publication venue for
- Pathogenesis to Prescription: progress in understanding and treating Acid Related Disorders. 82:122-133. 1996
- The value of colonoscopic brush biopsies in the assessment of recurrent carcinoma within the pelvis. 72:26-28. 1986
- Studies on the cimetidine resistant duodenal ulcer: A summary of work performed at the Royal Naval Hospital, Haslar. 70:70-81. 1984
- The effect of cimetidine on pepsin secretion in patients with Zollinger Ellison Syndrome. 69:151-153. 1983
- Peptic Ulcer in the Royal Navy. 67:125-130. 1981
- Oesophagitis. 66:203-212. 1980
- The Diagnosis and Prognosis of Upper Gastrointestinal Haemorrhage. 66:11-14. 1980
- Transient Ischaemic Colitis – Colonoscopy and Biopsy in Diagnosis. 65:5.1-19. 1979
- Fibreoptic Endoscopy of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract and its Application in the Royal Navy. 61:4-10. 1975
- Stress and the Enteron. 60:49-51. 1974