publication venue for
- The Effect of Formal Time Allocations on Learning Trajectories and Performance. 53:821-854. 2022
- The Influence of Emergent Expertise on Group Decision Processes. 43:50-74. 2012
- Athletes’ Perceptions of the Sources of Role Ambiguity. 36:383-403. 2005
- Leadership Behaviors and Multidimensional Role Ambiguity Perceptions in Team Sports. 36:5-20. 2005
- Using Consensus as a Criterion for Groupness. 35:466-491. 2004
- Collective Efficacy, Group Goals, and Group Performance of a Muscular Endurance Task. 35:230-238. 2004
- Do Individual Perceptions of Group Cohesion Reflect Shared Beliefs?. 34:468-496. 2003
- Efficacy for Interdependent Role Functions. 33:644-666. 2002
- Role Efficacy, Role Clarity, and Role Performance Effectiveness. 33:233-253. 2002
- Role Ambiguity and Role Conflict Within Interdependent Teams. 32:133-157. 2001
- How Leaders Lift Us Up and Bring Us Down: Relationship Quality with a Leader, Team Dynamics, and Outcomes During an Organizational Crisis in Hospitals.