publication venue for
- Notional number agreement in English 2005
- Individual differences in word skipping during reading in English as L2. 31:2823-2831. 2024
- Give me enough time to rehearse: presentation rate modulates the production effect. 31:1603-1614. 2024
- Exercising choice over feedback schedules during practice is not advantageous for motor learning. 30:621-633. 2023
- Does signal reduction imply predictive coding in models of spoken word recognition?. 28:1381-1389. 2021
- Looking into the mind’s eye: Directed and evaluated imagery vividness modulates imagery-perception congruency effects. 28:862-869. 2021
- A round Bouba is easier to remember than a curved Kiki: Sound-symbolism can support associative memory. 27:776-782. 2020
- Behavioral trainings and manipulations to reduce delay discounting: A systematic review. 26:1803-1849. 2019
- Imagined event files: An interplay between imagined and perceived objects. 26:538-544. 2019
- Language experience shapes relational knowledge of compound words. 25:1468-1487. 2018
- Not all choices are created equal: Task-relevant choices enhance motor learning compared to task-irrelevant choices. 24:1879-1888. 2017
- Sex differences in visual-spatial working memory: A meta-analysis. 24:307-334. 2017
- Competition between conceptual relations affects compound recognition: the role of entropy. 23:556-570. 2016
- “Moving to the beat” improves timing perception. 20:1133-1139. 2013
- Perceptual distinctiveness produces long-lasting priming of pop-out. 19:170-176. 2012
- Listener vs. speaker-oriented aspects of speech: Studying the disfluencies of individuals with autism spectrum disorders. 18:135-140. 2011
- Adaptation to different mouth shapes influences visual perception of ambiguous lip speech. 17:522-528. 2010
- Aging, spaced retrieval, and inflexible memory performance. 15:52-57. 2008
- Motor and visual codes interact to facilitate visuospatial memory performance. 14:1189-1193. 2007
- Within- and between-nervous-system inhibition of return: Observation is as good as performance. 14:950-956. 2007
- Rehearsal in serial memory for visual-spatial information: Evidence from eye movements. 13:452-457. 2006
- The context-specific proportion congruent Stroop effect: Location as a contextual cue. 13:316-321. 2006
- Modes of cognitive control in recognition and source memory: Depth of retrieval. 12:852-857. 2005
- Semantic similarity and immediate serial recall: Is there an effect on all trials. 12:171-177. 2005
- Orienting in space and time: Joint contributions to exogenous spatial cuing effects. 10:877-883. 2003
- Item-specific control of automatic processes: Stroop process dissociations. 10:638-644. 2003
- Uncertainty in pigeons. 10:738-745. 2003
- Pitch characteristics of infant-directed speech affect infants’ ability to discriminate vowels. 9:335-340. 2002
- The effects of occlusion and past experience on the allocation of object-based attention. 8:721-727. 2001
- Time course of amodal completion revealed by a shape discrimination task. 8:713-720. 2001
- Demonstration of a socially transmitted flavor aversion in rats? Kuan and Colwill (1997) revisited. 7:631-635. 2000
- Immediate serial recall of words and nonwords: Tests of the retrieval-based hypothesis. 7:332-340. 2000
- Name that tune: Identifying popular recordings from brief excerpts. 6:641-646. 1999
- Fluent and nonfluent forms of transfer in reading: Words and their message. 6:111-116. 1999
- Negative priming without ignoring. 5:470-475. 1998
- The widespread influence of the Rescorla-Wagner model. 3:314-321. 1996
- Atypical cerebral dominance in Down’s syndrome. 30:23-25. 1992
- Assessment of the McCollough effect by a shift in psychometric function. 29:21-24. 1991
- Short-term memory for spatial location in goal-directed locomotion. 28:158-160. 1990
- Intra- and interhemispheric integration of tactual and visual spatial information. 26:229-231. 1988
- Pavlovian conditioning and death from apparent overdose of medically prescribed morphine: A case report. 24:278-280. 1986
- Pavlovian conditioning and heroin overdose: Reports by overdose victims. 22:428-430. 1984
- Metamemory and metalinguistic development: Correlates of children’s intelligence and achievement. 21:393-396. 1983
- Visual discrimination pretraining facilitates subsequent visual cue/toxicosis conditioning in rats. 18:267-270. 1981
- The inhibitory effect of backward conditioning as a function of the number of backward pairings. 4:122-124. 1974
- Effects of reinforcement duration and ratio size on discrete-trials FR responding. 1:409-411. 1973