood volume: quantitative assessment with 3D T1-weighted pre- and postcontrast MR imaging. Journal Articles
- Internal Carotid Artery Stenosis: Accuracy of Subjective Visual Impression for Evaluation with Digital Subtraction Angiography and Contrast-enhanced MR Angiography Journal Articles
- Intraindividual variability of striatal 1H-MRS brain metabolite measurements at 3 T Journal Articles
- Limitations of single slice dynamic contrast enhanced MR in pharmacokinetic modeling of bone sarcomas Journal Articles
- MR Imaging and Cardiac Amyloidosis Journal Articles
- MR susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI) complements conventional contrast enhanced T1 weighted MRI in characterizing brain abnormalities of Sturge‐Weber Syndrome Journal Articles
- MRI-based Evidence for Myocardial Involvement in Women with Hypereosinophilic Syndrome Journal Articles
- Magnetic resonance imaging of interstitial laser photocoagulation in brain Journal Articles
- Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain with gadopentetate dimeglumine‐DTPA: Comparison of T1‐weighted spin‐echo and 3D gradient‐echo sequences Journal Articles
- Magnetic resonance-derived circumferential strain provides a superior and incremental assessment of improvement in contractile function in patients early after ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction Journal Articles
- New algorithm for quantifying vascular changes in dynamic contrast‐enhanced MRI independent of absolute T1 values Journal Articles
- Non-invasive evaluation of myocardial fibrosis: implications for the clinician Journal Articles
- Patients with Multiple Sclerosis with Structural Venous Abnormalities on MR Imaging Exhibit an Abnormal Flow Distribution of the Internal Jugular Veins Journal Articles
- Quantification of the spatial distribution of rectally applied surrogates for microbicide and semen in colon with SPECT and magnetic resonance imaging Journal Articles
- Quantitative measurements of regional cerebral blood volume using MRI in rats: Effects of arterial carbon dioxide tension and mannitol Journal Articles
- Rapid high-resolution three-dimensional mapping of T1 and age-dependent variations in the non-human primate brain using magnetization-prepared rapid gradient-echo (MPRAGE) sequence Journal Articles
- The Global Reading Room: Imaging Detection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Journal Articles
- Tissue similarity maps (TSMs): A new means of mapping vascular behavior and calculating relative blood volume in perfusion weighted imaging Journal Articles