publication venue for
- Book review: The Changing American Neighborhood: The Meaning of Place in the Twenty-First Century. 61:980-982. 2024
- What might working from home mean for the geography of work and commuting in the Greater Golden Horseshoe, Canada?. 61:567-588. 2024
- Book review: Deindustrializing Montreal. 59:3233-3235. 2022
- The three tenures: A case of property maintenance. 59:1926-1943. 2022
- Book review: Built Up: An Historical Perspective on the Contemporary Principles and Practices of Real Estate Development. 58:3055-3057. 2021
- Book review: The Address Book. What Street Addresses Reveal About Identity, Race, Wealth, and Power. 57:2994-2996. 2020
- Gender and commuting time in São Paulo Metropolitan Region. 52:298-313. 2015
- The convening power of food as growth machine politics: A study of food policymaking and partnership formation in Baltimore. 51:2979-2995. 2014
- Traffic Congestion’s Economic Impacts: Evidence from US Metropolitan Regions. 51:2088-2110. 2014
- Understanding the Impact of the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem on the Relationship between Active Travel and the Built Environment. 51:284-299. 2014
- Urban Form and Commuting Efficiency: A Comparative Analysis across Time and Space. 50:191-207. 2013
- Review Article: The City Resurgent. 49:3233-3242. 2012
- Testing and Extending the Escalator Hypothesis: Does the Pattern of Post-migration Income Gains in Toronto Suggest Productivity and/or Learning Effects?. 49:3447-3465. 2012
- T-communities and Sense of Community in a University Town: Evidence from a Student Sample using a Spatial Ordered-response Model. 49:1357-1376. 2012
- Exploring Spatial Dynamics with Land Price Indexes. 48:719-735. 2011
- Growth and Change in Human Capital across the Canadian Urban Hierarchy, 1996—2001. 47:1571-1586. 2010
- Relative Accessibility Deprivation Indicators for Urban Settings: Definitions and Application to Food Deserts in Montreal. 47:1415-1438. 2010
- Moving Window Approaches for Hedonic Price Estimation: An Empirical Comparison of Modelling Techniques. 45:1565-1581. 2008
- Elderly Mobility: Demographic and Spatial Analysis of Trip Making in the Hamilton CMA, Canada. 44:123-146. 2007
- Network Accessibility and the Spatial Distribution of Economic Activity in Eastern Asia. 41:2211-2230. 2004
- The Suburban Origins of Redlining: A Canadian Case Study, 1935-54. 40:2661-2686. 2003
- Book Reviews. 39:565-580. 2002
- Immigrant Settlement Patterns in Metropolitan Chicago. 38:1903-1919. 2001
- Spatial Association and Heterogeneity Issues in Land Price Models. 38:1493-1508. 2001
- Spatial Association and Heterogeneity Issues in Land Price Models. 38:1493-1508. 2001
- Identifying and Measuring Dimensions of Urban Deprivation in Montreal: An Analysis of the 1996 Census Data. 38:119-139. 2001
- Housing and Social Policy: An Historical Perspective on Canadian-American Differences—A Comment. 36:1169-1175. 1999
- Book Review: Hong Kong's New Towns: A Selective Review ROGER BRISTOW, 1989. 28:490-492. 1991
- Book review: Scenes from the Suburbs: The Suburb in Contemporary US Film and Television 2016
- The social structures of the economy 2007
- Dreaming suburbia. Detroit and the production of post-war space and culture 2005
- My blue heaven: Life and politics in working-class suburbs of Los angeles, 1920-1965 2003
- Metropolis in the making. Los Angeles in the 1920s 2002
- Red tape and housing costs: How regulation affects new residential development 2001