subject area of
- A Bayesian Observer Replicates Convexity Context Effects in Figure–Ground Perception Journal Articles
- Age-related changes in matching novel objects across viewpoints Journal Articles
- Aging and the integration of orientation and position in shape perception Journal Articles
- Attention Demands of Spatially Locating Position of a Ball in Flight Journal Articles
- Color aftereffect contingent on text Journal Articles
- Conceptual and physical differences in the category effect Journal Articles
- Configural Face Processing Develops more Slowly than Featural Face Processing Journal Articles
- Cross‐Modal Transfer of Shape is Difficult to Demonstrate in One‐Month‐Olds Journal Articles
- Deficits in the processing of local and global motion in very low birthweight children Journal Articles
- Deriving behavioural receptive fields for visually completed contours Journal Articles
- Developmental Changes in the Scanning of Faces by Young Infants Journal Articles
- Developmental changes in the processing of hierarchical shapes continue into adolescence Journal Articles
- Developmental trends in interpolation and its spatial constraints: A comparison of subjective and occluded contours Journal Articles
- Differential vulnerability of global motion, global form, and biological motion processing in full-term and preterm children Journal Articles
- Dual-state modulation of the contextual cueing effect: Evidence from eye movement recordings Journal Articles
- Early visual experience and face processing Journal Articles
- Effects of aging on figure-ground perception: Convexity context effects and competition resolution Journal Articles
- Encoding difficulty and memory enhancement for young and older readers. Journal Articles
- Evaluating spatiotemporal interactions between shapes Journal Articles
- Exploration of vertical bias in perceptual completion of illusory contours: Threshold measures and response classification Journal Articles
- Flower Bats (Glossophaga soricina) and Fruit Bats (Carollia perspicillata) Rely on Spatial Cues over Shapes and Scents When Relocating Food Journal Articles
- Hemispheric Specialization for Linguistic and Nonlinguistic Tactual Perception Using a Dichotomous Stimulation Technique Journal Articles
- Identification of Myopia-Related Marker Proteins in Tilapia Retinal, RPE, and Choroidal Tissue following Induced Form Deprivation Journal Articles
- Identification of band-pass filtered letters and faces by human and ideal observers Journal Articles
- Identification of disoriented objects: Effects of context of prior presentation. Journal Articles
- Infants' Perception of Natural and Distorted Arrangements of a Schematic Face Journal Articles
- Inhibition of target detection in apparent motion trajectory Journal Articles
- Interactions between symmetry and elongation in determining reference frames for object perception. Journal Articles
- Inverting houses and textures: Investigating the characteristics of learned inversion effects Journal Articles
- Making Sense of Scents: The Colour and Texture of Odours Journal Articles
- Men's judgments of women's facial attractiveness from two- and three-dimensional images are similar Journal Articles
- Motion and shape in common fate Journal Articles
- Parametric study of EEG sensitivity to phase noise during face processing Journal Articles
- Perceptual learning of detection of textures in noise Journal Articles
- Performance of bilinguals in a picture-word interference task Journal Articles
- Peripheral Discrimination by Three-Month-Old Infants Journal Articles
- Phase-selective masking with radial frequency contours Journal Articles
- Proofreading familiar text: Allocating resources to perceptual and conceptual processes Journal Articles
- Proofreading familiar text: Constraints on visual processing Journal Articles
- Scanning and form-contingent color aftereffects. Journal Articles
- Sensitivity to curvature deformations along closed contours Journal Articles
- Sensitivity to global form in glass patterns after early visual deprivation in humans Journal Articles
- Sex and the Single Hemisphere: Specialization of the Right Hemisphere for Spatial Processing Journal Articles
- Single-trial EEG dynamics of object and face visual processing Journal Articles
- Sparing of sensitivity to biological motion but not of global motion after early visual deprivation Journal Articles
- Spatial frequency summation in visual noise Journal Articles
- Spatial frequency tuning of upright and inverted face identification Journal Articles
- Spatiotemporal templates for detecting orientation-defined targets Journal Articles
- The Colour of Os: Naturally Biased Associations between Shape and Colour Journal Articles
- The Effect of Face Orientation on Holistic Processing Journal Articles
- The Influence of Recent Experience on Perceptions of Attractiveness Journal Articles
- The Influence of Symmetry on Children's Judgments of Facial Attractiveness Journal Articles
- The colors of the alphabet: Naturally-biased associations between shape and color. Journal Articles
- The development of contour interpolation: Evidence from subjective contours Journal Articles
- The discrimination of orientation by young infants Journal Articles
- The effect of aging on contour integration Journal Articles
- The effect of variability of unattended information on global and local processing: evidence for lateralization at early stages of processing Journal Articles
- The effects of aging on contour discrimination in clutter Journal Articles
- The effects of spatial proximity and collinearity on contour integration in adults and children Journal Articles
- The perception of facial expressions by the three-month-old. Journal Articles
- The physical limits of grating visibility Journal Articles
- The role of early visual input in the development of contour interpolation: the case of subjective contours Journal Articles
- The shape of boubas: sound–shape correspondences in toddlers and adults Journal Articles
- Time course and robustness of ERP object and face differences Journal Articles
- Time course of amodal completion revealed by a shape discrimination task Journal Articles
- Transpositional versus Spatial Variation: Note on the Hypothesis of Perceptual Regrouping Journal Articles
- Visual Feature Integration in Learning Disabled Children Journal Articles
- Visual Masking of Targets Displayed against Two-And Three-Dimensional Backgrounds Journal Articles
- What aspects of face processing are impaired in developmental prosopagnosia? Journal Articles