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Acclimation to hypoxia increases carbohydrate use during exercise in high-altitude deer mice Journal Articles
Acute aerobic exercise impairs aspects of cognitive function at high altitude Journal Articles
Adaptation to altitude as a vehicle for experiential learning of physiology by university undergraduates. Journal Articles
Adaptive Shifts in Gene Regulation Underlie a Developmental Delay in Thermogenesis in High-Altitude Deer Mice Journal Articles
Adaptive increases in respiratory capacity and O2 affinity of subsarcolemmal mitochondria from skeletal muscle of high‐altitude deer mice Journal Articles
Birmingham Medical Research Expeditionary Society 1977 Expedition: effect of a Himalayan trek on whole body composition, nitrogen and potassium Journal Articles
Body temperature depression and peripheral heat loss accompany the metabolic and ventilatory responses to hypoxia in low and high altitude birds Journal Articles
Carbohydrate utilization during exercise after high-altitude acclimation: A new perspective Journal Articles
Cardiovascular responses to progressive hypoxia in ducks native to high altitude in the Andes Journal Articles
Catecholamine synthesis and secretion by adrenal chromaffin cells is reduced in deer mice native to high altitude Journal Articles
Changes in MCT 1, MCT 4, and LDH expression are tissue specific in rats after long-term hypobaric hypoxia Journal Articles
Changes in lung volume, lung density, and distribution of ventilation during hypobaric decompression Journal Articles
Changes in pulmonary PV characteristics of human subjects at an altitude of 5,366 m Journal Articles
Characterizing the influence of chronic hypobaric hypoxia on diaphragmatic myofilament contractile function and phosphorylation in high-altitude deer mice and low-altitude white-footed mice Journal Articles
Chronic cold exposure induces mitochondrial plasticity in deer mice native to high altitudes Journal Articles
Circulatory mechanisms underlying adaptive increases in thermogenic capacity in high-altitude deer mice Journal Articles
Commentary: Hierarchical reductionism approach to understanding adaptive variation in animal performance Journal Articles
Concentrations of organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in amphipods (Gammarus lacustris) along an elevation gradient in mountain lakes of western Canada Journal Articles
Control of breathing and adaptation to high altitude in the bar-headed goose Journal Articles
Control of breathing and respiratory gas exchange in ducks native to high altitude in the Andes Journal Articles
Control of breathing and the circulation in high-altitude mammals and birds Journal Articles
Control of breathing and ventilatory acclimatization to hypoxia in deer mice native to high altitudes Journal Articles
Control of respiration in flight muscle from the high-altitude bar-headed goose and low-altitude birds Journal Articles
Convergent changes in muscle metabolism depend on duration of high-altitude ancestry across Andean waterfowl Journal Articles
Coordinated changes across the O2transport pathway underlie adaptive increases in thermogenic capacity in high-altitude deer mice Journal Articles
Determinants of CD4 Counts Among HIV-Negative Ethiopians: Role of Body Mass Index, Gender, Cigarette Smoking, Khat (Catha Edulis) Chewing, and Possibly Altitude? Journal Articles
Development of homeothermic endothermy is delayed in high-altitude native deer mice (
Peromyscus maniculatus) Journal Articles
Developmental delay in shivering limits thermogenic capacity in juvenile high-altitude deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) Journal Articles
Different strategies for convective O2 transport in high altitude birds: A graphical analysis Journal Articles
Divergent respiratory and cardiovascular responses to hypoxia in bar-headed geese and Andean birds Journal Articles
Do Bar-Headed Geese Train for High Altitude Flights? Conferences
Dynamics of periodic breathing and arousal during sleep at extreme altitude Journal Articles
Effect of Acetazolamide on Hypoxemia during Sleep at High Altitude Journal Articles
Effect of high-altitude acclimation on NEFA turnover and lipid utilization during exercise in rats Journal Articles
Effects of Duration at Altitude and Acetazolamide on Ventilation and Oxgenation During Sleep Journal Articles
Effects of a 6-wk Sprint Interval Training Protocol at Different Altitudes on Circulating Extracellular Vesicles Journal Articles
Effects of chronic hypoxia on diaphragm function in deer mice native to high altitude Journal Articles
Effects of hypoxia at different life stages on locomotory muscle phenotype in deer mice native to high altitudes Journal Articles
Elevated performance: the unique physiology of birds that fly at high altitudes Journal Articles
Evolution and developmental plasticity of lung structure in high-altitude deer mice Journal Articles
Evolution of muscle phenotype for extreme high altitude flight in the bar-headed goose Journal Articles
Evolved Mechanisms of Aerobic Performance and Hypoxia Resistance in High-Altitude Natives Journal Articles
Evolved changes in breathing and CO2sensitivity in deer mice native to high altitudes Journal Articles
Evolved changes in maternal care in high-altitude native deer mice Journal Articles
Evolved changes in maternal care in high-altitude native deer mice. Journal Articles
Evolved changes in phenotype across skeletal muscles in deer mice native to high altitude Journal Articles
Evolved changes in the intracellular distribution and physiology of muscle mitochondria in high‐altitude native deer mice Journal Articles
Evolved reductions in body temperature and the metabolic costs of thermoregulation in deer mice native to high altitude Journal Articles
Exercise at Altitude Journal Articles
Flight muscle and heart phenotypes in the high-flying ruddy shelduck Journal Articles
Flying high: A theoretical analysis of the factors limiting exercise performance in birds at altitude Journal Articles
Flying with a Pneumothorax: A Model of Altitude Limitations Due to Gas Expansion Journal Articles
Function of left ventricle mitochondria in highland deer mice and lowland mice Journal Articles
Gene regulatory changes underlie developmental plasticity in respiration and aerobic performance in highland deer mice Journal Articles
Genetic and environmental canalization are not associated among altitudinally varying populations of
Drosophila melanogaster Journal Articles
Genetic variation in HIF‐2α attenuates ventilatory sensitivity and carotid body growth in chronic hypoxia in high‐altitude deer mice Journal Articles
Genetic variation in haemoglobin is associated with evolved changes in breathing in high-altitude deer mice Journal Articles
Gestational Age Specific Postnatal Growth Curves for Singleton Babies in Tertiary Hospital of Western Nepal Journal Articles
Have wing morphology or flight kinematics evolved for extreme high altitude migration in the bar-headed goose? Journal Articles
High-altitude acclimation increases the triacylglycerol/fatty acid cycle at rest and during exercise Journal Articles
High-altitude ancestry and hypoxia acclimation have distinct effects on exercise capacity and muscle phenotype in deer mice Journal Articles
High-altitude retinopathy Journal Articles
How Bar-Headed Geese Fly Over the Himalayas Journal Articles
Increase in Carbohydrate Utilization in High-Altitude Andean Mice Journal Articles
Influence of hypobaric hypoxia on leptin levels in men Conferences
International Olympic Committee consensus statement on thermoregulatory and altitude challenges for high-level athletes Journal Articles
Interspecific Dominance Via Vocal Interactions Mediates Altitudinal Zonation in Neotropical Singing Mice Journal Articles
Last Word on Point:Counterpoint: High altitude is/is not for the birds! Journal Articles
Life-long exposure to hypoxia affects metabolism and respiratory physiology across life stages in high-altitude deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) Journal Articles
Lipid oxidation during thermogenesis in high-altitude deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) Journal Articles
Local adaptation, plasticity, and evolved resistance to hypoxic cold stress in high-altitude deer mice. Journal Articles
Maladaptive phenotypic plasticity in cardiac muscle growth is suppressed in high‐altitude deer mice Journal Articles
Maximum Running Speed of Captive Bar-Headed Geese Is Unaffected by Severe Hypoxia Journal Articles
Metabolic recovery from submaximal exercise in hypoxia acclimated high altitude deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) Journal Articles
Mitochondrial physiology in the skeletal and cardiac muscles is altered in torrent ducks, Merganetta armata, from high altitudes in the Andes Journal Articles
Molecular Evolution of Cytochrome c Oxidase Underlies High-Altitude Adaptation in the Bar-Headed Goose Journal Articles
Observation and simulation of net primary productivity in Qilian Mountain, western China Journal Articles
Ontogenesis of evolved changes in respiratory physiology in deer mice native to high altitude Journal Articles
Operation Everest II: An indication of deterministic chaos in human heart rate variability at simulated extreme altitude Journal Articles
Operation Everest II: Arterial Oxygen Saturation and Sleep at Extreme Simulated Altitude Journal Articles
Operation Everest II: neuromuscular performance under conditions of extreme simulated altitude Journal Articles
Operation Everest II: oxygen transport during exercise at extreme simulated altitude Journal Articles
Perceived mental strain dissociates from perceived physical strain during relative intensity submaximal exercise on ascent from low to high altitude Journal Articles
Phenotypic plasticity and genetic adaptation to high-altitude hypoxia in vertebrates Journal Articles
Phenotypic plasticity, genetic assimilation, and genetic compensation in hypoxia adaptation of high-altitude vertebrates Journal Articles
Physiological and genomic evidence that selection on the transcription factor Epas1 has altered cardiovascular function in high-altitude deer mice Journal Articles
Physiological insight into the evolution of complex phenotypes: aerobic performance and the O2 transport pathway of vertebrates Journal Articles
Plasticity of non-shivering thermogenesis and brown adipose tissue in high-altitude deer mice Journal Articles
Point: High Altitude is for the Birds! Journal Articles
Prevalence of Vitamin D Inadequacy in Athletes: A Systematic-Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Pulmonary endocrine cells in various species in the Himalaya Journal Articles
Reduced Oxygen Uptake During Steady State Exercise After 21-Day Mountain Climbing Expedition to 6,194 m Journal Articles
Regulation of catecholamine release from the adrenal medulla is altered in deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) native to high altitudes Journal Articles
Regulation of muscle pyruvate dehydrogenase activity and exercise fuel use in high-altitude deer mice Journal Articles
Regulatory changes contribute to the adaptive enhancement of thermogenic capacity in high-altitude deer mice Journal Articles
Respiratory mechanics of eleven avian species resident at high and low altitude Journal Articles
Secondary Prevention of HAPE in a Mount Everest Summiteer Journal Articles
Skeletal muscle adaptations to training under normobaric hypoxic versus normoxic conditions Journal Articles
Sleep Hypoxemia at High Altitude Journal Articles
Tackling the Tibetan Plateau in a down suit: insights into thermoregulation by bar-headed geese during migration Journal Articles
The Mitochondrial Basis for Adaptive Variation in Aerobic Performance in High-Altitude Deer Mice Journal Articles
The adaptive benefit of evolved increases in hemoglobin-O2 affinity is contingent on tissue O2 diffusing capacity in high-altitude deer mice Journal Articles
The paradox of extreme high-altitude migration in bar-headed geeseAnser indicus Journal Articles
The pulmonary circulation of some domestic animals at high altitude Journal Articles
The role of the heart in the evolution of aerobic performance Journal Articles
The roller coaster flight strategy of bar-headed geese conserves energy during Himalayan migrations Journal Articles
The trans-Himalayan flights of bar-headed geese (
Anser indicus
) Journal Articles
Thermogenesis is supported by high rates of circulatory fatty acid and triglyceride delivery in highland deer mice Journal Articles
To what extent do physiological tolerances determine elevational range limits of mammals? Journal Articles
Validation of a Pulse Oximetry System for High-Altitude Waterfowl by Examining the Hypoxia Responses of the Andean Goose (Chloephaga melanoptera) Journal Articles
Ventilatory acclimatization to hypoxia in mice: Methodological considerations Journal Articles
Weight loss at high altitude Conferences