selected scholarly activity
- AxGxE: Using Flies to Interrogate the Complex Etiology of Neurodegenerative Disease.. Current Topics in Developmental Biology. 225-251. 2017
- Acupuncture for neck disorders. Clinical Respiratory Journal.
- Acupuncture for neck disorders. Clinical Respiratory Journal.
- Conservative management of mechanical neck disorders. Part three: drug therapies. Clinical Respiratory Journal.
- Herbal medicine for cervical degenerative disc disease. Clinical Respiratory Journal.
- Medicinal and Injection therapies for mechanical neck disorders. Clinical Respiratory Journal.
- Reverse genetic analysis of restless legs syndrome in drosophila. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 2015
- The Challenges of Nonpharmacological Trials: Blinding and Other Issues Using Acupuncture Research as an Example. Therapeutic Innovation and Regulatory Science. 509-511. 2002
journal articles
- Effect of Glucocorticoids on Athletic Performance: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine. 32:e151-e159. 2022
- The Effect of Acupuncture on Hand and Wrist Pain Intensity, Functional Status, and Quality of Life in Adults: A Systematic Review.. Medical Acupuncture. 34:34-48. 2022
- The Efficacy of Acupuncture on Foot and Ankle for Pain Intensity, Functional Status, and General Quality of Life in Adults: A Systematic Review.. Medical Acupuncture. 33:386-395. 2021
- Covert sleep-related biological processes are revealed by probabilistic analysis in Drosophila.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 117:10024-10034. 2020
- Effect of erythropoietin on athletic performance: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine. 6:e000716-e000716. 2020
- Systematic Review of Episodic Migraine Prophylaxis: Efficacy of Conventional Treatments Used in Comparisons with Acupuncture. Medical Acupuncture. 31:85-97. 2019
- Marijuana and Its Effects on Athletic Performance: A Systematic Review. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine. 28:350-357. 2018
- A Critical Look into the 2016 NICE Guidelines: Acupuncture for Low-Back Pain and Sciatica. Medical Acupuncture. 29:20-24. 2017
- Acupuncture for neck disorders. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 11:CD004870. 2016
- A mitochondrial DNA hypomorph of cytochrome oxidase specifically impairs male fertility in Drosophila melanogaster. eLife. 5:e16923. 2016
- Exercises for mechanical neck disorders: A Cochrane review update. Manual Therapy. 24:25-45. 2016
- Acupuncture for obesity: a systematic review. Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science. 14:257-273. 2016
- Acupuncture for neck disorders. Clinical Respiratory Journal. 2016:CD004870. 2016
- Glucocerebrosidase Deficiency in Drosophila Results in α-Synuclein-Independent Protein Aggregation and Neurodegeneration.. PLoS Genetics. 12:e1005944. 2016
- Acupuncture for neck disorders. Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Akupunktur. 59:31-32. 2016
- Effect of pseudoephedrine in sport: a systematic review. BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine. 1:e000066-e000066. 2015
- Medicinal and injection therapies for mechanical neck disorders. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2015:CD000319. 2015
- Using a Drosophila GBA deficiency model to understand the role of GBA in Parkinson’s disease (P2.146). Neurology. 84. 2015
- Crossover physics in the nonequilibrium dynamics of quenched quantum impurity systems.. Physical Review Letters. 110:240601. 2013
- Bond disorder in even-leg Heisenberg ladders. Physical review B (PRB). 87. 2013
- Association Between a Medical School Admission Process Using the Multiple Mini-interview and National Licensing Examination Scores. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). 308:2233-2233. 2012
- Survey: Use of acupuncture for the treatment of acute low back pain by physicians and physiotherapists in Ontario. Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science. 8:331-335. 2010
- Chinese Herbal Medicine for Chronic Neck Pain due to Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease. Spine. 35:2121-2127. 2010
- Concern with Meta-Analysis of Acupuncture for Neck Pain. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 16:937-937. 2010
- Decaffeinated coffee and nicotine-free tobacco provide neuroprotection in Drosophila models of Parkinson's disease through an NRF2-dependent mechanism.. Journal of Neuroscience. 30:5525-5532. 2010
- Chinese herbal medicine for chronic neck pain due to cervical degenerative disc disease. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2010:CD006556. 2010
- Summaries and recommendations of the global impression method. Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science. 7:296-302. 2009
- Predictive validity of the multiple mini-interview for selecting medical trainees. Medical Education. 43:767-775. 2009
- A Cost Efficiency Comparison Between The Multiple Mini-Interview and Traditional Admissions Interviews. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 13:43-58. 2008
- Induction of the phase II detoxification pathway suppresses neuron loss in Drosophila models of Parkinson's disease.. Journal of Neuroscience. 28:465-472. 2008
- Medicinal and injection therapies for mechanical neck disorders. Clinical Respiratory Journal. CD000319. 2007
- Conservative management of mechanical neck disorders: a systematic review.. Journal of Rheumatology. 34:1083-1102. 2007
- Transcriptional regulation of the Drosophila melanogaster muscle myosin heavy-chain gene.. Gene Expression Patterns. 7:413-422. 2007
- Acupuncture for Neck Disorders. Spine. 32:236-243. 2007
- Acupuncture for neck disorders. Clinical Respiratory Journal. 3:CD004870. 2006
- Medicinal and injection therapies for mechanical neck disorders: a Cochrane systematic review.. Journal of Rheumatology. 33:957-967. 2006
- (857) Update on conservative management of mechanical neck disorders: A series of 11 systematic reviews. Journal of Pain. 7:s65. 2006
- Critique of a Cochrane Review. Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing. 2:64-66. 2006
- The effect of defined violations of test security on admissions outcomes using multiple mini-interviews. Medical Education. 40:36-42. 2006
- Medicinal and Injection therapies for mechanical neck disorders. Clinical Respiratory Journal. CD000319. 2005
- Acupuncture can help tennis elbow or lateral epicondyle pain. Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies. 10:41-42. 2005
- Detection of Odorants through the Main Olfactory Epithelium and Vomeronasal Organ of Mice. Nutrition Reviews. 62:189-192. 2004
- Detection of odorants through the main olfactory epithelium and vomeronasal organ of mice.. Nutrition Reviews. 62:S189-S192. 2004
- Acupuncture for the alleviation of lateral epicondyle pain: a systematic review. Rheumatology. 43:1085-1090. 2004
- Other Medicines and injections for neck pain: A systematic review. Journal of Pain. 5:s83. 2004
- Odorant stimulation enhances survival of olfactory sensory neurons via MAPK and CREB.. Neuron. 41:955-967. 2004
- Extracorporeal shock wave therapy for lateral epicondylitis.. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine. 14:105-106. 2004
- Rodent oocytes express an active adenylyl cyclase required for meiotic arrest.. Developmental Biology. 258:385-396. 2003
- Vomeronasal organ detects odorants in absence of signaling through main olfactory epithelium.. Nature Neuroscience. 6:519-525. 2003
- Blinding in acupuncture research: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials for pain using a sham acupuncture control. Clinical Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. 4:71-77. 2003
- Standards for Reporting Interventions in Controlled Trials of Acupuncture: The Stricta Recommendations. Acupuncture in Medicine. 20:22-25. 2002
- Standards for reporting interventions in controlled trials of acupuncture: the STRICTA recommendations. Clinical Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. 3:6-9. 2002
- The non-specific effects of acupuncture treatment: When and how to control for them. Clinical Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. 3:20-25. 2002
- Performing systematic reviews of clinical trials of acupuncture: Problems and solutions. Clinical Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. 3:26-31. 2002
- Research methodology: Evaluating complementary and alternative therapies. Therapeutic Innovation and Regulatory Science. 36:535-548. 2002
- Adenylyl cyclase 3 mediates prostaglandin E(2)-induced growth inhibition in arterial smooth muscle cells.. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 276:34206-34212. 2001
- SRF-dependent gene expression is required for PI3-kinase-regulated cell proliferation.. EMBO Journal. 19:4955-4966. 2000
- Disruption of the type III adenylyl cyclase gene leads to peripheral and behavioral anosmia in transgenic mice.. Neuron. 27:487-497. 2000
- Isolation and sequence of a novel human chondrocyte protein related to mammalian members of the chitinase protein family.. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 271:19415-19420. 1996