selected scholarly activity
- Stroke Team Activations in Hamilton, Ontario - Evaluating the Diurnal Pattern. International Journal of Stroke. 43-43. 2016
- Fibrinolytic Agents for Restoration of Central Venous Catheter Patency: A Systematic Review.. Blood. 971-971. 2007
- Safety and efficacy of anti-fibrinolytics in orthopedic surgery: A meta analysis of randomized trials.. Blood. 190A-190A. 2006
journal articles
- Emergency physician gender and head computed tomography orders for older adults who have fallen. Academic Emergency Medicine. 31:1006-1013. 2024
- Which adults aged 65 and older are at low-risk for cervical spine injuries after low-level falls?. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 26:721-726. 2024
- Derivation of the Falls Decision Rule to exclude intracranial bleeding without head CT in older adults who have fallen. CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL. 195:E1614-E1621. 2023
- Competency-Based Medical Education in Radiology – Planning for the Immediate and Long-Term Future of Radiology Education. Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal. 74:474-475. 2023
Pancreatic Cystic Lesions on
MRI : What Is The Likelihood of a Present or Future Diagnosis of Pancreatic Carcinoma?. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 57:1567-1575. 2023 - Desmoplastic small round cell tumor involving the uterine cervix: The first reported case in the literature, and brief review of gynecologic presentations. Gynecologic Oncology Case Reports. 44:101079-101079. 2022
- CAR Peer Learning Guide. Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal. 73:491-498. 2022
- Radiologist Productivity Analytics: Factors Impacting Abdominal Pelvic CT Exam Reporting Times. Journal of Imaging Informatics in Medicine. 35:87-97. 2022
- Which Aspects of the CanMEDS Competencies are Most Valued in Radiologists? Perspectives of Trainees From Other Specialties. Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal. 73:30-37. 2022
- Lessons learned from radiology mentors. Abdominal Radiology. 46:5485-5488. 2021
- Using Online Survey Software to Enhance Radiology Learning. Academic Radiology. 28:1799-1809. 2021
- Which older emergency patients are at risk of intracranial bleeding after a fall? A protocol to derive a clinical decision rule for the emergency department. BMJ Open. 11:e044800-e044800. 2021
- MRI LI-RADS Version 2018: Impact of and Reduction in Ancillary Features. American Journal of Roentgenology. 216:935-942. 2021
- MRI vs. CT for the Detection of Liver Metastases in Patients With Pancreatic Carcinoma: A Comparative Diagnostic Test Accuracy Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 53:38-48. 2021
- Incidence of intracranial bleeding in seniors presenting to the emergency department after a fall: A systematic review. Injury. 51:157-163. 2020
- Improving and Maintaining Radiologic Technologist Skill Using a Medical Director Partnership and Technologist Coaching Model. American Journal of Roentgenology. 211:986-992. 2018
- Computed Tomography of Internal Hernias Following Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery. Seminars in Ultrasound, CT and MRI. 39:145-150. 2018
- The impact of deep vein thrombosis in critically ill patients: a meta-analysis of major clinical outcomes.. Blood Transfusion. 13:559-568. 2015
- Surgical waste audit of 5 total knee arthroplasties. Canadian Journal of Surgery. 56:97-102. 2013
- People, planet and profits: the case for greening operating rooms. CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL. 184:1905-1911. 2012
- Reporting of the estimated glomerular filtration rate decreased creatinine clearance testing. Kidney International. 81:1245-1247. 2012
- Impact of Estimated GFR Reporting on Patients, Clinicians, and Health-Care Systems: A Systematic Review. American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 57:592-601. 2011
- Integrating polyurethane culture substrates into poly(dimethylsiloxane) microdevices. Biomaterials. 30:5241-5250. 2009
- Use of antifibrinolytic therapy to reduce transfusion in patients undergoing orthopedic surgery: A systematic review of randomized trials. Thrombosis Research. 123:687-696. 2009
- Safety and Efficacy of Anti-Fibrinolytics in Orthopedic Surgery: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials.. Blood. 108:628-628. 2006