publication venue for
- Non-Gaussianity and coherent vortex simulation for two-dimensional turbulence using an adaptive orthogonal wavelet basis 1999
- Experimental and computational studies of the fluid mechanics in an opposed jet mixing head 1991
- A multi-domain lattice Boltzmann mesh refinement method for non-Newtonian blood flow modeling. 37. 2025
- Dynamics of liquid infiltration into an espresso bed using time-resolved micro-computed tomography: Insights from experiment and modeling. 37:013383. 2025
- Beyond inhalation protection: Assessing cloth mask effectiveness as source control devices. 36. 2024
- Three-dimensional vortex and gas entrainment analysis in rotating liquid flow with a free surface. 36. 2024
- Investigation of the role of charge injection and Coulomb force during the melting of phase-change materials under constant temperature boundary conditions. 36. 2024
- Flow analysis of screw extrusion in three-dimensional concrete printing. 36. 2024
- Pressure drop in converging flows in three-dimensional printing of concrete. 35. 2023
- Analysis of a stable bathtub vortex in a rotating container. 35. 2023
- Advection-based temporal reconstruction technique for turbulent velocity fields. 35. 2023
- Effect of harmonic inflow perturbation on the wake vortex dynamics of a cylinder undergoing two-degree-of-freedom vortex-induced vibration near a plane boundary. 34. 2022
- Equilibrium and non-equilibrium molecular dynamics approaches for the linear viscoelasticity of polymer melts. 34. 2022
- A review of experiments on stationary bluff body wakes. 34. 2022
- Dynamics and stress relaxation of bidisperse polymer melts with unentangled and moderately entangled chains. 33. 2021
- Experimental investigation of the wake dynamics for a NACA0012 airfoil with a cut-in serrated trailing-edge. 33. 2021
- The novel Mechanical Ventilator Milano for the COVID-19 pandemic. 33:037122. 2021
- Three-dimensional printing of diamagnetic microparticles in paramagnetic and diamagnetic media. 32. 2020
- Turbulent drag reduction by polymer additives: Fundamentals and recent advances. 31. 2019
- Vortex dynamics in low- and high-extent polymer drag reduction regimes revealed by vortex tracking and conformation analysis. 31. 2019
- Suppression of fluctuating lift on a cylinder via evolutionary algorithms: Control with interfering small cylinder. 30:127104-127104. 2018
- On the impossibility of solitary Rossby waves in meridionally unbounded domains. 30. 2018
- Proper orthogonal decomposition analysis of a circular cylinder undergoing vortex-induced vibrations. 30. 2018
- Investigation on dip coating process by mathematical modeling of non-Newtonian fluid coating on cylindrical substrate. 28. 2016
- Single-particle Lagrangian and structure statistics in kinematically simulated particle-laden turbulent flows. 28. 2016
- A tomographic particle image velocimetry investigation of the flow development over dual step cylinders. 28. 2016
- The effects of viscosity on the undulatory swimming dynamics of C. elegans. 27. 2015
- Flow development and structural loading on dual step cylinders in laminar shedding regime. 27. 2015
- Wake effects on drift in two-dimensional inviscid incompressible flows. 26. 2014
- Undulatory microswimming near solid boundaries. 26. 2014
- The halting of contact lines in slender viscous films driven by gravity and surface tension gradients. 26. 2014
- Integral momentum balance on a growing bubble. 25. 2013
- Analysis of quasi-static vapour bubble shape during growth and departure. 25. 2013
- Capillary-driven flow induced by a stepped perturbation atop a viscous film. 24. 2012
- Computation of effective free surfaces in two phase flows. 24. 2012
- The slow spreading of several viscous films over a deep viscous pool. 24. 2012
- Erratum: “Vortex shedding in the wake of a step cylinder” [Phys. Fluids 22, 083602 (2010)]. 24:049902. 2012
- Regularized shock solutions in coating flows with small surface tension. 23. 2011
- Effects of rotation on stability of viscous stationary flows on a spherical surface. 22. 2010
- Magnetic microsphere-based mixers for microdroplets. 21. 2009
- Dynamics of nanoscale jet formation and impingement on flat surfaces. 19. 2007
- Single magnetic particle dynamics in a microchannel. 19. 2007
- Higher-order Föppl models of steady wake flows. 18. 2006
- Field-induced self-assembled ferrofluid aggregation in pulsatile flow. 17. 2005
- Stochastic differential equation models of vortex merging and reconnection. 17. 2005
- A strategy for the assembly of three-dimensional mesoscopic structures using a ferrofluid. 17. 2005
- Linear feedback stabilization of laminar vortex shedding based on a point vortex model. 16:4473-4488. 2004
- Gravity, radiation, and coflow effects on partially premixed flames. 16:2963-2974. 2004
- Thermomagnetic convection in a square enclosure using a line dipole. 16:2228-2236. 2004
- Optimal rotary control of the cylinder wake in the laminar regime. 14:2073-2087. 2002
- Drag force in the open-loop control of the cylinder wake in the laminar regime. 14:810-826. 2002
- A dynamic subfilter-scale model for plane parallel flows. 13:2045-2064. 2001
- A numerical and experimental investigation of “inverse” triple flames. 13:265-275. 2001
- Gravity effects on triple flames: Flame structure and flow instability. 11:3449-3464. 1999
- Instability analysis of internal solitary waves in a nearly uniformly stratified fluid. 9:3343-3352. 1997
- Convective instabilities induced by exothermic reactions occurring in a porous medium. 6:2907-2922. 1994
- Visualization of transitional pipe flow using the photochromic tracer method. 6:2003-2010. 1994
- The time dependent flow over V- and U-groove riblets of different sizes. 6:1310-1314. 1994
- Thermocapillary motion in a spinning vaporizing droplet. 5:1596-1601. 1993
- On the forces of droplets in Poiseuille flow. 2:1281-1284. 1990