selected scholarly activity
- Workers’ Compensation in Canada: Experiences of Precariously Employed Workers in the Return to Work Process after Injury. 79-100. 2020
- Science, Politics, and Values in Work Disability Policy. 261-283. 2018
- Work Disability Policy. 3-17. 2018
- Science, politics, and values in work disability policy: A reflection on trends and the way forward. 261-283. 2018
- The Science and Politics of Work Disability Prevention. 3-17. 2018
- Qualitative Evidence in Occupational Health. 225-241. 2016
- The Importance of Workplace Social Relations in the Return to Work Process: A Missing Piece in the Return to Work Puzzle?. 81-97. 2016
- Methodological Issues in Work Disability Prevention Research. 125-146. 2013
- Understanding Work Disability Systems and Intervening Upstream. 217-228. 2013
- A four-jurisdiction qualitative analysis of workers’ compensation healthcare policies. Safety and Health at Work. S149-S150. 2022
- A furnished house without walls: Examining the work and health support systems of self-employed workers in Ontario, Canada. Safety and Health at Work. S201-S201. 2022
- Elevated occupational safety risks for home care workers: Policy gaps in a pandemic. Safety and Health at Work. S205-S206. 2022
- Low Wage, Public-Facing Workers and the Decision to Take Sick Leave During COVID-19. Safety and Health at Work. S274-S274. 2022
- Psychological Health and Safety in Small Workplaces: A Hard Sell?. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 2018
- Using Social Media for Participant Recruitment in the New Technological Era. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 2018
- 157 A time for reflection: international work disability policy challenges and directions. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. a543-a544. 2018
- 1609b Return to work after work injury for precariously employed workers. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. a551-a551. 2018
- 284 Safety management systems: peer-to-peer ratings in the sharing economy. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. a516-a516. 2018
- 285 The sharing economy: hazards of being an uber driver. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. a494-a495. 2018
- Lost in Translation? Methodological Messes and Lessons Learned Using Interpreters During Interviews With Injured Immigrant Workers. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 361-362. 2010
journal articles
- Negotiating Safety: Facilitation of Return to Work for Individuals Employed in High-Risk Occupations. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 35:96-104. 2025
- A comparative study of governmental financial support and resilience of self-employed people in Sweden and Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Circumpolar Health. 83:2298015. 2024
- Return-to-Work Coordinators’ Perceptions of Their Roles Relative to Workers: A Discourse Analysis. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 34:783-792. 2024
- Does staffing impact health and work conditions of staff in long-term care homes?: a scoping review. European Journal of Public Health. 34. 2024
- How do working conditions change for in-person versus digital work? The case of schoolteachers. European Journal of Public Health. 34. 2024
- 'How can you worry about employment and survival at the same time?': employment and mental health among precariously employed cisgender and transgender sexual minority adult men in Toronto, Canada.. Culture, Health & Sexuality. ahead-of-print:1-16. 2024
- “…full of opportunities, but not for everyone”: A narrative inquiry into mechanisms of labor market inequity among precariously employed gay, bisexual, and queer men. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 67:350-363. 2024
- Examining the health and wellness of solo self-employed workers through narratives of precarity: a qualitative study. BMC International Health and Human Rights. 24:717. 2024
- Canadian Health Care Providers’ Perspectives on Working with Older Homeless Adults in Outreach Settings. Canadian Journal on Aging. 43:23-32. 2024
- “It is not just about my work, my identities count”: the Influence of Intersectional Identities on the Employment Experiences of Black African Immigrant Women in Ontario, Canada. Journal of International Migration and Integration. 25:421-442. 2024
- Improving LGBT Labor Market Outcomes Through Laws, Workplace Policies, and Support Programs: A Scoping Review. Sexuality Research and Social Policy: Journal of NSRC. 2024
- Occupational pressures of frontline workers enforcing COVID-19 pandemic measures in Ontario and Quebec, Canada.. Work. 79:661-672. 2024
- On-Demand and Marketplace Platforms: Gig Care Work Conditions on Two Digital Labour Platform Care Models. Critical Sociology. 2024
- Precarious Employment: A Neglected Issue Among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Workers. Sexuality Research and Social Policy: Journal of NSRC. 1-17. 2024
- The role of informal support systems during illness: A qualitative study of solo self-employed workers in Ontario, Canada. PLoS ONE. 19:e0297770-e0297770. 2024
- Retirement pension poverty among injured workers with long-term workers’ compensation claims. Economic and Labour Relations Review. 34:753-771. 2023
- Use of adapted or modified methods with people with dementia in research: A scoping review. Dementia. 22:1994-2023. 2023
- A Comparative Study of Financial Support and Resilience of Self-Employed people in Sweden and Canada. European Journal of Public Health. 33. 2023
- Perceptions of COVID-19 related risks by platform-based couriers: An analysis of user comment threads on Reddit. Work. 75:1113-1125. 2023
- Disentangling assumptions: refugee women’s access to and use of social assistance in Canada. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 49:2213-2228. 2023
- The work disability trap: manifestations, causes and consequences of a policy paradox. Disability and Rehabilitation. 45:1916-1922. 2023
- Self-employment, illness, and the social security system: a qualitative study of the experiences of solo self-employed workers in Ontario, Canada. BMC International Health and Human Rights. 23:643. 2023
- “I grabbed my stuff and walked out”: Precarious workers’ responses and next steps when faced with procedural unfairness during work injury and claims processes. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 33:160-169. 2023
- Managing the unknown or the art of preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection in workplaces in a context of evolving science, precarious employment, and communication barriers. A qualitative situational analysis in Quebec and Ontario. Frontiers in Public Health. 11:1268996. 2023
- Navigating return to sex: A qualitative Reddit analysis of parents’ perceptions about the timing of resuming sex after a birth. Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare. 34:100782-100782. 2022
- Personal Support Work and Home Care in Ontario during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Healthcare Policy. 18:61-75. 2022
- Laws, Policies, and Collective Agreements Protecting Low-wage and Digital Platform Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic. New Solutions. 32:201-212. 2022
- Health protection policies for digital platform and low wage workers. European Journal of Public Health. 32. 2022
- A Standpoint Approach to Return-to-Work Coordination: Understanding Union Roles. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 32:564-573. 2022
- Perceived COVID‐19 health and job risks faced by digital platform drivers and measures in place to protect them: A qualitative study. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 65:731-742. 2022
- Policy and Practice Note: Policy, Safety, and Regulation with Regard to Ontario Home Care Clients and Personal Support Workers. Canadian Journal on Aging. 41:490-498. 2022
- Work without workers: legal geographies of family farm exclusions from labour laws in Alberta, Canada. Agriculture and Human Values. 39:1027-1038. 2022
- Framing the Care of Injured Workers: An Empirical Four-Jurisdictional Comparison of Workers’ Compensation Boards’ Healthcare Policies. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 32:170-189. 2022
- What Social Supports Are Available to Self-Employed People When Ill or Injured? A Comparative Policy Analysis of Canada and Australia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19:5310-5310. 2022
- An Alternative Method of Interviewing: Critical Reflections on Videoconference Interviews for Qualitative Data Collection. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 21:160940692210900-160940692210900. 2022
- “We need to talk to each other”: Crossing traditional boundaries between public health and occupational health to address COVID-19. Frontiers in Public Health. 10:1046628. 2022
- Systematic Review of the Impact on Return to Work of Return-to-Work Coordinators. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 31:675-698. 2021
- Self-employment, work and health: A critical narrative review. Work. 70:945-957. 2021
- Appraisal of Washington State workers' compensation‐based return‐to‐work programs and suggested system improvements: A survey of workers with permanent impairments. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 64:924-940. 2021
- Understanding the blended impacts of COVID-19 and systemic inequalities on sub-Saharan African immigrants in Canada. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 112:862-866. 2021
- Workplace improvements to support safe and sustained return to work: Suggestions from a survey of workers with permanent impairments. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 64:731-743. 2021
- Entrepreneurial experiences of Syrian refugee women in Canada: a feminist grounded qualitative study. Small Business Economics. 57:835-847. 2021
- New and small firms in a modern working life: how do we make entrepreneurship healthy?. Small Business Economics. 57:755-763. 2021
- A rapid scoping review of COVID‐19 and vulnerable workers: Intersecting occupational and public health issues. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 64:551-566. 2021
- Social insurance literacy: a scoping review on how to define and measure it. Disability and Rehabilitation. 43:1776-1785. 2021
- Scoping review voor definiëring en meetbaarheid. Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfs- en Verzekeringsgeneeskunde. 29:22-26. 2021
- Universal Basic Income as a Policy Response to COVID-19 and Precarious Employment: Potential Impacts on Rehabilitation and Return-to-Work. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 31:3-6. 2021
- Employment integration experiences of Syrian refugee women arriving through Canada’s varied refugee protection programmes. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 47:575-595. 2021
- Foucauldian Discourse Analysis: Moving Beyond a Social Constructionist Analytic. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 20:160940692110180-160940692110180. 2021
- Le retour au travail dans un contexte de barrières linguistiques : Une étude comparative des politiques et des pratiques d’indemnisation des victimes de lésion professionnelle au Québec et en Ontario. Perspectives Interdisciplinaires sur le Travail et la Santé. 23. 2021
- L’indemnisation des travailleurs précaires en Ontario : résistance des employeurs et droit de parole limité pour les victimes de lésions professionnelles. Perspectives Interdisciplinaires sur le Travail et la Santé. 23. 2021
- Virtual Internationalization – we did it our way. Högre Utbildning. 11:1-13. 2021
- Workers’ compensation claims for precariously employed workers in Ontario: employer resistance and workers’ limited voice. Perspectives Interdisciplinaires sur le Travail et la Santé. 2021
- Occupational Safety and the City: Licensing Regulation and Deregulation in the Taxi Sector. Relations Industrielles. 75:101-122. 2020
- Exploring the Needs of Cancer Survivors When Returning to or Staying in the Workforce. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 30:480-495. 2020
- Return to Work for Mental Ill-Health: A Scoping Review Exploring the Impact and Role of Return-to-Work Coordinators. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 30:455-465. 2020
- ‘Don't take a poo!': Worker misbehaviour in on‐demand ride‐hail carpooling. New Technology, Work, and Employment. 35:145-161. 2020
- Return to Work and Ripple Effects on Family of Precariously Employed Injured Workers. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 30:72-83. 2020
- “Can Someone Help Me?” Refugee Women’s Experiences of Using Settlement Agencies to Find Work in Canada. Journal of International Migration and Integration. 21:273-294. 2020
- Stressful by design: Exploring health risks of ride-share work. Journal of Transport and Health. 14:100571-100571. 2019
- Mapping first‐line health care providers' roles, practices, and impacts on care for workers with compensable musculoskeletal disorders in four jurisdictions: A critical interpretive synthesis. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 62:545-558. 2019
- Correction to: The Integrated Health Hub (IHH) Model: The Evolution of a Community Based Primary Care and Mental Health Centre. Community Mental Health Journal. 55:589-589. 2019
- The Integrated Health Hub (IHH) Model: The Evolution of a Community Based Primary Care and Mental Health Centre. Community Mental Health Journal. 55:578-588. 2019
- What are physicians told about their role in return to work and workers’ compensation systems? An analysis of Canadian resources. Policy and Practice in Health and Safety. 17:78-89. 2019
- The Uneven Foci of Work Disability Research Across Cause-based and Comprehensive Social Security Systems. International Journal of Social Determinants of Health and Health Services. 49:142-164. 2019
- Work remains meaningful despite time out of the workplace and chronic pain. Disability and Rehabilitation. 40:2144-2151. 2018
- ‘You want to show you’re a valuable employee’: A critical discourse analysis of multi-perspective portrayals of employed women with fibromyalgia. Chronic Illness. 14:135-153. 2018
- Application of the Theoretical Domains Framework and the Behaviour Change Wheel to Understand Physicians’ Behaviors and Behavior Change in Using Temporary Work Modifications for Return to Work: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 28:135-146. 2018
- The Role of Healthcare Providers in Return to Work. International Journal of Disability Management. 13:e3. 2018
- Occupational Health and Safety in a Vocational Training Program: How Gender Impacts Teachers' Strategies and Power Relationships: Santé et sécurité des stagiaires dans un programme de formation professionnelle: Impact du genre sur les stratégies et rapports de pouvoir. New Solutions. 27:382-402. 2017
- The everyday functioning of joint health and safety committees in unionized workplaces: a labour perspective. Policy and Practice in Health and Safety. 15:160-173. 2017
- Scoping Review of Work Disability Policies and Programs. International Journal of Disability Management. 12:1-11. 2017
- Workplace managers’ view of the role of co-workers in return-to-work. Disability and Rehabilitation. 38:2324-2333. 2016
- A systematic literature review of the effectiveness of occupational health and safety regulatory enforcement. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 59:919-933. 2016
- Impromptu everyday disclosure dances: how women with fibromyalgia respond to disclosure risks at work. Disability and Rehabilitation. 38:1442-1453. 2016
- Occupational Physicians’ Reasoning about Recommending Early Return to Work with Work Modifications. PLoS ONE. 11:e0158588-e0158588. 2016
- Systematic review of qualitative literature on occupational health and safety legislation and regulatory enforcement planning and implementation. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health. 42:3-16. 2016
- Return to work or job transition? Employer dilemmas in taking social responsibility for return to work in local workplace practice. Disability and Rehabilitation. 37:1760-1769. 2015
- Understanding and building upon effort to return to work for people with long-term disability and job loss. Work. 52:103-114. 2015
- Efficacy of temporary work modifications on disability related to musculoskeletal pain or depressive symptoms—study protocol for a controlled trial. BMJ Open. 5:e008300-e008300. 2015
- Work modification as a treatment for low-back pain. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health. 41:219-221. 2015
- Early-Return-to-Work in the Context of an Intensification of Working Life and Changing Employment Relationships. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 25:74-85. 2015
- The Role of Co-Workers in the Return-to-Work Process. International Journal of Disability Management. 10:1-7. 2015
- Employment and work safety among 12 to 14 year olds: listening to parents. BMC International Health and Human Rights. 14:1021. 2014
- Why are occupational health and safety training approaches not effective? Understanding young worker learning processes using an ergonomic lens. Safety Science. 68:250-257. 2014
- A Theoretical Model of Co-worker Responses to Work Reintegration Processes. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 24:189-198. 2014
- Another Person in the Room. Qualitative Health Research. 24:837-845. 2014
- Ethical Perspectives in Work Disability Prevention and Return to Work: Toward a Common Vocabulary for Analyzing Stakeholders’ Actions and Interactions. Journal of Business Ethics. 120:237-250. 2014
- The ideal of consumer choice in social services: challenges with implementation in an Ontario injured worker vocational retraining programme. Disability and Rehabilitation. 35:2171-2179. 2013
- Bearing the Brunt: Co-workers’ Experiences of Work Reintegration Processes. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 23:44-54. 2013
- Delicate dances: immigrant workers' experiences of injury reporting and claim filing. Ethnicity and Health. 17:267-290. 2012
- The ‘Ability’ Paradigm in Vocational Rehabilitation: Challenges in an Ontario Injured Worker Retraining Program. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 22:105-117. 2012
- The Role of Health Care Providers in Long Term and Complicated Workers’ Compensation Claims. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 21:582-590. 2011
- Exploring the meaning of early contact in return-to-work from workplace actors' perspective. Disability and Rehabilitation. 33:137-145. 2011
- The social interaction of return to work explored from co-workers experiences. Disability and Rehabilitation. 33:1979-1989. 2011
- Exploring Workplace Actors Experiences of the Social Organization of Return-to-Work. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 20:311-321. 2010
- The “Toxic Dose” of System Problems: Why Some Injured Workers Don’t Return to Work as Expected. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 20:349-366. 2010
- Gendered, Invisible Work in Non‐profit Social Service Organizations: Implications for Worker Health and Safety. Gender, Work & Organization. 17:359-380. 2010
- Effectiveness of Health and Safety in Small Enterprises: A Systematic Review of Quantitative Evaluations of Interventions. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 20:163-179. 2010
- Workplace Health Understandings and Processes in Small Businesses: A Systematic Review of the Qualitative Literature. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 20:180-198. 2010
- Health and Safety in Small Workplaces: Refocusing Upstream. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 101:S29-S33. 2010
- Perceived Justice of Compensation Process for Return-to-Work: Development and Validation of a Scale. Psychological Injury and Law. 2:225-237. 2009
- The Work Disability Prevention CIHR Strategic Training Program: Program Performance After 5 Years of Implementation. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 19:1-7. 2009
- “You are free to set your own hours”: Governing worker productivity and health through flexibility and resilience. Social Science and Medicine. 66:1019-1033. 2008
- Lay versus expert understandings of workplace risk in the food service industry: a multi-dimensional model with implications for participatory ergonomics.. Work. 30:219-228. 2008
- Workplace injury or “part of the job”?: Towards a gendered understanding of injuries and complaints among young workers. Social Science and Medicine. 64:782-793. 2007
- Unexpected barriers in return to work: lessons learned from injured worker peer support groups.. Work. 29:155-164. 2007
- Systematic review of the qualitative literature on return to work after injury. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health. 32:257-269. 2006
- Workplace-Based Return-to-Work Interventions: A Systematic Review of the Quantitative Literature. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 15:607-631. 2005
- The demise of repetitive strain injury in sceptical governing rationalities of workplace managers. Sociology of Health and Illness. 27:490-514. 2005
- ‘Playing it smart’ with return to work: small workplace experience under Ontario’s policy of self-reliance and early return. Policy and Practice in Health and Safety. 1:19-41. 2003
- The mundane administration of worker bodies: From welfarism to neoliberalism. Health, Risk & Society. 2:315-327. 2000
- Health and the Social Relations of Work: A Study of the Health‐related Experiences of Employees in Small Workplaces. Sociology of Health and Illness. 20:896-914. 1998
- Developmentally Disabled Adults in Community Living: The Significance of Personal Control. Qualitative Health Research. 6:71-89. 1996
- Abstracts from the 2021 Canadian Geriatrics Society Scientific Sessions. Canadian Geriatrics Journal. 24:258-291.
- Mapping low-wage and precarious employment among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development countries: A scoping review protocol. University of Toronto Journal of Public Health. 3.
- Return-to-Work in a Language Barrier Context : Comparing Quebec’s and Ontario’s Workers’ Compensation Policies and Practices. Perspectives Interdisciplinaires sur le Travail et la Santé.