selected scholarly activity
- The Aquaculture Controversy in Canada Activism, Policy, and Contested Science 2011
- Controlling common property regulating Canada's east coast fishery 1993
- The Creation of Regional Dependency 1983
- There's No Better Place Than Here Social Change in Three Newfoundland Communities 1978
- Communities in Decline An Examination of Household Resettlement in Newfoundland 1968
- Environmental Sociology and the Genomic Revolution. 342-359. 2020
- First Nations and environmental neuroethics: Perspectives on brain health from a world of change. 455-476. 2017
- Adaptive Capacity as a Dynamic Institutional Process: Conceptual Perspectives and Their Application. 223-242. 2010
- Climate Change and Institutional Capacity in an ‘Arctic Gateway’ City: A CAVIAR Case Study of Whitehorse. 239-261. 2010
- It’s Not Only Who You Know, It’s Also Where They Are: Using the Position Generator to Investigate the Structure of Access to Embedded Resources1. 255-281. 2008
- Does the Vertical Mosaic Still Exist? Ethnicity and Income in Canada, 1991*. Canadian Review of Sociology, The. 461-481. 1998
- Mere Anarchy? Canada's "Turbot War" as the Moral Regulation of Nature. Canadian Journal of Sociology. 505-505. 1996
journal articles
- How “wild” are hatchery salmon? Conservation policy and the contested framing of nature in Canada and the United States. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space. 4:1077-1098. 2021
- Canada and the United States: Alternate Realities?. Sociological Quarterly. 58:340-349. 2017
- Brain matters: from environmental ethics to environmental neuroethics. Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source. 15:20. 2016
- Committing More Canadian Sociology: Response to the Comments on “Committing Canadian Sociology”. Canadian Review of Sociology, The. 51:409-417. 2014
- Environmental neuroethics: changing the environment—changing the brain Recommendations submitted to the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues. Journal of Law and the Biosciences. 1:221-223. 2014
- Committing Canadian Sociology: Developing a Canadian Sociology and a Sociology of Canada. Canadian Review of Sociology, The. 51:107-127. 2014
- Environmental Impacts of Shale Gas Extraction in Canada. The Expert Panel on Harnessing Science and Technology to Understand the Environmental Impacts of Shale Gas Extraction. 2014
Recruitment and retention of blood donors in four
C anadian cities: an analysis of the role of community and social networks. Transfusion. 53:180S-184S. 2013 - Blood donation and community: exploring the influence of social capital. International Journal of Social Inquiry. 4:45-63. 2011
- Editor's Comments: Journeys End. Canadian Review of Sociology, The. 46:99-102. 2009
- Social Capital, Labour Markets, and Job-Finding in Urban and Rural Regions: Comparing Paths to Employment in Prosperous Cities and Stressed Rural Communities in Canada,. Sociological Review. 57:306-330. 2009
- Editor's Comments. Canadian Review of Sociology, The. 46:1-4. 2009
- Editor's Comments. Canadian Review of Sociology, The. 45:339-341. 2008
- Editor's Note. Canadian Review of Sociology, The. 45:221-224. 2008
- Editor's Comments. Canadian Review of Sociology, The. 45:123-126. 2008
- Editor's Note. Canadian Review of Sociology, The. 45:1-5. 2008
- Editor's Note. Canadian Review of Sociology, The. 44:387-389. 2007
- Editor's Note. Canadian Review of Sociology, The. 44:263-263. 2007
- Mot du rédacteur. Canadian Review of Sociology, The. 44:391-394. 2007
- Mot du rédacteur. Canadian Review of Sociology, The. 44:264-264. 2007
- Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology: Editor's Note. Canadian Review of Sociology, The. 44:263-264. 2007
- Resource economies and neoliberal experimentation: the reform of industry and community in rural British Columbia. Area. 39:176-185. 2007
- Experts’ understanding of the public: knowledge control in a risk controversy. Public Understanding of Science. 16:123-144. 2007
- Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology: Editor's note. Canadian Review of Sociology, The. 44:1-4. 2007
- Editor's Note/Mot du rédacteur. Canadian Review of Sociology, The. 44:1-4. 2007
- Should I stay or should I go?: investigating resilience in BC’s coastal communities. Reading sociology: Canadian perspectives. 2007
- Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology: Editor's note. Canadian Review of Sociology, The. 43:363-366. 2006
- Editor's Note. Canadian Review of Sociology, The. 43:363-364. 2006
- Mot du rédacteur. Canadian Review of Sociology, The. 43:365-366. 2006
- The Continuity and Discontinuity of the Embodied Self in Infertility*. Canadian Review of Sociology, The. 43:95-113. 2006
- The political ecology of health: perceptions of environment, economy, health and well-being among ‘Namgis First Nation. Health & Place. 11:349-365. 2005
- Understanding aboriginal policing in a social capital context. Social Capital in Action. 134-134. 2005
- The Framing of Farmed Fish: Product, Efficiency, and Technology. Canadian Journal of Sociology. 28:153-153. 2003
- Using a social capital perspective to understand social and economic development in coastal British Columbia. Horizons: Policy Research Initiative-Government of Canada. 6:25-29. 2003
- Living in time: multiple timetables in couples’ experiences of infertility and its treatment. Minding the Time in Family Experience: Emerging Perspectives and Issues. New York: JAI and Elsevier Science. 2001
- Sociology and its publics - Whither sociology?: An introduction. Canadian Journal of Sociology. 23:135-140. 1998
- Ways of Understanding: Canada and the Concept of Canadian Studies. Journal of Canadian Studies. 32:28-43. 1997
- Advances in integrated exploration for unconformity uranium deposits in Western Canada. Proceedings of exploration. 97:993-1024. 1997
- Commons versus open access. Ecologist. 25:86-96. 1995
- Constructing Fisheries Management: A Value Perspective. Dalhousie LJ. 18:44-44. 1995
- Nursing as a career choice for women in Pakistan. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 19:140-151. 1994
- Introduction Special Issue Designing Canada's Future: Public Policy, Social and Economic Development, and the Power of Ideas. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health. 8:5-8. 1989
- Regulating the Newfoundland Inshore Fishery: Traditional Values Versus State Control in the Regulation of a Common Property Resource. Journal of Canadian Studies. 23:158-176. 1988
- In Search of Parenthood. Journal of Marriage and Family. 50:294-294. 1988
- Beyond the Mechanics of Infertility: Perspectives on the Social Psychology of Infertility and Involuntary Childlessness. Family Relations. 35:479-479. 1986
- Infertility and Involuntary Childlessness: The Transition to Nonparenthood. Journal of Marriage and Family. 48:641-641. 1986
- OPPOSITION PLANNING IN WALES AND APPALACHIA - CLAVEL,P. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 76:138-141. 1986
- Class interests in the emergence of fruit-growing cooperation in Lincoln County, Ontario, 1880-1914.. Canadian papers in rural history. Vol. 5. 23-49. 1986
- The comparative influence of region, status, class, and ethnicity on Canadian attitudes and values. Regionalism in Canada. 89-122. 1986
- Two Alternative Explanations of the Problem of Regional Dependency in Canada. Canadian Public Policy/ Analyse de Politiques. 7:268-268. 1981
- The Significance and Explanation of Regional Divisions in Canada: Toward a Canadian Sociology. Journal of Canadian Studies. 15:43-61. 1980
- The Smallwood Legacy: The Development of Underdevelopment in Newfoundland 1949-1972. Journal of Canadian Studies. 13:89-108. 1979
- The Pursuit of Progress: Newfoundland’s Social and Economic Development in the Smallwood Era. Social Science Monograph Series. 1. 1978
- Canadian regional development strategy: A dependency theory perspective. Plan Canada. 17:131-131. 1977
- Perspectives on recent Newfoundland politics. Journal of Canadian Studies. 9:20-35. 1974