publication venue for
- Spin-Peierls and incommensurate states in layered S=1/2 system TiOCl 2007
- Crystal growth and superconductivity of (La1−xCax)2CaCu2O6+δ 2006
- Experimental tests of the SO(5) theory of high temperature superconductivity 1998
- Ginzburg-Landau theory of the Abrikosov lattice in a d-wave superconductor 1995
- Vortices in d-wave superconductors 1995
- NMR studies of the superconducting pairing state of YBa2Cu3O7 1993
- Temperature dependence of magnetoresistance in copper single crystals. 114:45-52. 2018
- Using the spin-resolved electronic direct correlation function to estimate the correlation energy of the spin-polarized uniform electron gas. 73:670-673. 2012
- Thermal stability and reaction properties of passivated Al/CuO nano-thermite. 72:620-625. 2011
- Electrical properties of copper–manganese spinel solutions and their cation valence and cation distribution. 68:2262-2270. 2007
- Analysis of point defects in polycrystalline BaTiO3 by electron paramagnetic resonance. 64:953-960. 2003
- Microstructural and electron spectroscopic characterization of carbon nanostructures and nanotubes produced using multimetal catalysts. 58:1091-1102. 1997
- Superconductivity and spin fluctuations in the electron-doped infinitely-layered high Tc superconductor Sr0.9La0.1CuO2 (Tc = 42 K). 56:1921-1925. 1995
- Impedance spectroscopy of a perfluorosulfonated ionomer polymer electrolyte. 55:1507-1512. 1994
- The effect of mixing rate on the synthesis of organoceramics. 55:1529-1534. 1994
- Thermodynamic stability of the lithium zirconates and lithium yttrate. 55:493-499. 1994
- The (FμF)− ion in solid fluorides. 54:785-792. 1993
- Pb L3 EXAFS and near-edge studies of lead metal and lead oxides. 51:445-451. 1990
- Dipole dipole interactions and Davydov splitting in crystals. 36:1401-1403. 1975
- Optical properties and the crystal structure of anhydrous gadolinium-trichloride. 34:2193-2199. 1973
- The dielectric and lattice vibrational spectrum of cuprous oxide. 34:2201-2208. 1973
- The polarized infra-red and Raman spectra of Mg(OH)2 and Ca(OH)2. 34:1217-1225. 1973
- Electrical resistivity and optical absorption in EuLiH3 and SrLiH3*. 32:1039-1046. 1971
- Influence of the crystalline electric field on the Kondo resistivity of CexLa1−xPd3 ternaries. 32:2755-2759. 1971
- The magnetic properties of EuLiH3. 32:819-823. 1971
- Polarity effects in III–V semiconducting compounds. 26:1561-1570. 1965