selected scholarly activity
- The Reality of Time Flow 2019
- Monads, Composition, and Force Ariadnean Threads through Leibniz's Labyrinth 2018
- An Introduction to Logic - Second Edition Using Natural Deduction, Real Arguments, a Little History, and Some Humour 2016
- Leibniz 2014
- Natural Deduction An Introduction To Logic With Real Arguments, A Little History and Some Humour 2011
- Natural Deduction An Introduction to Logic with Real Arguments, a Little History and Some Humour 2011
- Chapter 11 Time Lapse and the Degeneracy of Time: Gödel, Proper Time and Becoming in Relativity Theory. Ed. 4. 2008
- Chapter 7: Minkowski Spacetime and the Dimensions of the Present. Ed. 1. 2006
- The Language of Nature. Ed. 20.
- The Philosophy of Leibniz
- Leibniz’s Metaphysics of Change: Vague States and Physical Continuity. Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science. 299-322. 2022
- De loco: Leibniz’s Theory of Space. 122-231. 2021
- De motu: Leibniz on the Relativity of Motion. 232-324. 2021
- De tempore: Leibniz’s Theory of Time. 16-121. 2021
- Introduction. 1-15. 2021
- Leibniz as a precursor to Chaitin’s Algorithmic Information Theory 1. 153-176. 2021
- Becoming in Quantum Theory. 219-262. 2019
- Classical Physics and Becoming. 69-107. 2019
- Conclusion. 263-267. 2019
- Introduction. 1-8. 2019
- Introduction. 1-8. 2019
- Leibniz in Cantor’s Paradise: A Dialogue on the Actual Infinite. Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science. 71-109. 2019
- Mario Bunge on Causality: Some Key Insights and Their Leibnizian Precedents. 185-204. 2019
- Modern Objections to Time’s Passage. 37-68. 2019
- Relativity and the Present. 139-178. 2019
- Special Relativity and the Lapse of Time. 109-137. 2019
- The Problem of Time in Classical Philosophy. 9-35. 2019
- Time in General Relativity. 179-217. 2019
- Leibniz’s Syncategorematic Actual Infinite. 155-179. 2018
- Thought Experiments in Newton and Leibniz. 111-127. 2017
- Space and relativity in Newton and Leibniz. 61-82. 2017
- Leibniz, organic matter and astrobiology. 81-107. 2016
- On the mathematization of free fall: Galileo, descartes, and a history of misconstrual. 81-111. 2016
- Leibniz’s Actual Infinite in Relation to His Analysis of Matter. Archimedes. 137-156. 2015
- Time Atomism and Ashâarite Origins for Cartesian Occasionalism Revisited 2012
- Time atomism and ash’arite origins for cartesian occasionalism revisited. 73-92. 2012
- Can thought experiments be resolved by experiment? The case of aristotle's wheel. 107-122. 2012
- Time Atomism and Ash‘Arite Origins for Cartesian Occasionalism Revisited. 73-92. 2012
- Materialist Theories of Time. Critical Studies. 43-61. 2010
- Minkowski’s Proper Time and the Status of the Clock Hypothesis. Fundamental Theories of Physics. 159-179. 2010
- Leery bedfellows: Newton and leibniz on the status of infinitesimals. 7-30. 2008
- Time Lapse and the Degeneracy of Time: Gödel, Proper Time and Becoming in Relativity Theory 2008
- Animal Generation and Substance in Sennert and Leibniz. 147-174. 2006
- Foils for Newton: Comments on Howard Stein. 49-56. 1990
- Russell’s Conundrum: On the Relation of Leibniz’s Monads to the Continuum. Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science. 171-201. 1989
- Leibniz’s Theory of Time. 263-313. 1985
- Newton and Leibniz on the Relativity of Motion
- The Relativity of Motion as a Motivation for Leibnizian Substantial Forms. LEIBNIZ'S METAPHYSICS AND ADOPTION OF SUBSTANTIAL FORMS: BETWEEN CONTINUITY AND TRANSFORMATION. 143-160. 2015
- Leery Bedfellows: Newton and Leibniz on the Status of Infinitesimals. INFINITESIMAL DIFFERENCES: CONTROVERSIES BETWEEN LEIBNIZ AND HIS CONTEMPORARIES. 7-30. 2008
journal articles
- On the Unviability of Interpreting Leibniz's Infinitesimals through Non-standard analysis. Historia Mathematica. 66:26-42. 2024
- On the significance of A. A. Robb’s philosophy of time, especially in relation to Bertrand Russell’s. British Journal for the History of Philosophy. 31:251-273. 2023
- A Question of Fundamental Methodology: Reply to Mikhail Katz and His Coauthors. Mathematical Intelligencer. 44:360-363. 2022
- Leibniz and the Three Degrees of Infinity: Remarks on Ohad Nachtomy’s Living Mirrors. Leibniz Review. 32:25-46. 2022
- Response to Vincenzo De Risi with Some Remarks on Historical Methodology. Leibniz Review. 32:141-145. 2022
- Leibniz’s Ad schedam Hamaxariam: Introduction, Text and Translation. Leibniz Review. 31:61-90. 2021
- Leibniz’s syncategorematic infinitesimals II: their existence, their use and their role in the justification of the differential calculus. Archive for History of Exact Sciences. 74:401-443. 2020
- G. W. Leibniz. The Leibniz–Arnauld Correspondence: With Selections from the Correspondence with Ernst, Landgrave of Hessen-Rheinfels. Text established and translated by Stephen Voss. (Yale Leibniz.) lix + 410 pp., app., notes, bibl., index. New Haven, Conn./London: Yale University Press, 2016. $125 (cloth). ISBN 9780300206531.G. W. Leibniz. The Leibniz–Stahl Controversy. Translated and edited by François Duchesneau and Justin E. H. Smith. (Yale Leibniz.) lxxxix + 443 pp., notes, index. New Haven, Conn./London: Yale University Press, 2016. $125 (cloth). ISBN 9780300161144.. Isis. 110:408-410. 2019
- The Leibniz-Arnauld Correspondence: With Selections from the Correspondence with Ernst, Landgrave of Hessen-Rheinfels. Isis. 110:408-410. 2019
- The Leibniz-Stahl Controversy. Isis. 110:408-410. 2019
- Geoffrey Hellman and Stewart Shapiro.Varieties of Continua—From Regions to Points and Back. Philosophia Mathematica. 27:148-152. 2019
- Preface. Frontiers Collection. Part F1075:vii-x. 2019
- Vague States, Discontinuous Changes, and the Principle of Continuity in Leibniz. Filosoficky Casopis. 67:44-+. 2019
- On the Non-Idealist Leibniz. Leibniz Review. 28:97-101. 2018
- The Hegelian Roots of Russell's Critique of Leibniz. Leibniz Review. 28:9-42. 2018
- Marginalia in Russell's Copy of Gerhardt's Edition of Leibniz's <em>Philosophische Schriften</em>. Russell - Journal of the Bertrand Russell Studies. 37:57-142. 2017
- Marginalia in Russell’s Copy of Gerhardt’s Edition of Leibniz’s Philosophischen Schriften. Russell - Journal of the Bertrand Russell Studies. 37:57-142. 2017
- Moore’s Notes on Russell’s Leibniz Lectures. Russell - Journal of the Bertrand Russell Studies. 37:143-192. 2017
- Russell's Leibniz Notebook. Russell - Journal of the Bertrand Russell Studies. 37:5-56. 2017
- Russell’s Leibniz Notebook. Russell - Journal of the Bertrand Russell Studies. 37:5-56. 2017
- Atom. Lawrence Nolan. 35-38. 2016
- Leibniz from the Perspective of Modern Science. STUDIA LEIBNITIANA. 71-98. 2016
- Leibniz’s Causal Theory of Time Revisited. Leibniz Review. 26:151-178. 2016
- Time. Cambridge Descartes Leixon. 717-721. 2016
- Klaas van Berkel. Isaac Beeckman on Matter and Motion. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013. Pp. viii+265. $35.96 (paper).. HOPOS. 4:192-196. 2014
- Reply to Ohad Nachtomy. Leibniz Review. 24:131-133. 2014
- The Labyrinth of the Continuum. Oxford Handbook of Leibniz. 274-289. 2013
- Leibniz’s syncategorematic infinitesimals. Archive for History of Exact Sciences. 67:553-593. 2013
- Leibniz’s Theory of Space. Foundations of Science. 18:499-528. 2013
- Leinbniz's Syncategorematic Infinitesimals, Smooth Infinitesimal Analysis, and Second Order Differentials. Archive for History of Exact Sciences. 553-593. 2013
- Virtual Processes and Quantum Tunnelling as Fictions. Science and Education. 21:1461-1473. 2012
- Beeckman's Descrete Moments and Descartes' Disdain. Intellectual History Review. 22:69-90. 2011
- Presupposition, Aggregation, and Leibniz’s Argument for a Plurality of Substances. Leibniz Review. 21:91-115. 2011
- Niccolò Guicciardini, Isaac Newton on Mathematical Certainty and Method. Cambridge, MA and London: MIT Press, 2009. Pp. xxiii + 422. ISBN 978-0-262-01317-8. $55.00 (hardback).. British Journal for the History of Science. 44:122-124. 2011
- Leibniz: Body, Substance, Monad. British Journal for the History of Philosophy. 18:721-724. 2010
- Minkowski's Proper Times and the Status of the Clock Hypothesis. Space, Time and Spacetime. 158-180. 2010
- Zeno's Paradoxes. The Classical Tradition. 1012-1013. 2010
- Actual Infinitesimals in Leibniz's Early Thought. The Philosophy of the Young Leibniz, Studia Leibnitiana Sonderhefte. 35:11-28. 2009
- Beeckman, Descartes and the Force of Motion. Journal of the history of philosophy. 45:1-28. 2007
- Leibniz and the Natural World: Activity, Passivity and Corporeal Substances in Leibniz's Philosophy ? Pauline Phemister. The Philosophical Quarterly. 57:133-137. 2007
- Leibniz's Body Realism: Two Interpretations. Leibniz Review. 16:1-44. 2006
- The Remarkable Fecundity of Leibniz's Work on Infinite Series. Annals of Science. 63:221-225. 2006
- The Remarkable Fecundity of Leibniz's Work on Infinite Series. Annals of Science. 63:221-225. 2006
- Minkowski Spacetime and the Dimensions of the Present. The Ontology of Spacetime. 129-155. 2006
- What was mechanical about mechanics: The concept of force between metaphysics and mechanics from Newton to Lagrange. Annals of Science. 61:240-241. 2004
- Zenonism as the source of Leibniz's monads: A response to Paolo Rossi. Rivista di Storia della Filosofia. 58:335-340. 2003
- Lo zenonismo come fonte delle monadi di Leibniz: una risposta a Paolo Rossi. Rivista di Storia della Filosofia. 2:155-160. 2003
- The Enigma of Leibniz's Atomism. Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy. 1:183-227. 2003
- Zenonism as a Source for the Monads in the Philosophy of Gottfried W. Leibniz: A Response to Paolo Rossi. Rivista di Storia della Filosofia. 58:335-340. 2003
- Substance and individuation in Leibniz. The Philosophical Quarterly. 51:541-543. 2001
- Leibniz and Clarke: A Study of Their Correspondence. Ezio Vailati. Mind. 110:874-878. 2001
- Leibniz on Infinite Number, Infinite Wholes and the Whole World: A Reply to Gregory Brown. Leibniz Review. 11:103-116. 2001
- On thought experiments as a priori science. International Studies in the Philosophy of Science. 13:215-229. 1999
- Infinite Aggregates and Phenomenal Wholes: Leibniz’s Theory of Substance as a Solution to the Continuum Problem. Leibniz Review. 8:25-45. 1998
- Cohesion, Division and Harmony: Physical Aspects of Leibniz’s Continuum Problem (1671-1686). Perspectives on Science. 6:110-135. 1998
- Kontinuitaet Und Mechanismus. Leibniz Review. 7:25-64. 1997
- Newton's fluxions and equably flowing time. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science. 26:323-351. 1995
- Space and Relativity in Newton and Leibniz. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science. 45:219-240. 1994
- Continuous Creation, Continuous Time: A Refutation of the Alleged Discontinuity of Cartesian Time. Journal of the history of philosophy. 26:349-375. 1988
- L. Nathan Oaklander. Temporal Relations and Temporal Becoming: A Defense of a Russellian Theory of Time. Lanham, New York, London: University Press of America (1984), xii + 238 pp. $22.75 cloth; $11.75 paper.. Philosophy of Science. 54:142-143. 1987
- Leibniz on Continuity. Philosophy of Science. 1986:105-115. 1986
- J.L. Lopes and M. Paty (eds.). Quantum Mechanics, a Half Century Later. Papers of a Colloquium on Fifty Years of Quantum Mechanics, Held at the University Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, May 2–4, 1974. Episteme, vol. 5. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1977. x +310 pp. (includes Forward, Preface, 15 Papers and Index). Cloth.. Philosophy of Science. 48:156-161. 1981
- De Summa Rerum. Leibniz Review. 3:14-17.
- Infinite Number and the World Soul; in Defence of Carlin and Leibniz. Leibniz Review. 9:105-116.
- Leibniz and the Three Degrees of Infinity. Leibniz Review. 32:25-46.
- Leibniz on Infinite Number, Infinite Wholes, and the Whole World. Leibniz Review. 11:103-116.
- Leibniz: Dissertation on Combinatorial Art. Translated with introduction and commentary by Massimo Mugnai, Han van Ruler, and Martin Wilson. Leibniz Review. 30:141-145.
- Leibniz’s Mechanical Principles (c. 1676): Commentary and Translation. Leibniz Review. 23:101-105.
- Massimo Mugnai and the Study of Leibniz. Leibniz Review. 23:1-5.
- Moore's Notes on Leibniz Lectures. Russell - Journal of the Bertrand Russell Studies. 37.
- Moore's Notes on Leibniz Lectures. Russell - Journal of the Bertrand Russell Studies. 37.
- Response to Vincenzo De Risi. Leibniz Review. 32:141-145.