selected scholarly activity
- Stochastic Decomposition and Extensions. International Series in Operations Research and Management Science. 57-66. 2010
- Research on optimization of electric vehicle charging station network based on cost model. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 1309020-1309020-7. 2024
- On inventory allocation for periodic review assemble-to-order systems. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 29-41. 2020
- Logistics for Large-Scale Disaster Response: Achievements and Challenges. Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 1277-1285. 2012
journal articles
- Risk-averse supply chain management via robust reinforcement learning. Computers and Chemical Engineering. 192:108912. 2025
- Green supply chain decision-making and coordination considering consumer's environmental mindset and fairness concerns in the context of sustainable development. Environment, Development and Sustainability. 26:28485-28517. 2024
- Reverse supply chain decisions with online and offline dual recycling channels considering consumer fairness concerns and channel preference. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research. ahead-of-print:1-28. 2024
- The pricing and sourcing strategies of competitive retailers under supply disruption in the presence of liquidated damages. Computers and Industrial Engineering. 187:109782-109782. 2024
- Transfusions or hematopoiesis? How government subsidies and extended warranties feed decision-making about low-quality recycled used products in closed-loop supply chains. Kybernetes. 52:5284-5306. 2023
- Carbon emission reduction analysis for cloud computing industry: Can carbon emissions trading and technology innovation help?. Energy Economics. 125:106804-106804. 2023
- Deep learning-based model predictive control for real-time supply chain optimization. Journal of Process Control. 129:103049-103049. 2023
- Optimization Models for the Vehicle Routing Problem under Disruptions. Mathematics. 11:3521-3521. 2023
- Data-driven supply chain monitoring using canonical variate analysis. Computers and Chemical Engineering. 174:108228-108228. 2023
- Option applications for retailers in a decentralized inventory system. Computers and Industrial Engineering. 175:108846-108846. 2023
- Cash versus in-kind transfer programs in humanitarian operations: An optimization program and a case study. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences. 82:101224-101224. 2022
- A Bi-objective optimization model for contract design of humanitarian relief goods procurement considering extreme disasters. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences. 81:101214-101214. 2022
- Charging station optimization for balanced electric car sharing. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 308:187-197. 2022
- Pricing and recycling decisions of remanufacturing alliances with third-party recycling platform. Annals of Operations Research. 2022
- Scheduling problems with rejection and piece-rate maintenance to minimise the total weighted completion time. International Journal of Automation and Control. 16:64-64. 2022
- Polynomial-time algorithms for single resource stochastic capacity expansion models with lost sales. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research. 59:572-591. 2021
- How Retailer Co-Opetition Impacts Pricing, Collecting and Coordination in a Closed-Loop Supply Chain. Sustainability. 13:10025-10025. 2021
- Optimization of product category allocation in multiple warehouses to minimize splitting of online supermarket customer orders. European Journal of Operational Research. 290:556-571. 2021
- Spare Parts Inventory Management: A Literature Review. Sustainability. 13:2460-2460. 2021
- Supply Chain Monitoring Using Principal Component Analysis. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 59:12487-12503. 2020
- Optimal MTS and MTO Hybrid Production System for a Single Product Under the Cap-And-Trade Environment. Sustainability. 12:2426-2426. 2020
- Integrating decisions with advance supply information in an assemble‐to‐order system. Naval Research Logistics. 67:34-44. 2020
- A Lagrangian relaxation approach for stochastic network capacity expansion with budget constraints. Annals of Operations Research. 284:605-621. 2020
- A robust optimization approach to model supply and demand uncertainties in inventory systems. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 70:1885-1899. 2019
- Hyperglycemia-Driven Inhibition of AMP-Activated Protein Kinase α2 Induces Diabetic Cardiomyopathy by Promoting Mitochondria-Associated Endoplasmic Reticulum Membranes In Vivo. Circulation. 139:1913-1936. 2019
- Equitable last mile distribution in emergency response. Computers and Industrial Engineering. 127:887-900. 2019
- On-line scheduling of order picking and delivery with multiple zones and limited vehicle capacity. Omega. The International Journal of Management Science. 79:104-115. 2018
- Two-stage hybrid flowshop scheduling with simultaneous processing machines. Journal of Scheduling. 21:387-411. 2018
- On component commonality for periodic review assemble-to-order systems. Annals of Operations Research. 265:29-46. 2018
- Permutation flowshop scheduling with time lag constraints and makespan criterion. Computers and Industrial Engineering. 120:1-14. 2018
- Managing losses in exotic horse race wagering. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 69:319-325. 2018
- A polyhedral study on chance constrained program with random right-hand side. Mathematical programming. 166:19-64. 2017
- A multi-stage stochastic programming approach for network capacity expansion with multiple sources of capacity. Naval Research Logistics. 63:600-614. 2016
- The design of electric vehicle charging network. Transportation Research. 49:1-17. 2016
- Integrated on-line scheduling of order batching and delivery under B2C e-commerce. Computers and Industrial Engineering. 94:280-289. 2016
- Truck loading with weight balancing considerations. International Journal of Operational Research. 26:383-383. 2016
- Truck loading with weight balancing considerations. International Journal of Operational Research. 26:383-383. 2016
- Imperfect demand estimation for new product production planning 2015
- Chance constrained optimization for targeted Internet advertising. Omega. The International Journal of Management Science. 53:90-96. 2015
- Modeling multiple humanitarian objectives in emergency response to large-scale disasters. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 75:1-17. 2015
- Optimal FCFS allocation rules for periodic‐review assemble‐to‐order systems. Naval Research Logistics. 62:158-169. 2015
- Benchmarking non-first-come-first-served component allocation in an assemble-to-order system. Annals of Operations Research. 223:217-237. 2014
- Multi-machine scheduling with general position-based deterioration to minimize total load revisited. Information Processing Letters. 114:399-404. 2014
- Stochastic capacity expansion with multiple sources of capacity. Operations Research Letters. 42:263-267. 2014
- A decomposable self-adaptive projection-based prediction–correction algorithm for convex time space network flow problem. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 231:422-434. 2014
- Bioinspired Computation and Its Applications in Operation Management. The Scientific World Journal. 2014:1-5. 2014
- Discrete Dynamics in Supply Chain Management. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society. 2014:1-4. 2014
- Model of the Equipment Selection of Material Handling System for Large Ship. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 347-350:2865-2868. 2013
- Research on Operation Optimization Problem of Material Handling System for Large Ship. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 347-350:3740-3744. 2013
- Improving the lifesaving performance of emergency logistics 2013
- A class of random algorithms for inventory cycle offsetting. International Journal of Operational Research. 18:201-201. 2013
- Minimizing the Makespan for Scheduling Problems with General Deterioration Effects. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2013:1-8. 2013
- Threshold results for the inventory cycle offsetting problem. International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research. 5:255-255. 2013
- Connections among Decision Field Theory models of cognition. Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 56:287-296. 2012
- A stochastic programming approach for planning horizons of infinite horizon capacity planning problems. European Journal of Operational Research. 200:74-84. 2010
- Enhancements of two-stage stochastic decomposition. Computers & Operations Research. 36:2434-2439. 2009
- The Value of Multistage Stochastic Programming in Capacity Planning Under Uncertainty. Operations Research. 57:893-904. 2009
- On a Multi-stage Stochastic Programming Model for Inventory Planning. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research. 46:155-163. 2008
- On stochastic lot-sizing problems with random lead times. Operations Research Letters. 36:303-308. 2008
- On a stochastic programming model for inventory planning 2004
- A large-scale neighborhood search algorithm for multi-activity tour scheduling problems. Journal of Heuristics. 2024
- Capacity expansion strategies for electric vehicle charging networks: Model, algorithms, and case study. Naval Research Logistics. 2022