subject area of
- A novel candidate region for ALS on chromosome 14q11.2 Journal Articles
- Age-Dependent Prevalence and Frequency of Circulating t(14;18)-Positive Cells in the Peripheral Blood of Healthy Individuals Journal Articles
- Contribution of SHANK3 Mutations to Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal Articles
- Contribution of SHANK3 mutations to autism spectrum disorder. Journal Articles
- Cytogenetic Prognostication Within Medulloblastoma Subgroups Journal Articles
- Genome-Wide Associations and Functional Genomic Studies of Musculoskeletal Adverse Events in Women Receiving Aromatase Inhibitors Journal Articles
- Identification of interstitial maternal uniparental disomy (UPD) (14) and complete maternal UPD(20) in a cohort of growth retarded patients Journal Articles
- Maternal Uniparental Isodisomy of Human Chromosome 14 Associated with a Paternal t(13q14q) and Precocious Puberty Journal Articles
- Organization and genomic distribution of ?82H? alpha satellite DNA Journal Articles
- Prevalence and frequency of circulating t(14;18)-MBR translocation carrying cells in healthy individuals Journal Articles
- Rare Deletions at the Neurexin 3 Locus in Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal Articles
- Rare exonic deletions implicate the synaptic organizer Gephyrin (GPHN) in risk for autism, schizophrenia and seizures Journal Articles
- Relevance to prenatal diagnosis of the identification of a human Y/autosome translocation by Y‐chromosome‐specific in situ hybridisation Journal Articles
- Still high risk? A review of translocation t(14;16) in multiple myeloma Journal Articles
- The T-cell receptor delta chain locus is disrupted in the T-ALL associated t(11;14)(p13;q11) translocation Journal Articles
- Translocation (14;19) in acute biphenotypic leukemia Journal Articles