Facial Expression
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subject area of
A comparison of pain-assessment tools for use with elderly long-term-care residents. Journal Articles
A comparison of spatial frequency tuning for the recognition of facial identity and facial expressions in adults and children Journal Articles
A happy story: Developmental changes in children’s sensitivity to facial expressions of varying intensities Journal Articles
A threat-detection advantage in those with autism spectrum disorders Journal Articles
Accuracy of emotion labeling in children of parents diagnosed with bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Afterimage induced neural activity during emotional face perception Journal Articles
An Emotional Go/No-Go fMRI study in adolescents with depressive symptoms following concussion Journal Articles
Assessing the efficacy of a manual‐based intervention for improving the detection of facial pain expression Journal Articles
Backward masking: Evidence of reduced subcortical amygdala engagement in autism Journal Articles
Bias in assessment of nonverbal pain in compensation patients: does it exist? Journal Articles
Categorical perception along the happy–angry and happy–sad continua in the first year of life Journal Articles
Categorical perception of emotional facial expressions in preschoolers Journal Articles
Changes in physiological and behavioural pain indicators over time in preterm and term infants at risk for neurologic impairment Journal Articles
Cognitive, affective, and conative theory of mind (ToM) in children with traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
Comparison of Pain Responses in Infants of Different Gestational Ages Journal Articles
Content validation of behaviours and autonomic responses for the assessment of pain in critically ill adults with a brain injury Journal Articles
Context-Dependent Categorical Perception of Surprise Journal Articles
Correlated expression of the body, face, and voice during character portrayal in actors Journal Articles
Determining the structure of acute pain responses in vulnerable neonates. Journal Articles
Developmental Changes in the Scanning of Faces by Young Infants Journal Articles
Developmental programming of happiness Journal Articles
Differences in discrimination of eye and mouth displacement in autism spectrum disorders Journal Articles
Different aspects of facial affect recognition impairment following traumatic brain injury: The role of perceptual and interpretative abilities Journal Articles
Does Experience Influence Judgements of Pain Behaviour? Evidence from Relatives of Pain Patients and Therapists Journal Articles
ERN varies with degree of psychopathy in an emotion discrimination task Journal Articles
Early information processing biases in social anxiety Journal Articles
Emotion recognition of faces and emoji in individuals with moderate-severe traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
Emotional contagion for pain is intact in autism spectrum disorders Journal Articles
Emotional expressions reinstate recognition of other-race faces in infants following perceptual narrowing. Journal Articles
Enhanced Salience and Emotion Recognition in Autism: A PET Study Journal Articles
Enhancing sensitivity to facial expression of pain Journal Articles
Executive functions and social cognition in highly lethal self-injuring patients with borderline personality disorder. Journal Articles
Exploring children’s face-space: A multidimensional scaling analysis of the mental representation of facial identity Journal Articles
Exploring the morphological and emotional correlates of infant cuteness Journal Articles
Faces of clinical pain: Inter‐individual facial activity patterns in shoulder pain patients Journal Articles
Facial emotion recognition of older adults with traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
Facial-affect recognition deficit as a predictor of different aspects of social-communication impairment in traumatic brain injury. Journal Articles
Frontal brain electrical asymmetry and cardiac vagal tone predict biased attention to social threat Journal Articles
Functional neural correlates of facial affect recognition impairment following TBI Journal Articles
Increased activity of frontal and limbic regions to emotional stimuli in children at-risk for anxiety disorders Journal Articles
Indicators of pain in neonates at risk for neurological impairment Journal Articles
Individuals with Autism can Categorize Facial Expressions Journal Articles
Infants use knowledge of emotions to augment face perception: Evidence of top-down modulation of perception early in life Journal Articles
Influence of intensity on children’s sensitivity to happy, sad, and fearful facial expressions Journal Articles
Integrating Gaze Direction and Expression in Preferences for Attractive Faces Journal Articles
Integrating physical and social cues when forming face preferences: Differences among low and high-anxiety individuals Journal Articles
Mapping Emotion Category Boundaries Using a Visual Expectation Paradigm Journal Articles
Maternal history of depression is associated with enhanced theory of mind in depressed and nondepressed adult women Journal Articles
Neural correlates of processing facial identity based on features versus their spacing Journal Articles
Pain behaviours in Extremely Low Gestational Age infants Journal Articles
Recognizing the Face of Johnny, Suzy, and Me: Insensitivity to the Spacing Among Features at 4 Years of Age Journal Articles
Relationship between individual differences in functional connectivity and facial-emotion recognition abilities in adults with traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
Rules versus Prototype Matching: Strategies of Perception of Emotional Facial Expressions in the Autism Spectrum Journal Articles
Scan Path Differences and Similarities During Emotion Perception in those With and Without Autism Spectrum Disorders Journal Articles
Sensitivity to facial expressions among extremely low birth weight survivors in their 30s Journal Articles
Shyness and emotional face processing in schizophrenia: An ERP study Journal Articles
Shyness and face scanning in children Journal Articles
Shyness and the first 100 ms of emotional face processing Journal Articles
Shyness, emotion processing, and objective quality of life among adults with schizophrenia: an ERP study Journal Articles
Similarities and differences in the perceptual structure of facial expressions of children and adults Journal Articles
Social categories as a context for the allocation of attentional control. Journal Articles
Social transmission of face preferences among humans Journal Articles
Strategies for Perceiving Facial Expressions in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal Articles
Systematic review of the neural basis of social cognition in patients with mood disorders Journal Articles
The Influences of Face Inversion and Facial Expression on Sensitivity to Eye Contact in High-Functioning Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders Journal Articles
The Link between Facial Feedback and Neural Activity within Central Circuitries of Emotion—New Insights from Botulinum Toxin–Induced Denervation of Frown Muscles Journal Articles
The development of template-based facial expression perception from 6 to 15 years of age. Journal Articles
The discrimination of expressions in facial movements by infants: A study with point-light displays Journal Articles
The dynamic mask: Facial correlates of character portrayal in professional actors Journal Articles
The perception of facial expressions by the three-month-old. Journal Articles
The psychophysics of contingency assessment. Journal Articles
The structure, reliability and validity of pain expression: Evidence from patients with shoulder pain Journal Articles
To which world regions does the valence–dominance model of social perception apply? Journal Articles
Towards a Mechanistic Understanding of the Effects of Body Posture on Facial Emotion Categorization Journal Articles
Using facial expressions to assess musculoskeletal pain in older persons Journal Articles
Viewing facial expressions of pain engages cortical areas involved in the direct experience of pain Journal Articles
Visual Afterimages of Emotional Faces in High Functioning Autism Journal Articles