publication venue for
- Bridging to academic success: the impact of reading gains in an English bridging program on GPAs. 38:195-224. 2025
- Linguistically-driven text formatting improves reading comprehension for ELLs and EL1s 2024
- Spelling errors respect morphology: a corpus study of Hebrew orthography. 32:1107-1128. 2019
- The crossover effects of morphological awareness on vocabulary development among children in French immersion. 31:1893-1921. 2018
- Oculomotor planning in RAN and reading: a strong test of the visual scanning hypothesis. 31:1619-1643. 2018
- Vocabulary does not complicate the simple view of reading. 29:435-451. 2016
- Phonological and sensory short-term memory are correlates and both affected in developmental dyslexia. 25:2247-2273. 2012
- The role of morphological awareness in reading achievement among young Chinese-speaking English language learners: a longitudinal study. 25:1847-1872. 2012
- Cross-language activation of phonology in young bilingual readers. 25:1327-1343. 2012
- Adult developmental dyslexia in a shallow orthography: Are there subgroups?. 25:71-108. 2012
- Training letter and orthographic pattern recognition in children with slow naming speed. 24:91-115. 2011
- Four year old children’s acquisition of print knowledge during electronic storybook reading. 22:889-905. 2009
- Eye movements in shared book reading with children from kindergarten to Grade 4. 20:909-931. 2007
- Letter Processing and the Formation of Memory Representations in Children with Naming Speed Deficits. 20:201-223. 2006
- Word reading fluency: A transfer appropriate processing account of fluency transfer. 19:517-542. 2006
- Fluency Transfer: Differential Gains in Reading Speed and Accuracy Following Isolated Word and Context Training. 18:343-376. 2005
- Subtypes of developmental dyslexia: The influence of definitional variables. 1:257-287. 1989